WWN: wn20030711_178.xml

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open to suggestions, but I think that's the best MIME type.  text/xml is
useless, text/html would likely render but be inaccurate.  I'm sure parsing
the XML is pretty easy if you wanted to make this easily viewable, you
could probably do most of it with sed.  If you just want a quick and
easy to read this, try viewing it as HTML.  Most things will come out 
right, you'll just miss the nice section breaks.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<title>Wine Traffic</title>

<author contact="http://www.theshell.com/~vinn";>Brian Vincent</author>
<issue num="178" date="07/11/2003" />
<intro> <p>This is the 178th release of the weekly Wine Weekly News publication.
It's main goal is to just be thankful for warm summer days with bright blue skies. It also serves inform you of what's going on around Wine (the Un*x windows emulator).</p> </intro>
<stats posts="146" size="662" contrib="55" multiples="33" lastweek="28">

<person posts="15" size="48" who="Mike Hearn" />
<person posts="10" size="81" who="Tom Wickline" />
<person posts="6" size="219" who="Ove Kaaven" />
<person posts="6" size="29" who="Steven Edwards" />
<person posts="7" size="19" who="Shachar Shemesh" />
<person posts="6" size="14" who="Dustin Navea" />
<person posts="5" size="11" who="Alexandre Julliard" />
<person posts="5" size="10" who="Sylvain Petreolle" />
<person posts="5" size="10" who="Lionel Ulmer" />
<person posts="4" size="14" who="Troy Rollo" />
<person posts="4" size="11" who="Dan Kegel" />
<person posts="4" size="10" who="Moreno" />
<person posts="4" size="8" who="BiGgUn" />
<person posts="3" size="15" who="Kelly Leahy" />
<person posts="3" size="11" who="dd jj" />
<person posts="3" size="9" who="Dmitry Timoshkov" />
<person posts="3" size="7" who="Jeff Smith" />
<person posts="3" size="6" who="Gerald Pfeifer" />
<person posts="3" size="5" who="Mike McCormack" />
<person posts="2" size="8" who="Sundaranathan S" />
<person posts="2" size="6" who="Uwe Bonnes" />
<person posts="2" size="6" who="Huw D M Davies" />
<person posts="2" size="5" who="Joerg Mayer" />
<person posts="2" size="5" who="Rein Klazes" />
<person posts="2" size="4" who="Alan Hargreaves" />
<person posts="2" size="4" who="Andreas Mohr" />
<person posts="2" size="4" who="Robert Reif" />
<person posts="2" size="4" who="Brian Vincent" />
<person posts="2" size="4" who="Francois Gouget" />
<person posts="2" size="4" who="olivier" />
<person posts="2" size="4" who="Marcus Meissner" />
<person posts="4" size="9" who="Raphael Junqueira" />
<person posts="1" size="3" who="Marcelo Duarte" />
<person posts="1" size="3" who="Michael Stefaniuc" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Robert Shearman" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Alan Hargreaves" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="E Lea" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Jason Edmeades" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Ferenc Wagner" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="faisal shah" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Boaz Harrosh" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Lars Segerlund" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Saulius Krasuckas" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="Christian Costa" />
<person posts="1" size="2" who="biggun from the sun" />
<person posts="1" size="1" who="Chris Morgan" />
<person posts="1" size="1" who="Vincent Beron" />
<person posts="1" size="1" who="Jean-Eric Cuendet" />
<person posts="1" size="1" who="Evalet Olivier" />
<person posts="1" size="1" who="Eric Pouech" />

	title="News: Wine-20030709, AutoCAD Tips, Linux Refresher Course" 
<p>It's that time of the month again.  Wine-20030709 is out:</p>
<quote who="Alexandre Julliard"><p>
 WHAT'S NEW with Wine-20030709: (see 
 <a href="http://cvs.winehq.com/cvsweb/wine/ChangeLog?rev=1.73&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup";>ChangeLog</a> for details)
        <li> Still more Direct3D and DirectSound improvements.</li>
        <li> Inter-process clipboard support.</li>
        <li> Locale handling improvements.</li>
        <li> More progress on the kernel/ntdll separation.</li>
        <li> Lots of bug fixes.</li>

