PATCH: tlib marshaller enhancements

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If you do 'Insert -> Graphics -> Clip Art' WinWord2000 will launch into
a series of IDispatch::Invoke calls, which needs like twice the
functionality in the typelib marshaler then we already had.

Since I had lots of spare time last week I implemented it.

The marshaller had also 2 sets of functions doing nearly the same thing,
I collapsed them into 1.

Also IDispatch::Invoke passes a DISPPARAMS struct, which cannot be
expressed by the typelib data, it needs a custom marshaler. I implemented

I also abstracted the LPVOID* hack we need for IShield v6 into a similar

I also added several other types, which are pretty self explaining.

Both have been tested with IShield v6 and WinWord2000, Insert Clipart.
(The latter does not really work, it just marshals everything correctly

Ciao, Marcus

License: LGPL

	Merged the two serializer and unserializer functions into one,
	cleaned them up.
	VT_PTR: Handle NULL pointers by sending a cookie.
	Added a custom serializer for DISPPARAMS struct.

Index: tmarshal.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/oleaut32/tmarshal.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 tmarshal.c
--- tmarshal.c	4 Jun 2002 22:14:06 -0000	1.5
+++ tmarshal.c	9 Jun 2002 21:27:49 -0000
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
 #include "ntddk.h"
 static const WCHAR riidW[5] = {'r','i','i','d',0};
+static const WCHAR pdispparamsW[] = {'p','d','i','s','p','p','a','r','a','m','s',0};
+static const WCHAR ppvObjectW[] = {'p','p','v','O','b','j','e','c','t',0};
@@ -357,60 +359,146 @@
+/* how much space do we use on stack in DWORD steps. */
+static int const
+_argsize(DWORD vt) {
+    switch (vt) {
+    case VT_VARIANT:
+	return (sizeof(VARIANT)+3)/sizeof(DWORD);
+    default:
+	return 1;
+    }
+static int
+_xsize(TYPEDESC *td) {
+    switch (td->vt) {
+    case VT_VARIANT:
+	return sizeof(VARIANT)+3;
+    case VT_CARRAY: {
+	int i, arrsize = 1;
+	ARRAYDESC *adesc = td->u.lpadesc;
+	for (i=0;i<adesc->cDims;i++)
+	    arrsize *= adesc->rgbounds[i].cElements;
+	return arrsize*_xsize(&adesc->tdescElem);
+    }
+    case VT_UI2:
+    case VT_I2:
+	return 2;
+    case VT_UI1:
+    case VT_I1:
+	return 1;
+    default:
+	return 4;
+    }
 static HRESULT
-    ITypeInfo *tinfo, ELEMDESC *elem, TYPEDESC *tdesc, DWORD *arg, marshal_state *buf
+    ITypeInfo		*tinfo,
+    BOOL		writeit,
+    BOOL		debugout,
+    BOOL		dealloc,
+    TYPEDESC		*tdesc,
+    DWORD		*arg,
+    marshal_state	*buf
 ) {
-    int relaydeb = TRACE_ON(olerelay);
-    HRESULT	hres;
+    HRESULT hres = S_OK;
+    TRACE("(tdesc.vt %d)\n",tdesc->vt);
-    if (!tdesc) tdesc = &(elem->tdesc);
     switch (tdesc->vt) {
-    case VT_NULL:
+    case VT_EMPTY: /* nothing. empty variant for instance */
 	return S_OK;
-    case VT_BSTR: {	/* DWORD size, string data */
-	    if (*arg) {
-		DWORD *bstr = ((DWORD*)(*arg))-1;
-		if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("%s",debugstr_w((LPWSTR)(bstr+1)));
-		return xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)bstr,bstr[0]+4);
-	    } else {
-		DWORD xnull = 0;
-		return xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&xnull,sizeof(xnull));
-	    }
-	}
     case VT_BOOL:
+    case VT_ERROR:
+    case VT_UI4:
+    case VT_UINT:
     case VT_I4:
-	if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("%ld",*arg);
-	return xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,4);
+    case VT_UI2:
+    case VT_UI1:
+	hres = S_OK;
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("%lx",*arg);
+	if (writeit)
+	    hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,sizeof(DWORD));
+	return hres;
     case VT_VARIANT: {
-	/* We use ourselves to marshal the value further */
-	TYPEDESC tdesc2;
-	VARIANT *vt = (VARIANT*)arg;
-	DWORD vttype = V_VT(vt);
+	TYPEDESC	tdesc2;
+	VARIANT		*vt = (VARIANT*)arg;
+	DWORD		vttype = V_VT(vt);
-	hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&vttype,sizeof(vttype));
-	if (hres) return hres;
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("Vt(%ld)(",vttype);
 	tdesc2.vt = vttype;
-	if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("Vt %ld ",vttype);
-	/* shield your eyes, bad pointer voodoo below */
-	return marshall_param(tinfo,elem,&tdesc2,(DWORD*)&(V_I4(vt)),buf);
+	if (writeit) {
+	    hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&vttype,sizeof(vttype));
+	    if (hres) return hres;
+	}
+	/* need to recurse since we need to free the stuff */
+	hres = serialize_param(tinfo,writeit,debugout,dealloc,&tdesc2,&(V_I4(vt)),buf);
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE(")");
+	return hres;
-    case VT_PTR:
-	return marshall_param(tinfo,elem,tdesc->u.lptdesc,(DWORD*)*arg,buf);
