Various Wine Problems

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Hello Wine Users,

I am a Wine newbie trying to coax the core MS-Office, Visio, Lotus Notes and Quicken applications to work on Debian Woody 3.0 (Linux 2.4.18 kernel), running on a dual-boot Linux - Win 98 system.  I have installed and uninstalled various versions of Wine over the last month, but am currently using the Daily Debian Build of 19 Jan 2003.  I have not yet attempted to compile Wine from source, but have been depending only on the pre-built binary packages.

I have several recurring problems for which I have found no solution in the published Wine documentation or anywhere else on the web, so I'm hoping a kindly soul out there can offer some sage advice.

1.  'Key is too long' errors when reading the Windows registry

Whenever I start Wine, I receive a barrage of errors like the following:

Line 240243: Key is too long '[SOFTWARE\\Classes\\CLSID\\{A5E46E3A-8849-11D1-9D8C-00C04FC99D61}\\InProcServer32\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Security\\P3Global\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Discardable\\PostSetup\\Component Categories\\{00021493-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\\Enum]'
Line 240243: Error creating key '[SOFTWARE\\Classes\\CLSID\\{A5E46E3A-8849-11D1-9D8C-00C04FC99D61}\\InProcServer32\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Security\\P3Global\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Discardable\\PostSetup\\Component Categories\\{00021493-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\\Enum]'
Line 240244: Value without key '"Implementing"=hex:1c,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,d3,07,01,00,00,00,0c,00,02,00,24,00,\'
Line 240245: Unrecognized input '  0b,00,36,01,05,00,00,00,64,4e,a2,ef,78,b0,d0,11,89,e4,00,c0,4f,c9,e2,6e,01,\'
Line 240246: Unrecognized input '  24,d0,30,81,6a,d0,11,82,74,00,c0,4f,d5,ae,38,61,4e,a2,ef,78,b0,d0,11,89,e4,\'
Line 240247: Unrecognized input '  00,c0,4f,c9,e2,6e,62,4e,a2,ef,78,b0,d0,11,89,e4,00,c0,4f,c9,e2,6e,83,31,68,\'
Line 240248: Unrecognized input '  32,a0,48,1b,44,a3,42,7c,2a,44,0a,94,78'

I also receive these errors when attempting to manually recreate my system .reg and other *.reg files using regedit or regapi, resulting in a rather small system.reg file because of the entries not loaded.  While the errors don't seem to prevent Wine from starting, they can't be right, and I would think that the inability to load registry entries will cripple Wine sooner or later.

2. Exception raised, triggering wine-dbg on application startup

When starting MS-Word and several other Windows apps, I see a wine-dbg window opened following an exception after a few seconds, or (in the case of Wordpad) when attempting to print a document.  Here are the exceptions that are typically printed in all cases just before wine-dbg starts:

fixme:win32:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount critsection=0x653cf7a0: spincount=1000 not supported
fixme:win32:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount critsection=0x653cf810: spincount=1000 not supported
fixme:win32:RegisterSystemThread (00000003, 00000000)
fixme:win32:RegisterSystemThread (00000003, 00000000)
fixme:mpr:WNetOpenEnumA (00000001, 00000002, 00000000, (nil), 0x41062f0c): stub
fixme:file:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 1 for VxD device SPOOLER
fixme:file:DeviceIoControl Unimplemented control 1 for VxD device NWREDIR
wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...

I was thinking the DeviceIoControl exception was the culprit, but I do have a NWREDIT.VXD file on Wine's windows path so I'm not sure how to deal with this.  The display from wine-dbg hasn't helped me much so far, either.

3.  Unable to print anything!

I have been trying to print from MS-Word, MS-Excel, and Wordpad using the Wine PostScript Driver, to no avail.  I use CUPS and/or pdq for print control, and in most cases Wine refuses to see that the printer even exists when I execute a Windows 'Print' menu command.  I have searched the Wine doc and web extensively for working examples of the various Wine config files, but none has helped.

Here are the critical lines (I think) from my own Wine config files.


Wine PostScript Driver=WINEPS,LPT1:

Wine PostScript Driver=WINEPS,LPT1:,15,45

Wine PostScript Driver=WINEPS,LPT1:


[System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Environments\\Windows 4.0\\Drivers\\PS Driver] 1043646790
"Configuration File"="WINEPS.DRV"
"Data File"=""
"Dependent Files"=""
"Help Files"=""

[System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Ports\\LPT1:] 1043647457

[System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Printers] 1043734604

[System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Printers\\Wine PostScript Driver] 1043734604
"Default Devmode"="\xc8-j@x\x00a26@\xd4\x00a26@\xec)j@[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Printers\\Wine PostScript Driver"
"Name"="Wine PostScript Driver"
"Print Processor"="WinPrint"
"Printer Driver"="PS Driver"
"Start Time"=dword:00000000
"Until Time"=dword:00000000

[System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Printers\\Wine PostScript Driver\\PrinterDriverData] 1043734604
"PPD File"=str(2):"/etc/cups/ppd/OurPrinter.ppd"

[System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Printers\\Wine PostScript Driver\\PrinterDriverData\\FontSubTable] 1043646790
"Courier New"="Courier"
"Times New Roman"="Times"

config (didn't think this was necessary but tried anyway)

"OurPrinter" = "/etc/cups/ppd/OurPrinter.ppd"

I won't attach my entire config file because it's very standard, I've carefully compared it to other working examples obtained from the web, and it checks out clean with 'winecheck'.  Also, I have not installed any part of Wine, because root because winesetuptk said not to.  However, I did check all relevant files for proper permissions.  I also tried swapping various 'native' for 'builtin' DLLs by modifying the config file, but nothing improved.  On the bright side, I can at least start all of my target apps and open/save files without apparent problems.

If anyone has a hint about any of the above I would really appreciate it!

Thx in advance,

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