Many stubs

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Many stub additions and changes, mostly partial. The msvcrt20 stuff 
added is mainly stubs and forwards.

Added directory:

Added files:
	include			: mapicode.h
	dlls/msvcrt20		:
	dlls/msvcrt20		: dummy.c
	dlls/msvcrt20		: msvcrt20.spec

Modified files:
	dlls/imm32		: imm.c
	dlls/imm32		: imm32.spec
	include			: imm.h
	dlls/kernal		: kernel32.spec
	dlls/mapi32		: mapi32.spec
	dlls/mapi32		: mapi32_main.c
	include			: mapi.h
	dlls/msvcrt		: msvcrt.spec
	dlls/msvcrt		: dir.c
	dlls/ntdll		: sec.c

Log message:
	Many added and paritially implemented stubs.
	An implementation of _wmakepath, used in msvcrt/20.

--- include/mapicode.h	Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
+++ include/mapicode.h	Tue Oct 30 14:58:36 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * status codes returned by MAPI
+ */
+#ifndef MAPICODE_H
+#define MAPICODE_H
+#define MAKE_MAPI_SCODE(sev,fac,code) \
+    ( (((ULONG)(sev)<<31) | ((ULONG)(fac)<<16) | ((ULONG)(code))) )
+#define MAKE_MAPI_E( err ) (MAKE_MAPI_SCODE(1, FACILITY_ITF, err ))
+#define MAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED              MAKE_MAPI_E( 0x605)
--- dlls/msvcrt20/	Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
+++ dlls/msvcrt20/	Thu Dec 13 08:07:25 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+TOPSRCDIR = @top_srcdir@
+TOPOBJDIR = ../..
+SRCDIR    = @srcdir@
+VPATH     = @srcdir@
+MODULE    = msvcrt20
+C_SRCS = dummy.c
+### Dependencies:
--- dlls/msvcrt20/dummy.c	Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
+++ dlls/msvcrt20/dummy.c	Thu Dec 13 08:07:25 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ * Dummy file
+ */
diff -uPr old/dlls/msvcrt20/msvcrt20.spec new/dlls/msvcrt20/msvcrt20.spec
--- dlls/msvcrt20/msvcrt20.spec	Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
+++ dlls/msvcrt20/msvcrt20.spec	Thu Dec 13 08:07:25 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+# msvcrt20.dll - MS VC++ Run Time Library
+name    msvcrt20
+type    win32
+import ntdll.dll
+import msvcrt.dll
+debug_channels (msvcrt) 
+@ stub ??0Iostream_init@@QAE@AAVios@@H@Z  #
+@ stub ??0Iostream_init@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0filebuf@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0filebuf@@QAE@H@Z #
+@ stub ??0filebuf@@QAE@HPADH@Z #
+@ stub ??0filebuf@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0fstream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0fstream@@QAE@H@Z #
+@ stub ??0fstream@@QAE@HPADH@Z #
+@ stub ??0fstream@@QAE@PBDHH@Z #
+@ stub ??0fstream@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0ifstream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ifstream@@QAE@H@Z #
+@ stub ??0ifstream@@QAE@HPADH@Z #
+@ stub ??0ifstream@@QAE@PBDHH@Z #
+@ stub ??0ifstream@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0ios@@IAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ios@@IAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0ios@@QAE@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0iostream@@IAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0iostream@@IAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0iostream@@QAE@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0istream@@IAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0istream@@IAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0istream@@QAE@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0istream_withassign@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0istream_withassign@@QAE@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0istream_withassign@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0istrstream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0istrstream@@QAE@PAD@Z #
+@ stub ??0istrstream@@QAE@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ??0ofstream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ofstream@@QAE@H@Z #
+@ stub ??0ofstream@@QAE@HPADH@Z #
+@ stub ??0ofstream@@QAE@PBDHH@Z #
+@ stub ??0ofstream@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0ostream@@IAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ostream@@IAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0ostream@@QAE@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ostream_withassign@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ostream_withassign@@QAE@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ostream_withassign@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0ostrstream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0ostrstream@@QAE@PADHH@Z #
+@ stub ??0ostrstream@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0stdiobuf@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0stdiobuf@@QAE@PAU_iobuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0stdiostream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0stdiostream@@QAE@PAU_iobuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??0streambuf@@IAE@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ??0streambuf@@IAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0streambuf@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0strstream@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0strstream@@QAE@PADHH@Z #
+@ stub ??0strstream@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??0strstreambuf@@QAE@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??0strstreambuf@@QAE@H@Z #
+@ stub ??0strstreambuf@@QAE@P6APAXJ@ZP6AXPAX@Z@Z #
