Add a test for mailslots

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Mailslots don't work yet, but the test works on Windows.


ChangeLog: * Add a test for mailslots

Index: dlls/kernel/tests/
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/kernel/tests/,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10
--- dlls/kernel/tests/	15 Sep 2003 20:00:54 -0000	1.10
+++ dlls/kernel/tests/	30 Oct 2003 10:07:35 -0000
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 	format_msg.c \
 	generated.c \
 	locale.c \
+	mailslot.c \
 	path.c \
 	pipe.c \
 	process.c \
--- /dev/null	1994-07-18 08:46:18.000000000 +0900
+++ dlls/kernel/tests/mailslot.c	2003-11-01 08:36:02.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ *  Mailslot regression test
+ *
+ *  Copyright 2003 Mike McCormack
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <windef.h>
+#include <winbase.h>
+#include "wine/test.h"
+#define START_TEST(name) main(int argc, char **argv)
+#define ok(cond,str) do{ if(!(cond)) printf("line %d: %s\n",__LINE__,str); }while (0)
+#define todo_wine
+const char szmspath[] = "\\\\.\\mailslot\\wine_mailslot_test";
+int mailslot_test()
+    HANDLE hSlot, hSlot2, hWriter, hWriter2;
+    unsigned char buffer[16];
+    DWORD count, dwMax, dwNext, dwMsgCount, dwTimeout;
+    /* sanity check on GetMailslotInfo */
+    dwMax = dwNext = dwMsgCount = dwTimeout = 0;
+    ok( !GetMailslotInfo( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &dwMax, &dwNext,
+            &dwMsgCount, &dwTimeout ), "getmailslotinfo succeeded");
+    /* open a mailslot that doesn't exist */
+    hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
+                             FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+    ok( hWriter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "non-existing mailslot");
+    /* open a mailslot without the right name */
+    hSlot = CreateMailslot( "blah", 0, 0, NULL );
+    ok( hSlot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
+            "Created mailslot with invalid name");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+       ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME,
+           "error should be ERROR_INVALID_NAME");
+    }
+    /* open a mailslot with a null name */
+    hSlot = CreateMailslot( NULL, 0, 0, NULL );
+    ok( hSlot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
+            "Created mailslot with invalid name");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND,
+            "error should be ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND");
+    }
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    /* valid open, but with wacky parameters ... then check them */
+    hSlot = CreateMailslot( szmspath, -1, -1, NULL );
+    ok( hSlot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "mailslot with valid name failed");
+    dwMax = dwNext = dwMsgCount = dwTimeout = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, &dwMax, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, &dwTimeout ),
+           "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( dwMax == -1, "dwMax incorrect");
+    ok( dwNext == MAILSLOT_NO_MESSAGE, "dwNext incorrect");
+    }
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 0, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    ok( dwTimeout == -1, "dwTimeout incorrect");
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ),
+            "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( CloseHandle(hSlot), "failed to close mailslot");
+    }
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    /* now open it for real */
+    hSlot = CreateMailslot( szmspath, 0, 0, NULL );
+    ok( hSlot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "valid mailslot failed");
+    }
+    /* try and read/write to it */
+    count = 0;
+    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof buffer);
+    ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+            "slot read");
+    ok( !WriteFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+            "slot write");
+    /* now try and openthe client, but with the wrong sharing mode */
+    hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
+                             0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+    ok( hWriter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "bad sharing mode");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION,
+            "error should be ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION");
+    /* now open the client with the correct sharing mode */
+    hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
+                             FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+    ok( hWriter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "existing mailslot");
+    }
+    /*
+     * opening a client should make no difference to
+     * whether we can read or write the mailslot
+     */
+    ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL),
+            "slot read");
+    ok( !WriteFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL),
+            "slot write");
+    /*
+     * we can't read from this client, 
+     * but we should be able to write to it
+     */
+    ok( !ReadFile( hWriter, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL),
+            "can read client");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    ok( WriteFile( hWriter, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL),
+            "can't write client");
+    }
+    ok( !ReadFile( hWriter, buffer, sizeof buffer/2, &count, NULL),
+            "can read client");
+    /*
+     * seeing as there's something in the slot,
+     * we should be able to read it once
+     */
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+            "slot read");
+    ok( count == (sizeof buffer/2), "short read" );
+    }
+    /* but not again */
+    ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+            "slot read");
+    /* now try open another writer... should fail */
+    hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
