winewrap: add wrapper support

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We need to have wrappers for C++ apps, no doubt about it.
Other methods don't work quite as well, they are more work,
and have several disadvantages. So wrappers it is for now.

  Add support for wrapper generation to winewrap.
  Quite a few micro cleanups, code should be simpler to follow.

Index: tools/winewrap.c
RCS file: /var/cvs/wine/tools/winewrap.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 winewrap.c
--- tools/winewrap.c	23 Dec 2002 02:04:34 -0000	1.4
+++ tools/winewrap.c	24 Dec 2002 07:26:37 -0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
  * Wine wrapper: takes care of internal details for linking.
+ * Copyright 2000 Francois Gouget
  * Copyright 2002 Dimitrie O. Paun
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
+    "dlls=\"%s\"\n"
     "# determine the application directory\n"
     "case \"$0\" in\n"
@@ -72,11 +74,200 @@
     "# and try to start the app\n"
     "exec \"$WINELOADER\" \"$apppath\" \"$@\"\n"
+static const char *app_gui_spec =
+    "@ stdcall WinMain(ptr long ptr) WinMain\n"
+static const char *app_cui_spec =
+    "@ stdcall main(long ptr) main\n"
+static const char *wrapper_code =
+    "/*\n"
+    " * Copyright 2000 Francois Gouget <> for CodeWeavers\n"
+    " * Copyright 2002 Dimitrie O. Paun <>\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "\n"
+    "#ifndef STRICT\n"
+    "#define STRICT\n"
+    "#endif\n"
+    "\n"
+    "#include <dlfcn.h>\n"
+    "#include <windows.h>\n"
+    "\n"
+    "\n"
+    "\n"
+    "/*\n"
+    " * Describe the wrapped application\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "\n"
+    "/* The app name */\n"
+    "#define APPNAME \"%s\"\n"
+    "/**\n"
+    " * This is either 0 for a console based application or\n"
+    " * 1 for a regular windows application.\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "#define GUIEXE %d\n"
+    "\n"
+    "/**\n"
+    " * This is the name of the library containing the application,\n"
+    " * e.g. 'hello.dll' if the application is called 'hello.exe'.\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "static char* appName     = APPNAME \".dll\";\n"
+    "\n"
+    "/**\n"
+    " * This is the name of the application's Windows module. If left NULL\n"
+    " * then appName is used.\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "static char* appModule   = NULL;\n"
+    "\n"
+    "/**\n"
+    " * This is the application's entry point. This is usually 'WinMain' for a\n"
+    " * gui app and 'main' for a console application.\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "#if GUIEXE\n"
+    "static char* appInit     = \"WinMain\";\n"
+    "#else\n"
+    "static char* appInit     = \"main\";\n"
+    "#endif\n"
+    "\n"
+    "/**\n"
+    " * This is either non-NULL for MFC-based applications and is the name of the\n"
+    " * MFC's module. This is the module in which we will take the 'WinMain'\n"
+    " * function.\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "static char* mfcModule   = NULL;\n"
+    "\n"
+    "\n"
+    "\n"
+    "/*\n"
+    " * Implement the main.\n"
+    " */\n"
+    "\n"
+    "#if GUIEXE\n"
+    "typedef int WINAPI (*WinMainFunc)(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,\n"
+    "				  PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow);\n"
+    "#else\n"
+    "typedef int WINAPI (*MainFunc)(int argc, char** argv, char** envp);\n"
+    "#endif\n"
+    "\n"
+    "#if GUIEXE\n"
+    "int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,\n"
+    "                   PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow)\n"
+    "#else\n"
+    "int WINAPI main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)\n"
+    "#endif\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "    void* appLibrary;\n"
+    "    HINSTANCE hApp = 0, hMFC = 0, hMain = 0;\n"
+    "    void* appMain;\n"
+    "    char* libName;\n"
+    "    int retcode;\n"
+    "\n"
+    "    /* Load the application's library */\n"
+    "    libName=(char*)malloc(2+strlen(appName)+3+1);\n"