+@ stub ??0strstreambuf@@QAE@PADH0@Z #
+@ stub ??0strstreambuf@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1Iostream_init@@QAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1filebuf@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1fstream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1ifstream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1ios@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1iostream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1istream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1istream_withassign@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1istrstream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1ofstream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1ostream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1ostream_withassign@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1ostrstream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1stdiobuf@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1stdiostream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1streambuf@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1strstream@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??1strstreambuf@@UAE@XZ #
+@ stub ??2@YAPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??3@YAXPAX@Z #
+@ stub ??4Iostream_init@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4filebuf@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4fstream@@QAEAAV0@AAV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ifstream@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ios@@IAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4iostream@@IAEAAV0@AAV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4iostream@@IAEAAV0@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??4istream@@IAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4istream@@IAEAAV0@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??4istream_withassign@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4istream_withassign@@QAEAAVistream@@ABV1@@Z #
+@ stub ??4istream_withassign@@QAEAAVistream@@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??4istrstream@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ofstream@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ostream@@IAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ostream@@IAEAAV0@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ostream_withassign@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ostream_withassign@@QAEAAVostream@@ABV1@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ostream_withassign@@QAEAAVostream@@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??4ostrstream@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4stdiobuf@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4stdiostream@@QAEAAV0@AAV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4streambuf@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4strstream@@QAEAAV0@AAV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??4strstreambuf@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAC@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAD@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAE@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAF@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAG@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAH@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAI@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAJ@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAK@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAM@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAN@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@AAO@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@P6AAAV0@AAV0@@Z@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@P6AAAVios@@AAV1@@Z@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@PAC@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@PAD@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@PAE@Z #
+@ stub ??5istream@@QAEAAV0@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@C@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@D@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@E@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@F@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@G@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@H@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@I@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@J@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@K@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@M@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@N@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@O@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@P6AAAV0@AAV0@@Z@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@P6AAAVios@@AAV1@@Z@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PBC@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PBD@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PBE@Z #
+@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PBX@Z #
+@ stub ??7ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ??Bios@@QBEPAXXZ #