-    case VT_VOID:
-	hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&(buf->iid),(LPUNKNOWN)arg);
-	if (hres) {
-	    FIXME("Failed unmarshaling VT_VOID with guid %s?\n",debugstr_guid(&(buf->iid)));
+    case VT_BSTR: {
+	if (debugout) {
+	    if (arg)
+		    MESSAGE("%s",debugstr_w((BSTR)*arg));
+	    else
+		    MESSAGE("<bstr NULL>");
+	}
+	if (writeit) {
+	    if (!*arg) {
+		DWORD fakelen = -1;
+		hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&fakelen,4);
+		if (hres)
+		    return hres;
+	    } else {
+		DWORD *bstr = ((DWORD*)(*arg))-1;
+		hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)bstr,bstr[0]+4);
+		if (hres)
+		    return hres;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (dealloc && arg)
+	    SysFreeString((BSTR)arg);
+	return S_OK;
+    }
+    case VT_PTR: {
+	DWORD cookie;
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("*");
+	if (writeit) {
+	    cookie = *arg ? 0x42424242 : 0;
+	    hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&cookie,sizeof(cookie));
+	    if (hres)
+		return hres;
+	}
+	if (!*arg) {
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("NULL");
+	    return S_OK;
+	hres = serialize_param(tinfo,writeit,debugout,dealloc,tdesc->u.lptdesc,(DWORD*)*arg,buf);
+	if (dealloc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,(LPVOID)arg);
 	return hres;
+    }
+    case VT_UNKNOWN:
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("unk(0x%lx)",*arg);
+	if (writeit)
+	    hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&IID_IUnknown,(LPUNKNOWN)*arg);
+	return hres;
+    case VT_DISPATCH:
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("idisp(0x%lx)",*arg);
+	if (writeit)
+	    hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&IID_IDispatch,(LPUNKNOWN)*arg);
+	return hres;
+    case VT_VOID:
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("<void>");
+	return S_OK;
     case VT_USERDEFINED: {
 	ITypeInfo	*tinfo2;
 	TYPEATTR	*tattr;
-	/*FIXME("VT_USERDEFINED arg is %p, *arg is %p\n",arg,*arg);*/
 	hres = ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo(tinfo,tdesc->u.hreftype,&tinfo2);
 	if (hres) {
 	    FIXME("Could not get typeinfo of hreftype %lx for VT_USERDEFINED.\n",tdesc->u.hreftype);
@@ -419,15 +507,53 @@
 	switch (tattr->typekind) {
-	    if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("if(%p), vtbl %p",arg,(LPVOID)*arg);
-	    hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&(tattr->guid),(LPUNKNOWN)arg);
+	    if (writeit)
+	       hres=_marshal_interface(buf,&(tattr->guid),(LPUNKNOWN)arg);
-	    if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("record %p",arg);
-	    if (buf->thisisiid)
+	case TKIND_RECORD: {
+	    int i;
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("{");
+	    for (i=0;i<tattr->cVars;i++) {
+		VARDESC *vdesc;
+		ELEMDESC *elem2;
+		TYPEDESC *tdesc2;
+		hres = ITypeInfo2_GetVarDesc(tinfo2, i, &vdesc);
+		if (hres) {
+		    FIXME("Could not get vardesc of %d\n",i);
+		    return hres;
+		}
+		/* Need them for hack below */
+		/*
+		memset(names,0,sizeof(names));
+		hres = ITypeInfo_GetNames(tinfo2,vdesc->memid,names,sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]),&nrofnames);
+		if (nrofnames > sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0])) {
+		    ERR("Need more names!\n");
+		}
+		if (!hres && debugout)
+		    MESSAGE("%s=",debugstr_w(names[0]));
+		*/
+		elem2 = &vdesc->elemdescVar;
+		tdesc2 = &elem2->tdesc;
+		hres = serialize_param(
+		    tinfo2,
+		    writeit,
+		    debugout,
+		    dealloc,
+		    tdesc2,
+		    (DWORD*)(((LPBYTE)arg)+vdesc->u.oInst),
+		    buf
+		);
+		if (hres!=S_OK)
+		    return hres;
+		if (debugout && (i<(tattr->cVars-1)))
+		    MESSAGE(",");
+	    }
+	    if (buf->thisisiid && (tattr->cbSizeInstance==sizeof(GUID)))
-	    hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,tattr->cbSizeInstance);
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("}");
+	}
 	    FIXME("Don't know how to marshal type kind %d\n",tattr->typekind);
 	    hres = E_FAIL;
@@ -436,85 +562,502 @@
 	return hres;
-    case VT_UNKNOWN:
-        return _marshal_interface(buf,&IID_IUnknown,(LPUNKNOWN)*arg);
+    case VT_CARRAY: {
+	ARRAYDESC *adesc = tdesc->u.lpadesc;
+	int i, arrsize = 1;
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("carr");
+	for (i=0;i<adesc->cDims;i++) {
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("[%ld]",adesc->rgbounds[i].cElements);
+	    arrsize *= adesc->rgbounds[i].cElements;
+	}
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("[");
+	for (i=0;i<arrsize;i++) {
+	    hres = serialize_param(tinfo, writeit, debugout, dealloc, &adesc->tdescElem, (DWORD*)((LPBYTE)arg+i*_xsize(&adesc->tdescElem)), buf);
+	    if (hres)
