I am trying to copy my existing windows partition into my linux partition.
I did read the HOWTOs, Readme, and Manual to figure out how to do this but
I do not seem to be able to do this. If somone would like to help that
would be great.
I just need basic step by step instructions talored to my ignorance of
this usefull operating system. I have SuSE 8.0.
You usually don't need to copy your partition. After installing wine you can
already try to run an application. Simple apps should already work. For bigger
apps with installers it's best if you reinstall them again under wine. This of
course only if wine uses it's own registry. You can also use the windows
registry but there's too much crap in it. And if you mess it up Windows
won't work anymore.
If some apps fail maybe you can see from the messages if they have problems
with certain dlls. Then you can copy these dlls to your fake windows/system
dir and adjust the wine config for every app to use the original (native) dlls
instead of the wine (builtin) ones.
Long time I did a completely fresh install so I may have got something wrong.
bye Fabi
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