+    "    /* FIXME: we should get the wrapper's path and use that as the base for\n"
+    "     * the library\n"
+    "     */\n"
+    "    sprintf(libName,\"./\",appName);\n"
+    "    appLibrary=dlopen(libName,RTLD_NOW);\n"
+    "    if (appLibrary==NULL) {\n"
+    "        sprintf(libName,\"\",appName);\n"
+    "        appLibrary=dlopen(libName,RTLD_NOW);\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "    if (appLibrary==NULL) {\n"
+    "        char format[]=\"Could not load the %%s library: %%s\";\n"
+    "        char* error;\n"
+    "        char* msg;\n"
+    "\n"
+    "        error=dlerror();\n"
+    "        msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(libName)+strlen(error));\n"
+    "        sprintf(msg,format,libName,error);\n"
+    "        MessageBox(NULL,msg,\"dlopen error\",MB_OK);\n"
+    "        free(msg);\n"
+    "        return 1;\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "\n"
+    "    /* Then if this application is MFC based, load the MFC module */\n"
+    "    /* FIXME: I'm not sure this is really necessary */\n"
+    "    if (mfcModule!=NULL) {\n"
+    "        hMFC=LoadLibrary(mfcModule);\n"
+    "        if (hMFC==NULL) {\n"
+    "            char format[]=\"Could not load the MFC module %%s (%%d)\";\n"
+    "            char* msg;\n"
+    "\n"
+    "            msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(mfcModule)+11);\n"
+    "            sprintf(msg,format,mfcModule,GetLastError());\n"
+    "            MessageBox(NULL,msg,\"LoadLibrary error\",MB_OK);\n"
+    "            free(msg);\n"
+    "            return 1;\n"
+    "        }\n"
+    "        /* MFC is a special case: the WinMain is in the MFC library,\n"
+    "         * instead of the application's library.\n"
+    "         */\n"
+    "        hMain=hMFC;\n"
+    "    } else {\n"
+    "        hMFC=NULL;\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "\n"
+    "    /* Load the application's module */\n"
+    "    if (appModule==NULL) {\n"
+    "        appModule=appName;\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "    hApp=LoadLibrary(appModule);\n"
+    "    if (hApp==NULL) {\n"
+    "        char format[]=\"Could not load the application's module %%s (%%d)\";\n"
+    "        char* msg;\n"
+    "\n"
+    "        msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(appModule)+11);\n"
+    "        sprintf(msg,format,appModule,GetLastError());\n"
+    "        MessageBox(NULL,msg,\"LoadLibrary error\",MB_OK);\n"
+    "        free(msg);\n"
+    "        return 1;\n"
+    "    } else if (hMain==NULL) {\n"
+    "        hMain=hApp;\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "\n"
+    "    /* Get the address of the application's entry point */\n"
+    "    appMain=GetProcAddress(hMain, appInit);\n"
+    "    if (appMain==NULL) {\n"
+    "        char format[]=\"Could not get the address of %%s (%%d)\";\n"
+    "        char* msg;\n"
+    "\n"
+    "        msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(appInit)+11);\n"
+    "        sprintf(msg,format,appInit,GetLastError());\n"
+    "        MessageBox(NULL,msg,\"GetProcAddress error\",MB_OK);\n"
+    "        free(msg);\n"
+    "        return 1;\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "\n"
+    "    /* And finally invoke the application's entry point */\n"
+    "#if GUIEXE\n"
+    "    retcode=(*((WinMainFunc)appMain))(hApp,hPrevInstance,szCmdLine,iCmdShow);\n"
+    "#else\n"
+    "    retcode=(*((MainFunc)appMain))(argc,argv,envp);\n"
+    "#endif\n"
+    "\n"
+    "    /* Cleanup and done */\n"
+    "    FreeLibrary(hApp);\n"
+    "    if (hMFC!=NULL) {\n"
+    "        FreeLibrary(hMFC);\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "    dlclose(appLibrary);\n"
+    "    free(libName);\n"
+    "\n"
+    "    return retcode;\n"
+    "}\n"
+#if 0
 static char *output_name;
 static char **lib_files, **dll_files, **lib_paths, **obj_files;
 static int nb_lib_files, nb_dll_files, nb_lib_paths, nb_obj_files;
 static int verbose = 0;
+static int keep_generated = 0;
 void error(const char *s, ...)
