> "--include-qoutes" needs to be "--include-quotes" > ^^ ^^ > This is incorrect in both the message and the patch. Ah. Thanks. :-) Somehow I can never learn that to spell the quo* words correctly. I always seem to believe it is spelled qou*. Despite working with Unix more than 10 year I STILL frequently type "qouta" instead of "quota" when I wish to check for available quota. I probably mistyped it over 100 times during these years but I never seem to learn. Unlearning/relearning some things are hard... :-) Anyway. Here is the patch again with this fixed (hopefully). *** winapi_cleanup * tools/winapi_check/nativeapi.pm, tools/winapi/winapi_cleanup, tools/winapi/winapi_cleanup_options.pm: Added --include-quotes option that fixes #include to use the correct of <> and "".
Description: winapi_cleanup.diff