I currently have Wine64 on my Debian Sid system. I compiled Wine myself. Anyway, I also have winetricks. Code: josh@HAL9000:~$ winetricks dotnet30 Executing w_do_call dotnet30 Executing load_dotnet30 Executing w_do_call dotnet20 Executing load_dotnet20 Executing w_do_call fontfix Executing load_fontfix Setting Windows version to win2k Executing winetricks_early_wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_dotnet20\set-winver.reg Executing mkdir -p /home/josh/.cache/winetricks/dotnet20 Executing unzip -o -q -d /home/josh/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/syswow64 l_intl.zip Executing mkdir -p /home/josh/.cache/winetricks/dotnet20 Executing wine dotnetfx.exe wine: Bad EXE format for Y:\dotnet20\dotnetfx.exe. ------------------------------------------------------ Note: command 'wine dotnetfx.exe' returned status 193. Aborting. ------------------------------------------------------ This is what I get when I run "wine dotnetfx" (I had to manually download the dotnet3.0 version) Code: josh@HAL9000:~$ wine dotnetfx fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"MountMgr" failed to start: 2 wine: Bad EXE format for Z:\home\josh\dotnetfx.exe.