@@ -109,6 +300,25 @@
+void rm_temp_file(const char *file)
+    if (!keep_generated) unlink(file);
+void create_file(const char *name, const char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list ap;
+    FILE *file;
+    if (verbose) printf("Creating file %s\n", name);
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    if ( !(file = fopen(name, "w")) )
+	error ("Can not create %s.", name);
+    vfprintf(file, fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+    fclose(file);
 void spawn(char *const argv[])
     int pid, status, wret, i;
@@ -177,17 +387,43 @@
     return try_dll_path( ".", name );
+void add_lib_path(const char* path)
+    lib_paths = realloc( lib_paths, (nb_lib_paths+1) * sizeof(*lib_paths) );
+    lib_paths[nb_lib_paths++] = strdup(path);
+    dll_files = realloc( dll_files, (nb_dll_files+1) * sizeof(*dll_files) );
+    dll_files[nb_dll_files++] = strmake("-L%s", path);
+    lib_files = realloc( lib_files, (nb_lib_files+1) * sizeof(*lib_files) );
+    lib_files[nb_lib_files++] = strmake("-L%s", path);
+void add_lib_file(const char* library)
+    if (open_dll(library))
+    {
+        dll_files = realloc( dll_files, (nb_dll_files+1) * sizeof(*dll_files) );
+        dll_files[nb_dll_files++] = strmake("-l%s", library);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lib_files = realloc( lib_files, (nb_lib_files+1) * sizeof(*lib_files) );
+        lib_files[nb_lib_files++] = strmake("-l%s", library);
+    }
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    char *library = 0, *path = 0, *p;
-    int i, j, no_opt = 0, gui_mode = 0;
+    char *library = 0, *path = 0, *dlls="", *p;
+    int i, j, no_opt = 0, gui_mode = 0, create_wrapper = 1;
+    char *base_name, *app_temp_name, *wrp_temp_name;
     char *spec_name, *spec_c_name, *spec_o_name;
+    char *wspec_name, *wspec_c_name, *wspec_o_name;
+    char *wrap_c_name, *wrap_o_name;
     char **spec_args, **comp_args, **link_args;
-    FILE *file;
+    char **wwrap_args, **wspec_args, **wcomp_args, **wlink_args;
     /* include the standard DLL path first */
-    lib_paths = realloc( lib_paths, (nb_lib_paths+1) * sizeof(*lib_paths) );
-    lib_paths[nb_lib_paths++] = WINEDLLS;
+    add_lib_path(WINEDLLS);
     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
@@ -195,6 +431,9 @@
 	    switch (argv[i][1])
+	    case 'k':
+		keep_generated = 1;
+		break;
 	    case 'o':
 		if (argv[i][2]) output_name = strdup(argv[i]+ 2);
 		else if (i + 1 < argc) output_name = strdup(argv[++i]);
@@ -206,28 +445,13 @@
 		if (argv[i][2]) path = argv[i] + 2;
 		else if (i + 1 < argc) path = argv[++i];
 		else error("The -L switch takes an argument\n.");
-		lib_paths = realloc( lib_paths, (nb_lib_paths+1) * sizeof(*lib_paths) );
-		lib_paths[nb_lib_paths++] = strdup(path);
-		dll_files = realloc( dll_files, (nb_dll_files+1) * sizeof(*dll_files) );
-		dll_files[nb_dll_files++] = strmake("-L%s", path);
-		lib_files = realloc( lib_files, (nb_lib_files+1) * sizeof(*lib_files) );
-		lib_files[nb_lib_files++] = strmake("-L%s", path);
+		add_lib_path(path);
 	    case 'l':
 		if (argv[i][2]) library = argv[i] + 2;
 		else if (i + 1 < argc) library = argv[++i];
 		else error("The -l switch takes an argument\n.");
-		if (open_dll(library))
-		{
