Problems with two apps

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I'm using Wine on a Ubuntu 10.04 box.

I'm having problems with two apps.  If it's okay, I'll describe both
problems here and see if there's some insight to be gained.

1.  I have a free app called cslesson.  It prepares lessons for
Christian Science students.  The install goes just fine, but when I try
to run the app, I get a "File not found" error.  Since the app is free,
I've uploaded it to and hope
someone will take a moment to download it -- a little more than 2 meg --
and see if some insight can be gained.

2.  The more difficult problem is with a commercial product called
Concord.  It's also a Christian Science-oriented app.  It allows you to
enter a search term and it searches the corpus of Christian Science
literature for hits.  The behavior is so strange.  I can enter a search
term, it then displays -- correctly -- the titles that contain that
search term, with page numbers correctly displayed.  But when I click on
the link, a completely irrelevant page opens in the book itself.  Just
bizarre!  For the record, the app works just fine under both CrossOver
and VirtualBox.  It's only under Wine that it misbehaves.  I wonder if
anyone has some idea about this kind of error.


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