+@ stub ??_7filebuf@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7fstream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7ifstream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7ios@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7iostream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7istream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7istream_withassign@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7istrstream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7ofstream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7ostream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7ostream_withassign@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7ostrstream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7stdiobuf@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7stdiostream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7streambuf@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7strstream@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_7strstreambuf@@6B@ #
+@ stub ??_8fstream@@7Bistream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_8fstream@@7Bostream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_8ifstream@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8iostream@@7Bistream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_8iostream@@7Bostream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_8istream@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8istream_withassign@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8istrstream@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8ofstream@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8ostream@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8ostream_withassign@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8ostrstream@@7B@ #
+@ stub ??_8stdiostream@@7Bistream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_8stdiostream@@7Bostream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_8strstream@@7Bistream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_8strstream@@7Bostream@@@ #
+@ stub ??_Dfstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Difstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Diostream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Distream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Distream_withassign@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Distrstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Dofstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Dostream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Dostream_withassign@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Dostrstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Dstdiostream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_Dstrstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ??_EIostream_init@@QAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Efilebuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Efstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eifstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eios@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eiostream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eistream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eistream_withassign@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eistrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eofstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eostream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eostream_withassign@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Eostrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Estdiobuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Estdiostream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Estreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Estrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Estrstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_GIostream_init@@QAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gfilebuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gfstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gifstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gios@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Giostream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gistream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gistream_withassign@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gistrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gofstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gostream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gostream_withassign@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gostrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gstdiobuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gstdiostream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gstrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ??_Gstrstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
+@ stub ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ #
+@ stub ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ #
+@ stub ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z #
+@ stub ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z #
+@ stub ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z #
+@ stub ?adjustfield@ios@@2JB #
+@ stub ?allocate@streambuf@@IAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?attach@filebuf@@QAEPAV1@H@Z #
+@ stub ?attach@fstream@@QAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?attach@ifstream@@QAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?attach@ofstream@@QAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?bad@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?base@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?basefield@ios@@2JB #