+		return hres;
+	    if (debugout && (i<arrsize-1)) MESSAGE(",");
+	}
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("]");
+	return S_OK;
+    }
-	ERR("Cannot marshal type %d\n",tdesc->vt);
-	/*dump_ELEMDESC(elem);*/
+	ERR("Unhandled marshal type %d.\n",tdesc->vt);
+	return S_OK;
+    }
+static HRESULT
+    ITypeInfo		*tinfo,
+    BOOL		writeit,
+    BOOL		debugout,
+    BOOL		dealloc,
+    TYPEDESC		*tdesc,
+    DWORD		*arg,
+    marshal_state	*buf
+) {
+    HRESULT	hres;
+    DWORD	cookie;
+    if ((tdesc->vt != VT_PTR)			||
+	(tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_PTR)	||
+	(tdesc->u.lptdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_VOID)
+    ) {
+	FIXME("ppvObject not expressed as VT_PTR -> VT_PTR -> VT_VOID?\n");
 	return E_FAIL;
+    cookie = (*arg) ? 0x42424242: 0x0;
+    if (writeit) {
+	hres = xbuf_add(buf, (LPVOID)&cookie, sizeof(cookie));
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+    }
+    if (!*arg) {
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("<lpvoid NULL>");
+	return S_OK;
+    }
+    if (debugout)
+	MESSAGE("ppv(%p)",*(DWORD*)*arg);
+    if (writeit) {
+	hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&(buf->iid),*(LPUNKNOWN*)*arg);
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+    }
+    if (dealloc)
+	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,(LPVOID)*arg);
     return S_OK;
 static HRESULT
-    ITypeInfo *tinfo, ELEMDESC *elem, TYPEDESC *tdesc, DWORD *arg, marshal_state *buf
+    ITypeInfo		*tinfo,
+    BOOL		writeit,
+    BOOL		debugout,
+    BOOL		dealloc,
+    TYPEDESC		*tdesc,
+    DWORD		*arg,
+    marshal_state	*buf
 ) {
-    HRESULT hres = S_OK;
-    int relaydeb = TRACE_ON(olerelay);
+    DWORD	cookie;
+    HRESULT	hres;
+    DISPPARAMS	*disp;
+    int		i;
-    if (!tdesc) tdesc = &(elem->tdesc);
-    switch (tdesc->vt) {
-    case VT_I4: {
-	DWORD x;
-	xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)&x,sizeof(x));
-	*arg = x;
-	if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("%ld ",x);
-	return S_OK;
+    if ((tdesc->vt != VT_PTR) || (tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED)) {
+	FIXME("DISPPARAMS not expressed as VT_PTR -> VT_USERDEFINED?\n");
+	return E_FAIL;
-    case VT_PTR:
-	if ((tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED) &&
-	    (tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_VOID)
-	)
-	    hres = unmarshall_param(tinfo,elem,tdesc->u.lptdesc,(DWORD*)(*arg),buf);
-	else
-	    hres = unmarshall_param(tinfo,elem,tdesc->u.lptdesc,arg,buf);
-	if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("%p ",(LPVOID)*arg);
+    cookie = *arg ? 0x42424242 : 0x0;
+    if (writeit) {
+	hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&cookie,sizeof(cookie));
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+    }
+    if (!*arg) {
+	if (debugout) MESSAGE("<DISPPARAMS NULL>");
 	return S_OK;
-    case VT_USERDEFINED: {
-	ITypeInfo	*tinfo2;
-	TYPEATTR	*tattr;
+    }
+    disp = (DISPPARAMS*)*arg;
+    if (writeit) {
+	hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&disp->cArgs,sizeof(disp->cArgs));
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+    }
+    if (debugout) MESSAGE("D{");
+    for (i=0;i<disp->cArgs;i++) {
+	TYPEDESC	vtdesc;
+	vtdesc.vt = VT_VARIANT;
+	serialize_param(
+	    tinfo,
+	    writeit,
+	    debugout,
+	    dealloc,
+	    &vtdesc,
+	    (DWORD*)(disp->rgvarg+i),
+	    buf
+        );
+	if (debugout && (i<disp->cArgs-1))
+	    MESSAGE(",");
+    }
+    if (dealloc)
+	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,disp->rgvarg);
+    if (writeit) {
+	hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&disp->cNamedArgs,sizeof(disp->cNamedArgs));
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+    }
+    if (debugout) MESSAGE("}{");
+    for (i=0;i<disp->cNamedArgs;i++) {
+	TYPEDESC	vtdesc;
+	vtdesc.vt = VT_UINT;
+	serialize_param(
+	    tinfo,
+	    writeit,
+	    debugout,
+	    dealloc,
+	    &vtdesc,
+	    (DWORD*)(disp->rgdispidNamedArgs+i),
+	    buf
+	);
+	if (debugout && (i<disp->cNamedArgs-1))
+	    MESSAGE(",");
+    }
+    if (debugout) MESSAGE("}");
+    if (dealloc) {
+	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,disp->rgdispidNamedArgs);
+	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,disp);
+    }
+    return S_OK;
-	if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("%p",arg);
-	hres = ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo(tinfo,tdesc->u.hreftype,&tinfo2);
-	if (hres) {
-	    FIXME("Could not get typeinfo of hreftype %lx for VT_USERDEFINED.\n",tdesc->u.hreftype);
+static HRESULT
+    ITypeInfo		*tinfo,
+    BOOL		readit,
+    BOOL		debugout,
+    BOOL		alloc,
+    TYPEDESC		*tdesc,
+    DWORD		*arg,
+    marshal_state	*buf
