I haven't said much about this, but Wine's Internet Explorer has never really worked as web browser. I understand that the main purpose of Wine's Internet Explorer isn't to be a web browser, but to make Windows programs that require MS IE work. That said, one of the Wine 1.4 release criteria is "Builtin iexplore, Gecko". So I figured I should ask, "How functional is Wine's IE supposed to be for Wine 1.4?" I compiled Wine 1.4 rc1 from source, downloaded Gecko 1.4, and tested out Wine's Internet Explorer. Most buttons don't even do anything. I understand the running shell model of development where you basically have a bunch of place-holder code that reports "I'm not developed yet." Is that what's going on here? Shouldn't there at least be a popup that says "forward button not developed yet" or something, so people won't think it's a bug? Anyways, it freezes up after just a little bit of use, View > toolbars > (Standard bar or Address bar) doesn't do anything, I can presumably add to favourites, but not access them from anywhere, the back button works on occasion, I am yet to see the forward button work, Stop and Refresh don't appear to do anything, Home actually does work, "File > new > Window" doesn't work, "File > open" sometimes works, Save and SaveAs both don't work, Print format doesn't do anything, print sometimes works, I've never seen print preview work, properties doesn't seem to do anything, and close works. So yeah, just wondering if that's supposed to be the case. I was kind of hoping that all the buttons would at least do something in Wine 1.4, not that I would need Wine 1.4 as a browser, but it would be nice for the sake of completeness. Jake