+@ stub ?binary@filebuf@@2HB #
+@ stub ?bitalloc@ios@@SAJXZ #
+@ stub ?blen@streambuf@@IBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?cerr@@3Vostream_withassign@@A #
+@ stub ?cin@@3Vistream_withassign@@A #
+@ stub ?clear@ios@@QAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?clog@@3Vostream_withassign@@A #
+@ stub ?close@filebuf@@QAEPAV1@XZ #
+@ stub ?close@fstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?close@ifstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?close@ofstream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?clrlock@ios@@QAAXXZ #
+@ stub ?clrlock@streambuf@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?cout@@3Vostream_withassign@@A #
+@ stub ?dbp@streambuf@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?dec@@YAAAVios@@AAV1@@Z #
+@ stub ?delbuf@ios@@QAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?delbuf@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?doallocate@streambuf@@MAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?doallocate@strstreambuf@@MAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?eatwhite@istream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?eback@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?ebuf@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?egptr@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?endl@@YAAAVostream@@AAV1@@Z #
+@ stub ?ends@@YAAAVostream@@AAV1@@Z #
+@ stub ?eof@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?epptr@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?fLockcInit@ios@@0HA #
+@ stub ?fail@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?fd@filebuf@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?fd@fstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?fd@ifstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?fd@ofstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?fill@ios@@QAEDD@Z #
+@ stub ?fill@ios@@QBEDXZ #
+@ stub ?flags@ios@@QAEJJ@Z #
+@ stub ?flags@ios@@QBEJXZ #
+@ stub ?floatfield@ios@@2JB #
+@ stub ?flush@@YAAAVostream@@AAV1@@Z #
+@ stub ?flush@ostream@@QAEAAV1@XZ #
+@ stub ?freeze@strstreambuf@@QAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?gbump@streambuf@@IAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?gcount@istream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEAAV1@AAC@Z #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEAAV1@AAD@Z #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEAAV1@AAE@Z #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEAAV1@AAVstreambuf@@D@Z #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEAAV1@PACHD@Z #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEAAV1@PADHD@Z #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEAAV1@PAEHD@Z #
+@ stub ?get@istream@@QAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?getdouble@istream@@AAEHPADH@Z #
+@ stub ?getint@istream@@AAEHPAD@Z #
+@ stub ?getline@istream@@QAEAAV1@PACHD@Z #
+@ stub ?getline@istream@@QAEAAV1@PADHD@Z #
+@ stub ?getline@istream@@QAEAAV1@PAEHD@Z #
+@ stub ?good@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?gptr@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?hex@@YAAAVios@@AAV1@@Z #
+@ stub ?ignore@istream@@QAEAAV1@HH@Z #
+@ stub ?in_avail@streambuf@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?init@ios@@IAEXPAVstreambuf@@@Z #
+@ stub ?ipfx@istream@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?is_open@filebuf@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?is_open@fstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?is_open@ifstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?is_open@ofstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?isfx@istream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?iword@ios@@QBEAAJH@Z #
+@ stub ?lock@ios@@QAAXXZ #
+@ stub ?lock@streambuf@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?lockbuf@ios@@QAAXXZ #
+@ stub ?lockc@ios@@KAXXZ #
+@ stub ?lockptr@ios@@IAEPAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@XZ #
+@ stub ?lockptr@streambuf@@IAEPAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@XZ #
+@ stub ?oct@@YAAAVios@@AAV1@@Z #
+@ stub ?open@filebuf@@QAEPAV1@PBDHH@Z #
+@ stub ?open@fstream@@QAEXPBDHH@Z #
+@ stub ?open@ifstream@@QAEXPBDHH@Z #
+@ stub ?open@ofstream@@QAEXPBDHH@Z #
+@ stub ?openprot@filebuf@@2HB #
+@ stub ?opfx@ostream@@QAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?osfx@ostream@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?out_waiting@streambuf@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?overflow@filebuf@@UAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?overflow@stdiobuf@@UAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?overflow@strstreambuf@@UAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?pbackfail@stdiobuf@@UAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?pbackfail@streambuf@@UAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?pbase@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?pbump@streambuf@@IAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?pcount@ostrstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?pcount@strstream@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?peek@istream@@QAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?pptr@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?precision@ios@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?precision@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?put@ostream@@QAEAAV1@C@Z #