+) {
+    HRESULT hres = S_OK;
+    TRACE("vt %d at %p\n",tdesc->vt,arg);
+    while (1) {
+	switch (tdesc->vt) {
+	case VT_EMPTY:
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("<empty>");
+	    return S_OK;
+	case VT_NULL:
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("<null>");
+	    return S_OK;
+	case VT_VARIANT: {
+	    VARIANT	*vt = (VARIANT*)arg;
+	    if (readit) {
+		DWORD	vttype;
+		TYPEDESC	tdesc2;
+		hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)&vttype,sizeof(vttype));
+		if (hres) {
+		    FIXME("vt type not read?\n");
+		    return hres;
+		}
+		memset(&tdesc2,0,sizeof(tdesc2));
+		tdesc2.vt = vttype;
+		V_VT(vt)  = vttype;
+	        if (debugout) MESSAGE("Vt(%ld)(",vttype);
+		hres = deserialize_param(tinfo, readit, debugout, alloc, &tdesc2, &(V_I4(vt)), buf);
+		MESSAGE(")");
+		return hres;
+	    } else {
+		VariantInit(vt);
+		return S_OK;
+	    }
+	}
+        case VT_ERROR:
+	case VT_BOOL: case VT_I4: case VT_UI4: case VT_UINT:
+        case VT_UI2:
+	case VT_UI1:
+	    if (readit) {
+		hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,sizeof(DWORD));
+		if (hres) FIXME("Failed to read integer 4 byte\n");
+	    }
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("%lx",*arg);
 	    return hres;
+	case VT_BSTR: {
+	    WCHAR	*str;
+	    DWORD	len;
+	    if (readit) {
+		hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)&len,sizeof(DWORD));
+		if (hres) {
+		    FIXME("failed to read bstr klen\n");
+		    return hres;
+		}
+		if (len == -1) {
+		    *arg = 0;
+		    if (debugout) MESSAGE("<bstr NULL>");
+		} else {
+		    str  = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,len+sizeof(WCHAR));
+		    hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)str,len);
+		    if (hres) {
+			FIXME("Failed to read BSTR.\n");
+			return hres;
+		    }
+		    *arg = (DWORD)SysAllocStringLen(str,len);
+		    if (debugout) MESSAGE("%s",debugstr_w(str));
+		    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,str);
+		}
+	    } else {
+	        *arg = 0;
+	    }
+	    return S_OK;
-	hres = ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr(tinfo2,&tattr);
-	if (hres) {
-	    FIXME("Could not get typeattr in VT_USERDEFINED.\n");
+	case VT_PTR: {
+	    DWORD	cookie;
+	    BOOL	derefhere = 0;
+	    derefhere = (tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED);
+	    if (readit) {
+		hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)&cookie,sizeof(cookie));
+		if (hres) {
+		    FIXME("Failed to load pointer cookie.\n");
+		    return hres;
+		}
+		if (cookie != 0x42424242) {
+		    if (debugout) MESSAGE("NULL");
+		    *arg = 0;
+		    return S_OK;
+		}
+		if (debugout) MESSAGE("*");
+	    }
+	    if (alloc) {
+		if (derefhere)
+		    *arg=(DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,_xsize(tdesc->u.lptdesc));
+	    }
+	    if (derefhere)
+		return deserialize_param(tinfo, readit, debugout, alloc, tdesc->u.lptdesc, (LPDWORD)*arg, buf);
+	    else
+		return deserialize_param(tinfo, readit, debugout, alloc, tdesc->u.lptdesc, arg, buf);
+        }
+	case VT_UNKNOWN:
+	    /* FIXME: UNKNOWN is unknown ..., but allocate 4 byte for it */
+	    if (alloc)
+	        *arg=(DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(DWORD));
+	    hres = S_OK;
+	    if (readit)
+		hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&IID_IUnknown,(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
+	    if (debugout)
+		MESSAGE("unk(%p)",arg);
+	    return hres;
+	    hres = S_OK;
+	    if (readit)
+		hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&IID_IDispatch,(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
+	    if (debugout)
+		MESSAGE("idisp(%p)",arg);
+	    return hres;
+	case VT_VOID:
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("<void>");
+	    return S_OK;
+	    ITypeInfo	*tinfo2;
+	    TYPEATTR	*tattr;
+	    hres = ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo(tinfo,tdesc->u.hreftype,&tinfo2);
+	    if (hres) {
+		FIXME("Could not get typeinfo of hreftype %lx for VT_USERDEFINED.\n",tdesc->u.hreftype);
+		return hres;
+	    }
+	    hres = ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr(tinfo2,&tattr);
+	    if (hres) {
+		FIXME("Could not get typeattr in VT_USERDEFINED.\n");
+	    } else {
+		if (alloc)
+		    *arg = (DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,tattr->cbSizeInstance);
+		switch (tattr->typekind) {
+		    if (readit)
+			hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&(tattr->guid),(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
+		    break;
+		case TKIND_RECORD: {
+		    int i;
+		    if (debugout) MESSAGE("{");
+		    for (i=0;i<tattr->cVars;i++) {
+			VARDESC *vdesc;
+			hres = ITypeInfo2_GetVarDesc(tinfo2, i, &vdesc);
