XTerminal issue

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What does wine exactly trying to do when i run it remotely?
I've got some XTerminals and I'd like to run MSOffice on them (on the app 
server, actually) but when i try to w(h)ine it starts up, makes noise on 
the net for some 5mins (doing the fonts). After that it dumps an error 
message saying that he's run out of resources (the X server I think).


Elod VALKAI             /V\               "Linux is like a wigwam - 
elod@bartok.tm.edu.ro  // \\                no windows, no gates,
                      /(   )\                  apache inside!"
==netadmin@bartok===== ^`~'^ ==---phone:(+40)56 221273 (195913-home)---===

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