<p>I stumbled across some links last weekend that were interesting.  First,
Stephanie Yoder figured out how to get AutoCAD LT 2000 to run on with
Wine.  <a href="http://www.flatmtn.com/cad/linux-lt2k.html";>Instructions</a>
can be found on her web site.  Needless to say, it doesn't sound that
intuitive.  I did find <a href="http://pages.sbcglobal.net/mycroft/linux/";>another
site</a> that describes a different set up.  Like many things in Wine, you
can make it work if you're willing to put some time into it.</p>

<p>Another site I ran across is "<a href="http://linuxrefresher.com/";>Linux
Refresher Course</a>".  Their top two pages reference Wine.  The first 
discusses <a href="http://linuxrefresher.com/intro/migrate.htm";>migrating
from Windows</a> to Linux; the other is strictly 
<a href="http://linuxrefresher.com/additional/wine.htm";>
an introduction</a> to Wine.</p>

	title="Viva la Kernel Module Idea" 
	subject="Speeding up wineserver (again)"
<p>About every six months or so someone brings up the
topic of a kernel module for Wine.  This time, Troy
Rollo brought forth some specific ideas how to do it:</p>
<quote who="Troy Rollo"><p>
I've been looking at the various efforts over the years to speed up wineserver 
or eliminate it altogether (by substituting a kernel service). Certainly the 
current degree of reliance on a separate process that is scheduled according 
to the operating system's own priorities creates significant speed problems. 
Some of this migh be alleviated by boosting the priority of the wineserver 
process or by making it a real time task, but there are still some operations 
it appears to be performing some operations that result in a yield and hence 
subject it to another wait in the queue for at least one time slice.
Even if the wineserver itself could be sped up in this way, individual 
processes would stull be subjected to time waiting in the queue after they 
make a request of wineserver. The problem becomes more severe on a heavily 
loaded system.
The approaches suggested so far:
	<dt>Shared memory</dt>

		<dd>Suffers from reliability problems which may allow one
		process to put the system in an inconsistent state.</dd>

	<dt>Kernel module</dt>

		<dd>The only effort so far seemed to put way too much
		into the kernel, and was abandoned over two years
Other possible approaches that I haven't seen directly discussed on the 
wine-devel list:
	<dt>An exokernel using the x86 multiring capability</dt>

		<dd>Not portable to non-x86 architectures.</dd>

	<dt>Cross-process calls</dt>
		<dd>Also referred to under other names. This mechanism would
		allow one process to call into another process without
		giving up part of its time slice. Would require modifications
		to the kernel's scheduler and to standard kernel data
	        structures, hence would have to be considered "rude". It
		would have one advantage in that the interface
		differences between this mechanism and the current
		mechanism could be transparent.</dd>
Have I missed any?
Anyway, I'm thinking that perhaps the kernel module approach was the right 
basic approach, but that the particular attempt made was merely too broad. A 
better approach would be to define a set of kernel calls that could be used 
to implement all of the other stuff (and there are currently 176 types of 
wineserver request, so I haven't taken the time to see if I've covered them 
all yet) in an in-process library.
Transparency substitution for wineserver would, I guess, be achieved by having 
the kernel module and its supporting library implement the wineserver 
requests using the wineserver data structures, and perhaps having wineserver 
use a non-kernel version of these facilities.
The following are things I could see immediately would be part of the kernel 
  <ul>[ <i>see 
    <a href="http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2003/07/0149.html";>original
             email</a> for function definitions</i> ]</ul>
There would be other things that would be in the "nice to have" category too 
(I'm thinking specifically about path name translation being done in a way 
that requires less seeks through the file system).
The way I see this working is that Wine kernel objects are stored (strangely 
enough) in kernel memory. This effectively amounts to a shared memory 
approach but with the kernel module able to clean up after a misbehaving 
process. In the event that cleanups after a misbehaving process were to be 
too complex, there would still be room for a server process that does this, 
and the kernel could simply assign ownership of the objects from the bad 
process to the server process, which gets notified via another set of calls 
when it receives the objects. The object name would be of the form 
"namespace:name", so as to have:
	window:0431a9c4<br />

A process could allow the kernel to assign the name within the namespace, so 
that, for example:
	obj = winekernel_object_create("window", windowdata, windowdata_size);
	winekernel_object_gername(obj, achHWND, 15);
The idea behind the "wine_attach_to_kernel" call would be to allow for the 
kernel to serve either multiple different users or multiple different Windows 
operating system types without the objects from all of them being 