+			if (hres) {
+			    FIXME("Could not get vardesc of %d\n",i);
+			    return hres;
+			}
+			hres = deserialize_param(
+			    tinfo2,
+			    readit,
+			    debugout,
+			    alloc,
+			    &vdesc->elemdescVar.tdesc,
+			    (DWORD*)(((LPBYTE)*arg)+vdesc->u.oInst),
+			    buf
+			);
+		        if (debugout && (i<tattr->cVars-1)) MESSAGE(",");
+		    }
+		    if (buf->thisisiid && (tattr->cbSizeInstance==sizeof(GUID)))
+			memcpy(&(buf->iid),(LPBYTE)*arg,sizeof(buf->iid));
+		    if (debugout) MESSAGE("}");
+		    break;
+		}
+		default:
+		    FIXME("Don't know how to marshal type kind %d\n",tattr->typekind);
+		    hres = E_FAIL;
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (hres)
+		FIXME("failed to stuballoc in TKIND_RECORD.\n");
+	    ITypeInfo_Release(tinfo2);
 	    return hres;
-	switch (tattr->typekind) {
-	    hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&(tattr->guid),(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
-	    break;
-	    hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,tattr->cbSizeInstance);
-	    break;
+	case VT_CARRAY: {
+	    /* arg is pointing to the start of the array. */
+	    ARRAYDESC *adesc = tdesc->u.lpadesc;
+	    int		arrsize,i;
+	    arrsize = 1;
+	    if (adesc->cDims > 1) FIXME("cDims > 1 in VT_CARRAY. Does it work?\n");
+	    for (i=0;i<adesc->cDims;i++)
+		arrsize *= adesc->rgbounds[i].cElements;
+	    for (i=0;i<arrsize;i++)
+		deserialize_param(
+		    tinfo,
+		    readit,
+		    debugout,
+		    alloc,
+		    &adesc->tdescElem,
+		    (DWORD*)((LPBYTE)(arg)+i*_xsize(&adesc->tdescElem)),
+		    buf
+		);
+	    return S_OK;
+	}
-	    hres = E_FAIL;
-	    FIXME("Don't know how to marshal type kind %d\n",tattr->typekind);
+	    ERR("No handler for VT type %d!\n",tdesc->vt);
+	    return S_OK;
-	ITypeInfo_Release(tinfo2);
+    }
+static HRESULT
+    ITypeInfo		*tinfo,
+    BOOL		readit,
+    BOOL		debugout,
+    BOOL		alloc,
+    TYPEDESC		*tdesc,
+    DWORD		*arg,
+    marshal_state	*buf
+) {
+    HRESULT	hres;
+    DWORD	cookie;
+    if ((tdesc->vt != VT_PTR)			||
+	(tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_PTR)	||
+	(tdesc->u.lptdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_VOID)
+    ) {
+	FIXME("ppvObject not expressed as VT_PTR -> VT_PTR -> VT_VOID?\n");
+	return E_FAIL;
+    }
+    if (alloc)
+	*arg=(DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(LPVOID));
+    if (readit) {
+	hres = xbuf_get(buf, (LPVOID)&cookie, sizeof(cookie));
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+	if (cookie != 0x42424242) {
+	    *(DWORD*)*arg = 0;
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("<lpvoid NULL>");
+	    return S_OK;
+	}
+    }
+    if (readit) {
+	hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&buf->iid,(LPUNKNOWN*)*arg);
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+    }
+    if (debugout) MESSAGE("ppv(%p)",(LPVOID)*arg);
+    return S_OK;
+static HRESULT
+    ITypeInfo		*tinfo,
+    BOOL		readit,
+    BOOL		debugout,
+    BOOL		alloc,
+    TYPEDESC		*tdesc,
+    DWORD		*arg,
+    marshal_state	*buf
+) {
+    DWORD	cookie;
+    DISPPARAMS	*disps;
+    HRESULT	hres;
+    int		i;
+    if ((tdesc->vt != VT_PTR) || (tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED)) {
+	FIXME("DISPPARAMS not expressed as VT_PTR -> VT_USERDEFINED?\n");
+	return E_FAIL;
+    }
+    if (readit) {
+	hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)&cookie,sizeof(cookie));
+	if (hres)
+	    return hres;
+	if (cookie == 0) {
+	    *arg = 0;
+	    if (debugout) MESSAGE("<DISPPARAMS NULL>");
+	    return S_OK;
+	}
+    }
+    if (alloc)
+	*arg = (DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(DISPPARAMS));
+    disps = (DISPPARAMS*)*arg;
+    if (!readit)
+	return S_OK;
+    hres = xbuf_get(buf, (LPBYTE)&disps->cArgs, sizeof(disps->cArgs));
+    if (hres)
 	return hres;
+    if (alloc)
+        disps->rgvarg = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(VARIANT)*disps->cArgs);
+    if (debugout) MESSAGE("D{");
+    for (i=0; i< disps->cArgs; i++) {
+        TYPEDESC vdesc;
+	vdesc.vt = VT_VARIANT;
+	hres = deserialize_param(
+	    tinfo,
+	    readit,
+	    debugout,
+	    alloc,
+	    &vdesc,
+	    (DWORD*)(disps->rgvarg+i),
+	    buf
+	);
-    case VT_VOID:
-	/* Hacky. If we are LPVOID* we apparently have to guess the IID
-	 * for the interface. This sucks pretty badly. */
-	return _unmarshal_interface(buf,&(buf->iid),(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
-    default:	ERR("Cannot unmarshal type %d\n",tdesc->vt);
-		return E_FAIL;
+    if (debugout) MESSAGE("}{");
+    hres = xbuf_get(buf, (LPBYTE)&disps->cNamedArgs, sizeof(disps->cNamedArgs));
+    if (hres)
+	return hres;
+    if (disps->cNamedArgs) {
