JKWood, your suggestion is normally relavent. However in my case, the -opengl flag is part of the startup command, is set in the registry, and is selected in the WTF config file. So I don't directly use DirectX, but the game looks for it. How it uses it I have no idea, other than it won't start without it. I hope your comment gives other users a further re-inforcement for using opengl. tparker, that did it! I always use the proprietary driver from Nvidia. I checked the Nvidia site and a new driver is available, updating the driver took care of uninstall and re-install. After the reboot, error box was gone and game started. Wine 1, Windoze 0. Usually a major patch trashes my sound server and changes directory permissions. This is the first time it's messed up the video. I'll have to remember this. Thank you both for the help.