I don't have access to a Windows machine at the moment and I have been trying to figure out a way to install the coupon printer from coupons.com on my Linux pc. I have wine 1.3.37 installed but the couponprinter.exe file causes WINE to crash every time that I reach the license agreement window. The "next" button is grayed out and I'm unable to proceed any further. Has anyone had any success in running this exe file with WINE? I've already installed a Windows version of Firefox using WINE and now I just need to install the dll plugin that's included in the exe file. If it's not possible to complete the installation with WINE, I would truly appreciate it if someone who does have access to a Windows machine could email me the dll file. If you're willing to help with this please send me a PM. Thanks. http://bricks.coupons.com/Download.asp Files I need to extract from the exe file: npcpbrk7.xpt nccpbrk7.dll