+	if (alloc)
+	    disps->rgdispidNamedArgs = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(DISPID)*disps->cNamedArgs);
+	for (i=0; i< disps->cNamedArgs; i++) {
+	    TYPEDESC vdesc;
+	    vdesc.vt = VT_UINT;
+	    hres = deserialize_param(
+		tinfo,
+		readit,
+		debugout,
+		alloc,
+		&vdesc,
+		(DWORD*)(disps->rgdispidNamedArgs+i),
+		buf
+	    );
+	    if (debugout && i<(disps->cNamedArgs-1)) MESSAGE(",");
+	}
+    if (debugout) MESSAGE("}");
     return S_OK;
 /* Searches function, also in inherited interfaces */
 static HRESULT
-	ITypeInfo *tinfo, int iMethod, FUNCDESC **fdesc,
-	BSTR *iname, BSTR *fname
+    ITypeInfo *tinfo, int iMethod, FUNCDESC **fdesc, BSTR *iname, BSTR *fname
 ) {
     int i = 0, j = 0;
     HRESULT hres;
@@ -564,17 +1107,6 @@
     return E_FAIL;
-/* how much space do we use on stack in DWORD steps. */
-static int
-_argsize(DWORD vt_type) {
-    switch (vt_type) {
-    case VT_VARIANT:
-	return (sizeof(VARIANT)+3)/sizeof(DWORD);
-    default:
-	return 1;
-    }
 static DWORD
 xCall(LPVOID retptr, int method, TMProxyImpl *tpinfo /*, args */) {
     DWORD		*args = ((DWORD*)&tpinfo)+1, *xargs;
@@ -609,10 +1141,11 @@
     /* Need them for hack below */
-    ITypeInfo_GetNames(tpinfo->tinfo,fdesc->memid,names,sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]),&nrofnames);
-    if (nrofnames > sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0])) {
+    if (ITypeInfo_GetNames(tpinfo->tinfo,fdesc->memid,names,sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]),&nrofnames))
+	nrofnames = 0;
+    if (nrofnames > sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]))
 	ERR("Need more names!\n");
-    }
     buf.iid = IID_IUnknown;
     if (method == 0) {
@@ -622,28 +1155,67 @@
 	xargs = args;
 	for (i=0;i<fdesc->cParams;i++) {
 	    ELEMDESC	*elem = fdesc->lprgelemdescParam+i;
+	    BOOL	isserialized = FALSE;
 	    if (relaydeb) {
 		if (i) MESSAGE(",");
 		if (i+1<nrofnames && names[i+1])
-	    if (((i+1)<nrofnames) && !lstrcmpW(names[i+1],riidW)) {
-		buf.thisisiid = TRUE;
-	    } else {
-		buf.thisisiid = FALSE;
-	    }
 	    /* No need to marshal other data than FIN */
 	    if (!(elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN)) {
 		if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("[out]");
-	    hres = marshall_param(tpinfo->tinfo,elem,NULL,xargs,&buf);
-	    xargs+=_argsize(elem->tdesc.vt);
+	    if (((i+1)<nrofnames) && !IsBadStringPtrW(names[i+1],1)) {
+		/* If the parameter is 'riid', we use it as interface IID
+		 * for a later ppvObject serialization.
+		 */
+		buf.thisisiid = !lstrcmpW(names[i+1],riidW);
+		/* DISPPARAMS* needs special serializer */
+		if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],pdispparamsW)) {
+		    hres = serialize_DISPPARAM_ptr(
+			tpinfo->tinfo,
+			elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN,
+			relaydeb,
+			FALSE,
+			&elem->tdesc,
+			xargs,
+			&buf
+		    );
+		    isserialized = TRUE;
+		}
+		if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],ppvObjectW)) {
+		    hres = serialize_LPVOID_ptr(
+			tpinfo->tinfo,
+			elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN,
+			relaydeb,
+			FALSE,
+			&elem->tdesc,
+			xargs,
+			&buf
+		    );
+		    if (hres == S_OK)
+		        isserialized = TRUE;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (!isserialized)
+		hres = serialize_param(
+		    tpinfo->tinfo,
+		    elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN,
+		    relaydeb,
+		    FALSE,
+		    &elem->tdesc,
+		    xargs,
+		    &buf
+		);
 	    if (hres) {
-		FIXME("Failed to marshall param, hres %lx\n",hres);
+		FIXME("Failed to serialize param, hres %lx\n",hres);
+	    xargs+=_argsize(elem->tdesc.vt);
     if (relaydeb) MESSAGE(")");
@@ -656,11 +1228,13 @@
 	return hres;
+    if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("\n");
     hres = IRpcChannelBuffer_SendReceive(tpinfo->chanbuf,&msg,&status);
     if (hres) {
 	FIXME("RpcChannelBuffer SendReceive failed, %lx\n",hres);
 	return hres;
+    relaydeb = TRACE_ON(olerelay);
     if (relaydeb) MESSAGE(" = %08lx (",status);
     if (buf.base)
 	buf.base = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,buf.base,msg.cbBuffer);
@@ -676,6 +1250,7 @@
 	xargs = args;
 	for (i=0;i<fdesc->cParams;i++) {
 	    ELEMDESC	*elem = fdesc->lprgelemdescParam+i;
+	    BOOL	isdeserialized = FALSE;
 	    if (relaydeb) {
 		if (i) MESSAGE(",");
@@ -687,15 +1262,61 @@
 		if (relaydeb) MESSAGE("[in]");
-	    hres = unmarshall_param(tpinfo->tinfo,elem,&(elem->tdesc),xargs,&buf);
-	    xargs += _argsize(elem->tdesc.vt);
+	    if (((i+1)<nrofnames) && !IsBadStringPtrW(names[i+1],1)) {
+		/* If the parameter is 'riid', we use it as interface IID
+		 * for a later ppvObject serialization.
