On Thu, 2013-03-28 at 00:39 -0700, Fred wrote: > Hello, > > I would like to use a logic device programmer that uses the parallel > port. The application software runs well under wine (on Debian 6.0) but > it reports it can't find the programmer. I have a link to the parallel > device: .wine/dosdevices/lpt1 -> /dev/lp0. > What are the permissions and group assignments of /dev/lp0? On my Fedora 16 box it is owned by root and is in the lp group and has has no 'world' access permissions: crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 Feb 19 16:59 lp0 IOW, if /dev/lp0 has the same ownership and permissions as mine and the user where you're running the logic device programmer isn't a member of the lp group your programmer won't be able to access /dev/lp0. You have two options: 1) add the user to the lp group 2) change the permissions of /dev/lp0 so it has world read and write permissions I've used option (2) to allow WINE programs to access my serial ports (/dev/ttyS[0-4] - I have five thanks to a multi-port serial adapter card), but you can only do this by adding a UDEV rule because modern kernels use UDEV device handling and this recreated the device files each time its booted. I added the file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local.rules to me system: ============= 99-local.rules ================= # # Give world read/write access to ttyS* and ttyUSB* serial devices # KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*", GROUP="uucp", MODE="0666" ============= 99-local.rules ================= so this should work for lp0 [caution: untested] ============= 99-local.rules ================= # # Give world read/write access to lp0 # KERNEL=="lp0", GROUP="lp", MODE="0666" ============= 99-local.rules ================= Drop the file in place, reboot, and run 'ls -l /dev/lp0' to check that it had the right effect. If do the programmer should now find the parallel port. Martin