+@ stub ?put@ostream@@QAEAAV1@D@Z #
+@ stub ?put@ostream@@QAEAAV1@E@Z #
+@ stub ?putback@istream@@QAEAAV1@D@Z #
+@ stub ?pword@ios@@QBEAAPAXH@Z #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@fstream@@QBEPAVfilebuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@ifstream@@QBEPAVfilebuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@ios@@QBEPAVstreambuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@istrstream@@QBEPAVstrstreambuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@ofstream@@QBEPAVfilebuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@ostrstream@@QBEPAVstrstreambuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@stdiostream@@QBEPAVstdiobuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdbuf@strstream@@QBEPAVstrstreambuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?rdstate@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?read@istream@@QAEAAV1@PACH@Z #
+@ stub ?read@istream@@QAEAAV1@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ?read@istream@@QAEAAV1@PAEH@Z #
+@ stub ?sbumpc@streambuf@@QAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?seekg@istream@@QAEAAV1@J@Z #
+@ stub ?seekg@istream@@QAEAAV1@JW4seek_dir@ios@@@Z #
+@ stub ?seekoff@filebuf@@UAEJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z #
+@ stub ?seekoff@stdiobuf@@UAEJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z #
+@ stub ?seekoff@streambuf@@UAEJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z #
+@ stub ?seekoff@strstreambuf@@UAEJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z #
+@ stub ?seekp@ostream@@QAEAAV1@J@Z #
+@ stub ?seekp@ostream@@QAEAAV1@JW4seek_dir@ios@@@Z #
+@ stub ?seekpos@streambuf@@UAEJJH@Z #
+@ stub ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z #
+@ stub ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z #
+@ stub ?setb@streambuf@@IAEXPAD0H@Z #
+@ stub ?setbuf@filebuf@@UAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ?setbuf@fstream@@QAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ?setbuf@ifstream@@QAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ?setbuf@ofstream@@QAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ?setbuf@streambuf@@UAEPAV1@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ?setbuf@strstreambuf@@UAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z #
+@ stub ?setf@ios@@QAEJJ@Z #
+@ stub ?setf@ios@@QAEJJJ@Z #
+@ stub ?setg@streambuf@@IAEXPAD00@Z #
+@ stub ?setlock@ios@@QAAXXZ #
+@ stub ?setlock@streambuf@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?setmode@filebuf@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?setmode@fstream@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?setmode@ifstream@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?setmode@ofstream@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?setp@streambuf@@IAEXPAD0@Z #
+@ stub ?setrwbuf@stdiobuf@@QAEHHH@Z #
+@ stub ?sgetc@streambuf@@QAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?sgetn@streambuf@@QAEHPADH@Z #
+@ stub ?sh_none@filebuf@@2HB #
+@ stub ?sh_read@filebuf@@2HB #
+@ stub ?sh_write@filebuf@@2HB #
+@ stub ?snextc@streambuf@@QAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?sputbackc@streambuf@@QAEHD@Z #
+@ stub ?sputc@streambuf@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?sputn@streambuf@@QAEHPBDH@Z #
+@ stub ?stdiofile@stdiobuf@@QAEPAU_iobuf@@XZ #
+@ stub ?stossc@streambuf@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?str@istrstream@@QAEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?str@ostrstream@@QAEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?str@strstream@@QAEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?str@strstreambuf@@QAEPADXZ #
+@ stub ?sunk_with_stdio@ios@@0HA #
+@ stub ?sync@filebuf@@UAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?sync@istream@@QAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?sync@stdiobuf@@UAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?sync@streambuf@@UAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?sync@strstreambuf@@UAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?sync_with_stdio@ios@@SAXXZ #
+@ stub ?tellg@istream@@QAEJXZ #
+@ stub ?tellp@ostream@@QAEJXZ #
+@ stub ?terminate@@YAXXZ #
+@ stub ?text@filebuf@@2HB #
+@ stub ?tie@ios@@QAEPAVostream@@PAV2@@Z #
+@ stub ?tie@ios@@QBEPAVostream@@XZ #
+@ stub ?unbuffered@streambuf@@IAEXH@Z #
+@ stub ?unbuffered@streambuf@@IBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?underflow@filebuf@@UAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?underflow@stdiobuf@@UAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?underflow@strstreambuf@@UAEHXZ #
+@ stub ?unexpected@@YAXXZ #
+@ stub ?unlock@ios@@QAAXXZ #
+@ stub ?unlock@streambuf@@QAEXXZ #
+@ stub ?unlockbuf@ios@@QAAXXZ #
+@ stub ?unlockc@ios@@KAXXZ #
+@ stub ?unsetf@ios@@QAEJJ@Z #
+@ stub ?width@ios@@QAEHH@Z #
+@ stub ?width@ios@@QBEHXZ #
+@ stub ?write@ostream@@QAEAAV1@PBCH@Z #
+@ stub ?write@ostream@@QAEAAV1@PBDH@Z #
+@ stub ?write@ostream@@QAEAAV1@PBEH@Z #
+@ stub ?writepad@ostream@@AAEAAV1@PBD0@Z #
+@ stub ?ws@@YAAAVistream@@AAV1@@Z #
+@ stub ?x_curindex@ios@@0HA #
+@ stub ?x_lockc@ios@@0U_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@A #
+@ stub ?x_maxbit@ios@@0JA #
+@ stub ?x_statebuf@ios@@0QAJA #