+		 */
+		buf.thisisiid = !lstrcmpW(names[i+1],riidW);
+		/* deserialize DISPPARAM */
+		if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],pdispparamsW)) {
+		    hres = deserialize_DISPPARAM_ptr(
+			tpinfo->tinfo,
+			elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT,
+			relaydeb,
+			FALSE,
+			&(elem->tdesc),
+			xargs,
+			&buf
+		    );
+		    if (hres) {
+			FIXME("Failed to deserialize DISPPARAM*, hres %lx\n",hres);
+			break;
+		    }
+		    isdeserialized = TRUE;
+		}
+		if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],ppvObjectW)) {
+		    hres = deserialize_LPVOID_ptr(
+			tpinfo->tinfo,
+			elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT,
+			relaydeb,
+			FALSE,
+			&elem->tdesc,
+			xargs,
+			&buf
+		    );
+		    if (hres == S_OK)
+			isdeserialized = TRUE;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (!isdeserialized)
+		hres = deserialize_param(
+		    tpinfo->tinfo,
+		    elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT,
+		    relaydeb,
+		    FALSE,
+		    &(elem->tdesc),
+		    xargs,
+		    &buf
+		);
 	    if (hres) {
 		FIXME("Failed to unmarshall param, hres %lx\n",hres);
+	    xargs += _argsize(elem->tdesc.vt);
-    if (relaydeb) MESSAGE(")\n");
+    if (relaydeb) MESSAGE(")\n\n");
     return status;
@@ -840,208 +1461,6 @@
-static HRESULT
-    ITypeInfo *tinfo, ELEMDESC *elem, TYPEDESC *tdesc, DWORD *arg, marshal_state *buf
-) {
-    HRESULT hres;
-    while (1) {
-	switch (tdesc->vt) {
-	case VT_VARIANT: {
-	    DWORD	vttype;
-	    VARIANT	*vt = (VARIANT*)arg;
-	    TYPEDESC	tdesc2;
-	    hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)&vttype,sizeof(vttype));
-	    if (hres) return hres;
-	    memset(&tdesc2,0,sizeof(tdesc));
-	    tdesc2.vt = vttype;
-	    V_VT(vt)  = vttype;
-	    return stuballoc_param(tinfo,elem,&tdesc2,&(V_I4(vt)),buf);
-	}
-	case VT_BOOL: case VT_I4:
-	    xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,sizeof(DWORD));
-	    return S_OK;
-	case VT_BSTR: {
-		WCHAR	*str;
-		DWORD	len;
-		hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)&len,sizeof(DWORD));
-		if (hres)
-		    return hres;
-		str  = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,len+sizeof(WCHAR));
-		hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)str,len);
-		if (hres) return hres;
-		*arg = (DWORD)SysAllocStringLen(str,len);
-		HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,str);
-		return S_OK;
-	    }
-	case VT_PTR:
-	    if ((tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED) &&
-		(tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_VOID)
-	    ) {
-		*arg=(DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(LPVOID));
-		arg = (DWORD*)*arg;
-	    }
-	    tdesc = tdesc->u.lptdesc;
-	    break;
-	case VT_UNKNOWN:
-	    /* FIXME: UNKNOWN is unknown ..., but allocate 4 byte for it */
-	    *arg=(DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(DWORD));
-	    hres = S_OK;
-	    if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN)
-		hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&IID_IUnknown,(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
-	    return hres;
-	case VT_VOID:
-	    *arg = (DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(LPVOID));
-	    hres = S_OK;
-	    if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN)
-		hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&(buf->iid),(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
-	    return hres;
-	    if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN) {
-		ITypeInfo	*tinfo2;
-		TYPEATTR	*tattr;
-		hres = ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo(tinfo,tdesc->u.hreftype,&tinfo2);
-		if (hres) {
-		    FIXME("Could not get typeinfo of hreftype %lx for VT_USERDEFINED.\n",tdesc->u.hreftype);
-		    return hres;
-		}
-		hres = ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr(tinfo2,&tattr);
-		if (hres) {
-		    FIXME("Could not get typeattr in VT_USERDEFINED.\n");
-		    return hres;
-		}
-		switch (tattr->typekind) {
-		    hres = _unmarshal_interface(buf,&(tattr->guid),(LPUNKNOWN*)arg);
-		    break;
-		    *arg = (DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,tattr->cbSizeInstance);
-		    hres = xbuf_get(buf,(LPBYTE)*arg,tattr->cbSizeInstance);
-		    if (buf->thisisiid)
-			memcpy(&(buf->iid),(LPBYTE)*arg,sizeof(buf->iid));
-		    break;
-		default:
-		    FIXME("Don't know how to marshal type kind %d\n",tattr->typekind);
-		    hres = E_FAIL;
-		    break;
-		}
-		ITypeInfo_Release(tinfo2);
-		return hres;
-	    } else {
-		*arg = (DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(LPVOID));
-		return S_OK;
-	    }
-	}
-	default:
-	    ERR("No handler for VT type %d, just allocating 4 bytes.\n",tdesc->vt);
-	    *arg=(DWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(DWORD));
-	    return S_OK;
-	}
-    }
-static HRESULT
-    ITypeInfo *tinfo, ELEMDESC *elem, TYPEDESC *tdesc, DWORD *arg, marshal_state *buf
-) {
-    HRESULT hres = S_OK;
-    if (!tdesc) tdesc = &(elem->tdesc);
-    switch (tdesc->vt) {
-    case VT_BOOL:
-    case VT_I4:
-	hres = S_OK;
-	if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT)
-	    hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,sizeof(DWORD));
-	return hres;
-    case VT_VARIANT: {
-	TYPEDESC	tdesc2;
-	VARIANT		*vt = (VARIANT*)arg;
-	DWORD		vttype = V_VT(vt);
-	tdesc2.vt = vttype;
-	if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT) {
-	    hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)&vttype,sizeof(vttype));
-	    if (hres) return hres;
-	}
-	/* need to recurse since we need to free the stuff */
-	hres = stubunalloc_param(tinfo,elem,&tdesc2,&(V_I4(vt)),buf);
-	return hres;
-    }
-    case VT_BSTR: {