-		    dll_files = realloc( dll_files, (nb_dll_files+1) * sizeof(*dll_files) );
-		    dll_files[nb_dll_files++] = strmake("-l%s", library);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    lib_files = realloc( lib_files, (nb_lib_files+1) * sizeof(*lib_files) );
-		    lib_files[nb_lib_files++] = strmake("-l%s", library);
-		}
+		add_lib_file(library);
 	    case 'm':
 		if (strcmp("-mwindows", argv[i]) == 0) gui_mode = 1;
@@ -237,6 +461,10 @@
             case 'v':        /* verbose */
                 if (argv[i][2] == 0) verbose = 1;
+	    case 'V':
+		printf("winewrap v0.31\n");
+		exit(0);
+		break;
 	    case 'W':
 		/* ignore such options for now for gcc compatibility */
@@ -255,20 +483,47 @@
 	obj_files[nb_obj_files++] = strdup(argv[i]);
-    spec_name = tempnam(0, 0);
+    /* link in by default the big three */
+    add_lib_file("user32");
+    add_lib_file("gdi32");
+    add_lib_file("kernel32");
+    app_temp_name = tempnam(0, "wapp");
+    wrp_temp_name = tempnam(0, "wwrp");
+    base_name = strdup(output_name);
+    base_name[strlen(output_name) - 4 ] = 0; /* remove the .exe extension */
+    spec_name = strmake("%s.spec", app_temp_name);;
     spec_c_name = strmake("%s.c", spec_name);
     spec_o_name = strmake("%s.o", spec_name);
+    wspec_name = strmake("%s.spec", wrp_temp_name);;
+    wspec_c_name = strmake("%s.c", wspec_name);
+    wspec_o_name = strmake("%s.o", wspec_name);
+    wrap_c_name = strmake("%s.c", wrp_temp_name);
+    wrap_o_name = strmake("%s.o", wrp_temp_name);
     /* build winebuild's argument list */
     spec_args = malloc( (nb_lib_files + nb_dll_files + nb_obj_files + 20) * sizeof (char *) );
     j = 0;
     spec_args[j++] = BINDIR "/winebuild";
-    spec_args[j++] = "-fPIC";
     spec_args[j++] = "-o";
-    spec_args[j++] = strmake("%s.c", spec_name);
-    spec_args[j++] = "--exe";
-    spec_args[j++] = output_name;
-    spec_args[j++] = gui_mode ? "-mgui" : "-mcui";
+    spec_args[j++] = spec_c_name;
+    if (create_wrapper)
+    {
+	spec_args[j++] = "-F";
+	spec_args[j++] = strmake("%s.dll", base_name);
+	spec_args[j++] = "--spec";
+	spec_args[j++] = spec_name;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	spec_args[j++] = "--exe";
+	spec_args[j++] = output_name;
+        spec_args[j++] = gui_mode ? "-mgui" : "-mcui";
+    }
     for (i = 0; i < nb_obj_files; i++)
 	spec_args[j++] = obj_files[i];
     spec_args[j++] = "-L" WINEDLLS;
@@ -277,7 +532,7 @@
     spec_args[j] = 0;
     /* build gcc's argument list */
-    comp_args = malloc (20 * sizeof (char *) );
+    comp_args = malloc ( 20 * sizeof (char *) );
     j = 0;
     comp_args[j++] = "gcc";
     comp_args[j++] = "-fPIC";
@@ -285,6 +540,7 @@
     comp_args[j++] = spec_o_name;
     comp_args[j++] = "-c";
     comp_args[j++] = spec_c_name;
+    comp_args[j] = 0;
     /* build ld's argument list */
     link_args = malloc( (nb_obj_files + 20) * sizeof (char *) );
@@ -297,30 +553,99 @@
     link_args[j++] = "-lwine";
     link_args[j++] = "-lm";
     link_args[j++] = "-o";
-    link_args[j++] = strmake("", output_name);
+    link_args[j++] = strmake("", base_name, create_wrapper ? "dll" : "exe");
     link_args[j++] = spec_o_name;
     for (i = 0; i < nb_obj_files; i++)
 	if (!is_resource(obj_files[i])) link_args[j++] = obj_files[i];
     link_args[j] = 0;