+                     FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+    ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "two writers");
+    /* now try open another as a reader ... also fails */
+    hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_READ,
+                     FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+    ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "writer + reader");
+    /* now try open another as a writer ... still fails */
+    hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE,
+                     FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+    ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "writer");
+    /* now open another one */
+    hSlot2 = CreateMailslot( szmspath, 0, 0, NULL );
+    ok( hSlot2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , "opened two mailslots");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    /* close the client again */
+    ok( CloseHandle( hWriter ), "closing the client");
+    /*
+     * now try reopen it with slightly different permissions ...
+     * shared writing
+     */
+    hWriter = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE,
+    ok( hWriter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "sharing writer");
+    }
+    /*
+     * now try open another as a writer ...
+     * but don't share with the first ... fail
+     */
+    hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE,
+                     FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+    ok( hWriter2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "greedy writer succeeded");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    /* now try open another as a writer ... and share with the first */
+    hWriter2 = CreateFile(szmspath, GENERIC_WRITE,
+    ok( hWriter2 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "2nd sharing writer");
+    /* check the mailslot info */
+    dwMax = dwNext = dwMsgCount = dwTimeout = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, &dwMax, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, &dwTimeout ),
+        "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( dwNext == MAILSLOT_NO_MESSAGE, "dwNext incorrect");
+    }
+    ok( dwMax == 0, "dwMax incorrect");
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 0, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    ok( dwTimeout == 0, "dwTimeout incorrect");
+    /* check there's still no data */
+    ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL), "slot read");
+    /* write two messages */
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    buffer[0] = 'a';
+    ok( WriteFile( hWriter, buffer, 1, &count, NULL), "1st write failed");
+    /* check the mailslot info */
+    dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ),
+        "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( dwNext == 1, "dwNext incorrect");
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 1, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    buffer[0] = 'b';
+    buffer[1] = 'c';
+    ok( WriteFile( hWriter2, buffer, 2, &count, NULL), "2nd write failed");
+    /* check the mailslot info */
+    dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ),
+        "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( dwNext == 1, "dwNext incorrect");
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 2, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    /* write a 3rd message with zero size */
+    ok( WriteFile( hWriter2, buffer, 0, &count, NULL), "3rd write failed");
+    /* check the mailslot info */
+    dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ),
+        "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( dwNext == 1, "dwNext incorrect");
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 3, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    buffer[0]=buffer[1]=0;
+    /*
+     * then check that they come out with the correct order and size,
+     * then the slot is empty
+     */
+    ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+        "1st slot read failed");
+    ok( count == 1, "failed to get 1st message");
+    ok( buffer[0] == 'a', "1st message wrong");
+    /* check the mailslot info */
+    dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ),
+        "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( dwNext == 2, "dwNext incorrect");
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 2, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    /* read the second message */
+    ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+        "2nd slot read failed");
+    ok( count == 2, "failed to get 2nd message");    
+    ok( ( buffer[0] == 'b' ) && ( buffer[1] == 'c' ), "2nd message wrong");
+    /* check the mailslot info */
+    dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ),
+        "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    }
+    ok( dwNext == 0, "dwNext incorrect");
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 1, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    /* read the 3rd (zero length) message */
+    ok( ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+        "3rd slot read failed");
+    }
+    ok( count == 0, "failed to get 3rd message");    
+    /*
+     * now there should be no more messages
+     * check the mailslot info
+     */
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    dwNext = dwMsgCount = 0;
+    ok( GetMailslotInfo( hSlot, NULL, &dwNext, &dwMsgCount, NULL ),
+        "getmailslotinfo failed");
+    ok( dwNext == MAILSLOT_NO_MESSAGE, "dwNext incorrect");
+    }
+    ok( dwMsgCount == 0, "dwMsgCount incorrect");
+    /* check that reads fail */
+    ok( !ReadFile( hSlot, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count, NULL),
+        "3rd slot read succeeded");
+    /* finally close the mailslot and its client */
+    todo_wine
+    {
+    ok( CloseHandle( hWriter2 ), "closing 2nd client");
+    ok( CloseHandle( hWriter ), "closing the client");
+    ok( CloseHandle( hSlot ), "closing the mailslot");
+    }
+    return 0;
+    mailslot_test();

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