How to remap c_drive

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I'm working on a class project to setup a PXE boot for one of our labs and part of the project requires me install WINE. Sound pretty straight forward but WINE creates the C-Drive in the users directory and I need a way to tell it to use a global directory to avoid the 3 Windows applications they want to be installed each time someone logs in. We hare going to also script it so each time someone logs out that their home directory is removed because of the amount of clutter accumulated over time. this would mean each login no matter if it's the same person over the course of the day WINE would reinstall the c_drive as well as the 3 apps. 

I have the c_drive and apps I want installed in the /ect/ file for the moment, but I don't know how to tell WINE to look to that directory. So far I've come up with mapping a D: to those files, but that would create an empty c_drive each time we have a student log in. 

The second option would be using something like cron to delete home directory after a month of someone not logging in. This would solve the problem of garbage collecting on the HD.

So I'm thinking the first option is a limitation of the software, if this is so I'll go to option B, if you wondering why I've outlined it as such remember this is a class project (only 3 of us this semester) so if I can get it done how it was requested I'd prefer doing that way, but if not I'll go w/ Plan B. Using my Googlefu it looks like it's a limitation possibly.

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