+    /* build wrapper compile argument list */
+    wwrap_args = malloc ( 20 * sizeof (char *) );
+    j = 0;
+    wwrap_args[j++] = "gcc";
+    wwrap_args[j++] = "-fPIC";
+    wwrap_args[j++] = "-I" INCLUDEDIR "/windows";
+    wwrap_args[j++] = "-o";
+    wwrap_args[j++] = wrap_o_name;
+    wwrap_args[j++] = "-c";
+    wwrap_args[j++] = wrap_c_name;
+    wwrap_args[j] = 0;
+    /* build wrapper winebuild's argument list */
+    wspec_args = malloc( 20 * sizeof (char *) );
+    j = 0;
+    wspec_args[j++] = BINDIR "/winebuild";
+    wspec_args[j++] = "-o";
+    wspec_args[j++] = wspec_c_name;
+    wspec_args[j++] = "--exe";
+    wspec_args[j++] = output_name;
+    wspec_args[j++] = gui_mode ? "-mgui" : "-mcui";
+    wspec_args[j++] = wrap_o_name;
+    wspec_args[j++] = "-L" WINEDLLS;
+    wspec_args[j++] = "-luser32";
+    wspec_args[j++] = "-lkernel32";
+    wspec_args[j] = 0;
+    /* build wrapper gcc's argument list */
+    wcomp_args = malloc ( 20 * sizeof (char *) );
+    j = 0;
+    wcomp_args[j++] = "gcc";
+    wcomp_args[j++] = "-fPIC";
+    wcomp_args[j++] = "-o";
+    wcomp_args[j++] = wspec_o_name;
+    wcomp_args[j++] = "-c";
+    wcomp_args[j++] = wspec_c_name;
+    wcomp_args[j] = 0;
+    /* build wrapper ld's argument list */
+    wlink_args = malloc( 20 * sizeof (char *) );
+    j = 0;
+    wlink_args[j++] = "gcc";
+    wlink_args[j++] = "-shared";
+    wlink_args[j++] = "-Wl,-Bsymbolic,-z,defs";
+    wlink_args[j++] = "-lwine";
+    wlink_args[j++] = "-ldl";
+    wlink_args[j++] = "-o";
+    wlink_args[j++] = strmake("", base_name);
+    wlink_args[j++] = wspec_o_name;
+    wlink_args[j++] = wrap_o_name;
+    wlink_args[j] = 0;
     /* run winebuild to get the .spec.c file */
-    spawn(spec_args);
-    /* compile the .spec.c file */
-    spawn(comp_args);
-    unlink(spec_c_name);
-    /* run gcc to link */
-    spawn(link_args);
-    unlink(spec_o_name);
+    if (create_wrapper)
+    {
+	create_file(spec_name, gui_mode ? app_gui_spec : app_cui_spec);
+        spawn(spec_args);
+        rm_temp_file(spec_name);
+	spawn(comp_args);
+	rm_temp_file(spec_c_name);
+	spawn(link_args);
+	rm_temp_file(spec_o_name);
+	create_file(wrap_c_name, wrapper_code, base_name, gui_mode);
+	spawn(wwrap_args);
+	rm_temp_file(wrap_c_name);
+	spawn(wspec_args);
+	spawn(wcomp_args);
+	rm_temp_file(wspec_c_name);
+	spawn(wlink_args);
+	rm_temp_file(wspec_o_name);
+	rm_temp_file(wrap_o_name);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	spawn(spec_args);
+	spawn(comp_args);
+	rm_temp_file(spec_c_name);
+	spawn(link_args);
+	rm_temp_file(spec_o_name);
+    }
     /* create the loader script */
-    output_name[strlen(output_name) - 4] = 0; /* remove the .exe extension */
-    if ( !(file = fopen(output_name, "w")) )
-	error ("Can not create %s.", output_name);
-    fprintf(file, app_loader_script, output_name);
-    fclose(file);
-    chmod(output_name, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+    for (i = 0; i < nb_dll_files; i++)
+	if (dll_files[i][1] == 'l') dlls = strmake(" %s %s", dlls, dll_files[i]);
+    create_file(base_name, app_loader_script, base_name, dlls);
+    chmod(base_name, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
     return 0;    


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