dimesio wrote: > > ToddAndMargo wrote: > > > > $ rpm -qa wine-common\* > > wine-common-1.2.3-1.el6.noarch > > > > On my /usr/bin/winecfg, "Drives" tab, I get the following message: > > > > > > > Failed to connect y the mount manager, the drive configuration cannot be edited. > > > > > > Anyone know of a way to fix this? > > > > The only time I have ever seen that message was from a broken 64 bit package that did not include the necessary 32 bit parts. Tell whoever created the package you used that it is broken. You called my 64 bit OS. > > > Also, find a newer package. 1.2.3 is old. The Fedora maintainer told me he will release RPMs for 1.4.1 In the mean time, I can not get the 1.4RC5 32 bit version to work with Dag Wieer's RPMs http://pkgs.repoforge.org/wine http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/i386/testing/RPMS/wine-gecko-1.4-1.nodist.rft.i686.rpm # ls wine-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686.rpm wine-capi-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686.rpm wine-cms-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686.rpm wine-core-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686.rpm wine-devel-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686.rpm wine-gecko-1.4-1.nodist.rft.i686.rpm wine-ldap-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686.rpm wine-twain-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686.rpm # rpm -ivh *.rpm error: Failed dependencies: /usr/bin/xmessage is needed by wine-core-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686 libgstapp-0.10.so.0 is needed by wine-core-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686 libgstbase-0.10.so.0 is needed by wine-core-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686 libgstreamer-0.10.so.0 is needed by wine-core-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686 libmpg123.so.0 is needed by wine-core-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686 libgettextpo.so.0 is needed by wine-devel-1.4-0.rc5.el6.rft.i686 I also noticed that I do have 64 bit versions of the missing dependencies above. I am not sure how to mix 32 bit and 64 bit RPMs. (My rpmforge.repo only tries to install 64 bit packages.) Any words of wisdom? I take it this is a "distro" problem. Thank you for the advice, -T