On 09/04/2012 05:13 PM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 16:34 -0400, Doug wrote:
Running PCLOS, KDE desktop, everything latest version.
Under certain conditions--one I can 100% repeat is Wine (Microsoft)
Pinball--when I shut it down, by any means (escape key is straight-forward)
the desktop will come back up with the widgets scattered all over the
place, most of them moved towards the top left of the display.
This happens in spite of the fact that the widgets were locked beforehand.
I have been advised that wine (or at least Pinball) changes the screen
resolution, which is what louses up the display when the KDE desktop
comes back.
Looking for a solution that will automatically restore the screen to
what it was before activating Wine Pinball.
(I found a similar situation with DOSBox. Would like a solution for that
Run the Wine app from a small (5 line) shell script:
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_prefix_name
cd $WINEPREFIX/path_to/app?install_dir
wine appname
xrandr --size "1280x800"
This assumes that 1280x800 is your normal screen size - use
"xrandr --current" to check that. You can point a launcher at the script
if you want to run it by clicking an icon.
This approach should work for DosBox as well, though I've never seen any
problems like you describe from running it.
Perhaps in answering the questions I raised in the first reply I sent,
the following
may be of some use. Right-clicking on the Pinball icon on the screen
a box of Desktop Icon Settings, and under "Preview" is listed this, just
as I show it:
[Desktop Entry]
WINEPREFIX="/home/doug/wine"wine C:
gram Files/Microsoft Games/Pinball
It is not possible to expand the screen horizontally to make the lines
fall logically,
so I don't know where an end of line actually is, unless there is a
space after it, or
a broken word makes it clear that this is NOT a line end.
Hope this helps. I'm afraid I am not familiar with the conventions used
quadruple backslashes, etc.