On Thu, 2012-04-19 at 00:40 -0500, eliwap wrote: > Bummer. I probably do have to replace the hard drive > Well, dimesio said that was likely. I sling a drive as soon as smartd says its going sour. > Checked smartd again. The service was disabled even though I explicitly enabled it. And once I brought it online again, I immediately got > Did you mark it to start on booting as will as starting it? Those are tow separate actions for both the daemon/service mangement systems. On the old SysV init you need to use both chkconfig and service respectively. With systemd systemctl does both jobs. > WARNING: Your hard drive is failing > Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], 2 Offline uncorrectable sectors > > That was the same error I got before I ran the maintenance procedure. > > Time to burn a clonezilla cd > If you made a backup before the last repair, use that. Otherwise running fsck before trying to make another backup is a good idea. Backup hint: Long ago I moved the contents of /usr/local and the contents of directories associated with Java, PostgreSQL and Apache to directories in /home and replaced the original directories with symlinks. This means I only need to back up /home and keep copies of files in /etc that I've manually altered. This makes backups fast and easy (and even faster if you backup to a USB disk or two with rsync). I'm a belt and braces man when it comes to backups: I have an automatic overnight backup and do a manual one immediately before my weekly "yum upgrade" run. A side benefit is that this makes distro version upgrades a lot easier. Full details here if you want to try it: http://www.libelle-systems.com/free/linux/easier_upgrades.html Martin