<p>His email was met with an underwhelming response.  I think at
this point a lot of developers don't consider the speed up offered
by a kernel module as being a high priority project.  The basic
idea for what should be done has been outlined in the past as well
as what not to do.
If a kernel module dropped out of the sky and worked well
enough it would probably be incorporated.  For more background on 
a Wine kernel module see the following WWN issues, be sure to click
on the WWN <i>Archive</i> link for a complete discussion:</p>
 <dt><a href="http://www.winehq.com/index.php?issue=59#A%20way%20to%20speed%20up%20Wine";>#59</a>:
 </dt><dd>Post by David Howells about a Wine kernel module he implemented</dd>
 <dt><a href="http://www.winehq.com/index.php?issue=60#A%20way%20to%20speed%20up%20Wine";>#60</a>:
 </dt><dd>Alexandre's thoughts on how a kernel module should work</dd>
 <dt><a href="http://www.winehq.com/index.php?issue=86#Wine's%20speed%20up%20(cont'd)">#86</a>:
 </dt><dd>Discussion of David's kernel module and more ideas on communicating
	with wineserver</dd>
 <dt><a href="http://kt.zork.net/wine/wn20010415_91.html";>#91</a>:
 </dt><dd>Update on David's work</dd>
 <dt><a href="http://kt.zork.net/wine/wn20010219_83.html";>#83</a>:
 </dt><dd>Initial idea for shared memory and preliminary design 
 <dt><a href="http://www.winehq.com/index.php?issue=148#Shared%20Memory%20Wineserver";>#148</a>:
 </dt><dd>Announcement of a shared memory wineserver.</dd> 
 <dt><a href="http://www.winehq.com/index.php?issue=154#Kernel%20Module%20/%20Shared%20Memory%20Revisited";>#154</a>:
 </dt><dd>Discussion of the shared memory approach</dd>
 <dt><a href="http://www.winehq.com/index.php?issue=159#Threading%20Work";>#159</a>:
 </dt><dd>Why Alexandre doesn't like the shared memory idea.</dd>

<p>Ove K&#229;ven replied to Troy's idea:</p>
<quote who="Ove Kaaven"><p>
Which operations are you really concerned about? Just synchronization
(WaitFor*, SetEvent, etc), file requests (get_unix_fd), or "all of them"
in general?
It seems that when trying to run some of the
latest 3D games under WineX, about half of the cpu time is spent on
wineserver communication, on average.
And then there's the approach that Alexandre suggested when he saw that
big kernel module. Currently I have a design in mind that would
implement something along those lines, but since Gav seems in love with
the shared-memory approach, I don't know if I'd get that much time to
work on it.
Basically this module I'd like to write would not change too much in the
existing wineserver. But instead of unix sockets (AF_UNIX), we'd make
the wineserver use a "wine socket" type (AF_WINE) implemented in the
module, which would work a bit like unix sockets, but which would
intercept wineserver requests from wine clients and process the most
time-critical types straight in the kernel. It'd pass any request it
doesn't implement on to the regular wineserver. The regular wineserver
could do ioctls for stuff like "signal this object" to tell the module
when it should satisfy wait requests handled by the module and such. And
each wineserver listening socket would be its own namespace.
While it's probably going to be hard to get all the details and races
right, this would accelerate many server requests while also avoiding
any kind of user-space shared memory, which has always been the main
concern. And it wouldn't be trying to do too much.

