With the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder running in Wine in Linux with Gnome/Metacity, the syncing of the "Always On Top Status" is one-way. Under tools, Keyfinder has an "Always On Top" option. If you put the window into "Always On Top" mode via the keyfinder's option under tools, when you right-click on the window bar, you will see that, according to Gnome/Metacity, the window is indeed in "Always On Top" mode. Also when you uncheck "Always On Top" under tools, this communicates to Gnome/Metacity, and right-clicking on the bar will show that it is not in "Always On Top" mode. But if you check or uncheck "Always On Top" via right-clicking the window bar and checking/ unchecking "Always On Top", this has no effect on whether "Always On Top" is checked off under tools. So Wine communicates to the GUI, but it doesn't seem like the GUI is communicating back to Wine. So is this worthy of a Wine bug report, or is it not a Wine bug? Jake