-	if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT) {
-	    DWORD *bstr = ((DWORD*)(*arg))-1;
-	    hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)bstr,bstr[0]+4);
-	    if (hres)
-		return hres;
-	}
-	SysFreeString((BSTR)*arg);
-	return S_OK;
-    }
-    case VT_PTR:
-	/*FIXME("VT_PTR *arg is %p\n",(LPVOID)*arg);*/
-	if ((tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED) &&
-	    (tdesc->u.lptdesc->vt != VT_VOID)
-	) {
-	    hres = stubunalloc_param(tinfo,elem,tdesc->u.lptdesc,arg,buf);
-	} else {
-	    hres = stubunalloc_param(tinfo,elem,tdesc->u.lptdesc,(DWORD*)*arg,buf);
-	    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,(LPVOID)*arg);
-	}
-	return hres;
-    case VT_UNKNOWN:
-	if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT) {
-	    FIXME("Marshaling back VT_UNKNOWN %lx\n",*arg);
-	    hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&IID_IUnknown,(LPUNKNOWN)*arg);
-	}
-	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,(LPVOID)*arg);
-	return hres;
-    case VT_VOID:
-	hres = S_OK;
-	if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT)
-	    hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&(buf->iid),(LPUNKNOWN)*arg);
-	return hres;
-    case VT_USERDEFINED: {
-	ITypeInfo	*tinfo2;
-	TYPEATTR	*tattr;
-	if (elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT) {
-	    /*FIXME("VT_USERDEFINED arg is %p, *arg is %p\n",arg,*arg);*/
-	    hres = ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo(tinfo,tdesc->u.hreftype,&tinfo2);
-	    if (hres) {
-		FIXME("Could not get typeinfo of hreftype %lx for VT_USERDEFINED.\n",tdesc->u.hreftype);
-		return hres;
-	    }
-	    ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr(tinfo2,&tattr);
-	    switch (tattr->typekind) {
-		hres = _marshal_interface(buf,&(tattr->guid),(LPUNKNOWN)*arg);
-		break;
-	    case TKIND_RECORD:
-		hres = xbuf_add(buf,(LPBYTE)arg,tattr->cbSizeInstance);
-		break;
-	    default:
-		FIXME("Don't know how to marshal type kind %d\n",tattr->typekind);
-		hres = E_FAIL;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    ITypeInfo_Release(tinfo2);
-	}
-	return hres;
-    }
-    default:
-	ERR("Unhandled marshal type %d.\n",tdesc->vt);
-	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,(LPVOID)*arg);
-	return S_OK;
-    }
     LPRPCSTUBBUFFER iface, RPCOLEMESSAGE* xmsg,IRpcChannelBuffer*rpcchanbuf
@@ -1096,15 +1515,58 @@
     xargs = args+1;
     for (i=0;i<fdesc->cParams;i++) {
 	ELEMDESC	*elem = fdesc->lprgelemdescParam+i;
+	BOOL		isdeserialized = FALSE;
-	if (((i+1)<nrofnames) && !lstrcmpW(names[i+1],riidW))
-	    buf.thisisiid = TRUE;
-	else
-	    buf.thisisiid = FALSE;
-	hres   = stuballoc_param(This->tinfo,elem,&(elem->tdesc),xargs,&buf);
+	if (((i+1)<nrofnames) && !IsBadStringPtrW(names[i+1],1)) {
+	    /* If the parameter is 'riid', we use it as interface IID
+	     * for a later ppvObject serialization.
+	     */
+	    buf.thisisiid = !lstrcmpW(names[i+1],riidW);
+	    /* deserialize DISPPARAM */
+	    if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],pdispparamsW)) {
+		hres = deserialize_DISPPARAM_ptr(
+		    This->tinfo,
+		    elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN,
+		    FALSE,
+		    TRUE,
+		    &(elem->tdesc),
+		    xargs,
+		    &buf
+		);
+		if (hres) {
+		    FIXME("Failed to deserialize DISPPARAM*, hres %lx\n",hres);
+		    break;
+		}
+		isdeserialized = TRUE;
+	    }
+	    if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],ppvObjectW)) {
+		hres = deserialize_LPVOID_ptr(
+		    This->tinfo,
+		    elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT,
+		    FALSE,
+		    TRUE,
+		    &elem->tdesc,
+		    xargs,
+		    &buf
+		);
+		if (hres == S_OK)
+		    isdeserialized = TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!isdeserialized)
+	    hres = deserialize_param(
+		This->tinfo,
+		elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN,
+		TRUE,
+		&(elem->tdesc),
+		xargs,
+		&buf
+	    );
 	xargs += _argsize(elem->tdesc.vt);
 	if (hres) {
-	    FIXME("Failed to stuballoc param %s, hres %lx\n",debugstr_w(names[i+1]),hres);
+	    FIXME("Failed to deserialize param %s, hres %lx\n",debugstr_w(names[i+1]),hres);
@@ -1124,7 +1586,51 @@
     xargs = args+1;
     for (i=0;i<fdesc->cParams;i++) {
 	ELEMDESC	*elem = fdesc->lprgelemdescParam+i;
-	hres = stubunalloc_param(This->tinfo,elem,NULL,xargs,&buf);
+	BOOL		isserialized = FALSE;
+	if (((i+1)<nrofnames) && !IsBadStringPtrW(names[i+1],1)) {
+	    /* If the parameter is 'riid', we use it as interface IID
+	     * for a later ppvObject serialization.
+	     */
+	    buf.thisisiid = !lstrcmpW(names[i+1],riidW);
+	    /* DISPPARAMS* needs special serializer */
+	    if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],pdispparamsW)) {
+		hres = serialize_DISPPARAM_ptr(
+		    This->tinfo,
+		    elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT,
+		    FALSE,
+		    TRUE,
+		    &elem->tdesc,
+		    xargs,
+		    &buf
+		);
+		isserialized = TRUE;
+	    }
+	    if (!lstrcmpW(names[i+1],ppvObjectW)) {
+		hres = serialize_LPVOID_ptr(
+		    This->tinfo,
+		    elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT,
+		    FALSE,
+		    TRUE,
+		    &elem->tdesc,
+		    xargs,
+		    &buf
+		);
+		if (hres == S_OK)
+		    isserialized = TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!isserialized)
+	    hres = serialize_param(
+	       This->tinfo,
+	       elem->u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT,
+	       FALSE,
+	       TRUE,
+	       &elem->tdesc,
+	       xargs,
+	       &buf
+	    );
 	xargs += _argsize(elem->tdesc.vt);
 	if (hres) {
 	    FIXME("Failed to stuballoc param, hres %lx\n",hres);

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