	title="RPC Via Windows Messages and Other OLE Fun" 
	subject="MS OLE questions"
<topic>RPC / COM / OLE</topic>
<p>Mike Hearn had some <s>rants</s> ..er.. questions about OLE:</p>
<quote who="Mike Hearn"><p>
I was wondering whether anybody with experience working with microsofts
ole implementation (win98 version) could answer these questions:
Firstly, does anybody know what it does during thread detach? Its
behaviour seems to vary according to, i dunno, the alignment of Mars and
Jupiter or something. With a test app it destroys the hidden windows it
seems to use for IPC, and terminates cleanly. With my IE-in-java app, it
goes into a message loop, processes some messages then blocks waiting.
It never drops out of the message loop.
Secondly, does anybody know what is missing from Wines built in OLE
implementation for it to be used for IE embedded? I've tried using it,
and other than a couple of bugs in the GIT (which I will try and send a
patch for soon), it seems to get stuck in ITypeInfo::Dispatch() and ends
up with an E_NOTIMPL exception.
Thirdly, why does MSOLE use hidden windows for communication? I've come
across lots of gnashing of teeth in OLE/DCOM forums about this, people
wondering why their app (and sometimes the whole system!) deadlocks if
they don't service the message queue in threads that use OLE. Windows
has had other forms of IPC for years, I can't see the logic behind using
the limited and broken message passing scheme for it.
Wierdly enough, wines built in OLE seems to work OK for iexplore.exe
itself, which iirc simply embeds the ActiveX control like any other
program. So, maybe it's just a strange little bug that is stopping it
from working.
anybody got some insight?

<p>With regard to the first question, Ove K&#229;ven replied,
<quote who="Ove Kaaven">
 I think it will also try to disconnect any proxies and stubs that were
 created in the apartment about to be destroyed, but I don't remember
 exactly. But I know it's mentioned somewhere, perhaps in the book I've
 read.</quote>  Mike wanted to know which book (thus far no answer).  

<p>Christian Costa took a stab at the third question,
<quote who="Christian Costa">
 IFAIK, this is how apartments are implemented and this comes from Windows 3.1.
</quote> Mike researched a bit and came across an MSJ article describing
<a href="http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0596/activex0596.aspx";>when it's
used</a>.  When the RPC connection is only on the local machine (that is,
you're not doing RPC over the network) it uses private windows messages.
Mike wanted to know why they would ever do it that way.  Ove had
some thoughts:</p>
<quote who="Ove Kaaven"><p>
DCE RPC is in its heart an interprocess protocol, not an interthread
protocol. This distinction does not necessarily matter, though, it can
be used as both if done "right". RPC needs a transport layer, however,
and which transport is used for communication depends on the context.
Thread pools servicing network sockets is used for inter-machine (and
perhaps inter-process) communication. For inter-process communication,
NT LPC (something like that, don't remember anymore) is used. For
inter-thread communication (including dispatching inter-machine requests
to a particular thread), the most reliable system communication path
with thread affinity is used: window messages.
Yes, Windows's implementation of DCE RPC implements window messages as a
transport protocol. So they probably *did* move fully to DCE RPC, they
just moved the old cruft in there too...

<p>Kelly Leahy saw a potential problem,
<quote who="Kelly Leahy">
 in order
 to avoid the blocking RPC system call, the thread enters a message loop and
 makes the RPC system call on another worker thread (when a call is made
 within the channel implementation).  If this pool of threads and
 worker-made-call functionality is not currently implemented in the standard
 IRpcChannelBuffer implementation in WINELIB, then we probably need to
 implement it somehow.

<p>Ove replied he'd already implemented that and posted 
<a href="http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2003/07/0179.html";>a 
rough patch</a>.  Mike worked on his project a more, but this
is where the thread ended.</p>


	title="Structured Exception Handling Support for GCC" 
	subject="Fwd: [MinGW-dvlpr] Snapshot of SEH enabled GCC released"
<topic>Build Process</topic>
<p>Steven Edwards forwarded an email to wine-devel about support for
Structured Exception Handling in gcc:</p>
<quote who="Casper Hornstrup"><p>
A snapshot of GCC 3.4 20030701 with Structured Exception Handling
support has been released. It can be downloaded from:
<li><a href="http://reactos.wox.org/download.php?id=57";>
 http://reactos.wox.org/download.php?id=57</a> (i386 binary)</li>
<li><a href="http://reactos.wox.org/download.php?id=58";>
 http://reactos.wox.org/download.php?id=58</a> (source)</li>
<li><a href="http://reactos.wox.org/download.php?id=59";>
 http://reactos.wox.org/download.php?id=59</a> (diff)</li></ul>
 No new features. This is just a port to GCC 3.4.
 The release includes only the C compiler.

<p>Steven asked,
<quote who="Steven Edwards">
 Is there anyway this could be of use to WINEgcc? I figure not but I wanted to ask as it might not
 ever get merged in to GCC-HEAD. I dont think so but if anyone is still interested in SEH for WINE
 and Winelib its worth a look at least.</quote></p>



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