I tried to run TGB Dual emulator and MSX emulator on Wine. Both seemed to run nicely on the first glimpse, but crashed when I tried to load the game files. I did not quite expect this since I felt that those emulators were quite simple in their programming details. Will it be possible in a near future for Wine to run these kinds of gaming emulators of old gaming consoles? Or is it already possible while I have not done what is necessary? I wish our brilliant programmers could fix this problem for the sake of the fans of nostalgic games like myself. Having just recently bought Macbook Pro, I'm quite frustrated that I may have to quit playing my favorite games. So please someone take care of this problem when the next version of Wine comes up. p.s: I will be more than happy to hear about any revisions in Wine configurations that will help me run the emulators without waiting for the next version of Wine, if there is any. Thank you.