thanks for the answer, I used the command i found on this page: "codex-m@codex-m-desktop:~$ mkdir grandtheftauto Step 4. Now that the grandtheftauto folder has been created, let's create the Wine system files and directories for this specific game using Wineprefixcreate: codex-m@codex-m-desktop:~$ WINEPREFIX="/home/codex-m/grandtheftauto" wineprefixcreate" and like described here (wineprefixcreate --prefix ~/.Winetwo) and the result was: wineprefixcreate: Befehl nicht gefunden. (Command not found in german) when I install the .deb packages now will the two installation somehow disturb each other? i would delete the 1.4 right now, but as I said I have no idea how...