if i run my window's program from the terminal, it return this error: Code: getting server_pid from lock 3509 wine: cannot get pid from lock (lock isn't locked) err:process:start_wineboot failed to start wineboot, err 1359 getting server_pid from lock 3509 wine: cannot get pid from lock (lock isn't locked) getting server_pid from lock 3509 wine: cannot get pid from lock (lock isn't locked) and if i start "winecfg", return this error: Code: grappale@grappale-Ubuntu:~$ winecfg getting server_pid from lock 3559 wine: cannot get pid from lock (lock isn't locked) err:process:start_wineboot failed to start wineboot, err 1359 p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: impossible open the file: File o directory doesn't exists getting server_pid from lock 3559 wine: cannot get pid from lock (lock isn't locked) err:winecfg:WinMain failed to restart 64-bit L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winecfg.exe", err 1359 getting server_pid from lock 3559 wine: cannot get pid from lock (lock isn't locked) What's happend?[/code]