Fwd: Re: addenda to wordperfect

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You didn't manage to attach your logfile to the mail.
Try again or just copy/paste the text in the mail.

Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse @yahoo.fr gratuite et en fran�ais !
Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com
--- Begin Message ---
Sylvain Petreolle wrote:

>what is the error message do you see in the console
>window ? If you cannot because WP is displaying on all
>the screen, try to set "Desktop" to "640x480".
>You could log all messages in a file : try
>wine wpwin9 2>&1 |tee logfile.
> --- Alvin Murphy <amurphy@hawaii.rr.com> a �crit : >
>I did find a say to get to the directory holding
>>wpwin9 and it strarted 
>>but then froze with the splash screen. Not sure how
>>to get the error 
>>message in here; seems to have to do with the
>>keyboard and X11driver; 
>>hope I am abusing this bulletin board, but I am
>>hoping someone can help 
>>me with the next step. Thanks
>Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse @yahoo.fr gratuite et en fran�ais !
>Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com
Thanks for the help. I ran your command and got the same series of 
messages and a "logfile" which I will try to insert here or if I cannot, 
will make as attachment. By the way, I am not too savvy with email, so 
feel free to let me know if I goof.


--- End Message ---

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