+@ stub ?xalloc@ios@@SAHXZ #
+@ stub ?xsgetn@streambuf@@UAEHPADH@Z #
+@ stub ?xsputn@streambuf@@UAEHPBDH@Z #
+@ stub $I10_OUTPUT #
+@ forward -noimport _CIacos msvcrt._CIacos
+@ forward -noimport _CIasin msvcrt._CIasin
+@ forward -noimport _CIatan msvcrt._CIatan
+@ forward -noimport _CIatan2 msvcrt._CIatan2
+@ forward -noimport _CIcos msvcrt._CIcos
+@ forward -noimport _CIcosh msvcrt._CIcosh
+@ forward -noimport _CIexp msvcrt._CIexp
+@ forward -noimport _CIfmod msvcrt._CIfmod
+@ forward -noimport _CIlog msvcrt._CIlog
+@ forward -noimport _CIlog10 msvcrt._CIlog10
+@ forward -noimport _CIpow msvcrt._CIpow
+@ forward -noimport _CIsin msvcrt._CIsin
+@ forward -noimport _CIsinh msvcrt._CIsinh
+@ forward -noimport _CIsqrt msvcrt._CIsqrt
+@ forward -noimport _CItan msvcrt._CItan
+@ forward -noimport _CItanh msvcrt._CItanh
+@ forward -noimport _CxxThrowException msvcrt._CxxThrowException
+@ forward -noimport _HUGE msvcrt._HUGE
+@ forward -noimport _XcptFilter msvcrt._XcptFilter
+@ forward -noimport __CxxFrameHandler msvcrt.__CxxFrameHandler
+@ forward -noimport __CxxLongjmpUnwind msvcrt.__CxxLongjmpUnwind
+@ forward -noimport __STRINGTOLD msvcrt.__STRINGTOLD
+@ forward -noimport __argc msvcrt.__argc
+@ forward -noimport __argv msvcrt.__argv
+@ forward -noimport __dllonexit msvcrt.__dllonexit
+@ forward -noimport __doserrno msvcrt.__doserrno
+@ forward -noimport __fpecode msvcrt.__fpecode
+@ forward -noimport __getmainargs msvcrt.__getmainargs
+@ forward -noimport __initenv msvcrt.__initenv
+@ forward -noimport __isascii msvcrt.__isascii
+@ forward -noimport __iscsym msvcrt.__iscsym
+@ forward -noimport __iscsymf msvcrt.__iscsymf
+@ forward -noimport __lconv_init msvcrt.__lconv_init
+@ forward -noimport __mb_cur_max msvcrt.__mb_cur_max
+@ forward -noimport __p___argc msvcrt.__p___argc
+@ forward -noimport __p___argv msvcrt.__p___argv
+@ forward -noimport __p___initenv msvcrt.__p___initenv
+@ forward -noimport __p___mb_cur_max msvcrt.__p___mb_cur_max
+@ forward -noimport __p___wargv msvcrt.__p___wargv
+@ forward -noimport __p___winitenv msvcrt.__p___winitenv
+@ forward -noimport __p__acmdln msvcrt.__p__acmdln
+@ forward -noimport __p__amblksiz msvcrt.__p__amblksiz
+@ forward -noimport __p__commode msvcrt.__p__commode
+@ forward -noimport __p__daylight msvcrt.__p__daylight
+@ forward -noimport __p__environ msvcrt.__p__environ
+@ forward -noimport __p__fmode msvcrt.__p__fmode
+@ forward -noimport __p__iob msvcrt.__p__iob
+@ forward -noimport __p__mbctype msvcrt.__p__mbctype
+@ forward -noimport __p__osver msvcrt.__p__osver
+@ forward -noimport __p__pctype msvcrt.__p__pctype
+@ forward -noimport __p__pgmptr msvcrt.__p__pgmptr
+@ forward -noimport __p__pwctype msvcrt.__p__pwctype
+@ forward -noimport __p__timezone msvcrt.__p__timezone
+@ forward -noimport __p__tzname msvcrt.__p__tzname
+@ forward -noimport __p__wcmdln msvcrt.__p__wcmdln
+@ forward -noimport __p__wenviron msvcrt.__p__wenviron
+@ forward -noimport __p__winmajor msvcrt.__p__winmajor
+@ forward -noimport __p__winminor msvcrt.__p__winminor
+@ forward -noimport __p__winver msvcrt.__p__winver
+@ forward -noimport __p__wpgmptr msvcrt.__p__wpgmptr
+@ forward -noimport __pxcptinfoptrs msvcrt.__pxcptinfoptrs
+@ forward -noimport __threadhandle msvcrt.__threadhandle
+@ forward -noimport __threadid msvcrt.__threadid
+@ forward -noimport __toascii msvcrt.__toascii
+@ forward -noimport __wargv msvcrt.__wargv
+@ forward -noimport __wgetmainargs msvcrt.__wgetmainargs
+@ forward -noimport __winitenv msvcrt.__winitenv
+@ forward -noimport _abnormal_termination msvcrt._abnormal_termination
+@ forward -noimport _access msvcrt._access
+@ forward -noimport _acmdln msvcrt._acmdln
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdiv_m16i msvcrt._adj_fdiv_m16i
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdiv_m32 msvcrt._adj_fdiv_m32
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdiv_m32i msvcrt._adj_fdiv_m32i
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdiv_m64 msvcrt._adj_fdiv_m64
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdiv_r msvcrt._adj_fdiv_r
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdivr_m16i msvcrt._adj_fdivr_m16i
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdivr_m32 msvcrt._adj_fdivr_m32
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdivr_m32i msvcrt._adj_fdivr_m32i
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fdivr_m64 msvcrt._adj_fdivr_m64
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fpatan msvcrt._adj_fpatan
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fprem msvcrt._adj_fprem
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fprem1 msvcrt._adj_fprem1
+@ forward -noimport _adj_fptan msvcrt._adj_fptan
+@ forward -noimport _adjust_fdiv msvcrt._adjust_fdiv
+@ forward -noimport _aexit_rtn msvcrt._aexit_rtn
+@ forward -noimport _amsg_exit msvcrt._amsg_exit
+@ forward -noimport _assert msvcrt._assert
+@ forward -noimport _atodbl msvcrt._atodbl
+@ forward -noimport _atoldbl msvcrt._atoldbl
+@ forward -noimport _beep msvcrt._beep
+@ forward -noimport _beginthread msvcrt._beginthread
+@ forward -noimport _beginthreadex msvcrt._beginthreadex
+@ forward -noimport _c_exit msvcrt._c_exit
+@ forward -noimport _cabs msvcrt._cabs
+@ forward -noimport _cexit msvcrt._cexit
+@ forward -noimport _cgets msvcrt._cgets
+@ forward -noimport _chdir msvcrt._chdir
+@ forward -noimport _chdrive msvcrt._chdrive
+@ forward -noimport _chgsign msvcrt._chgsign
+@ forward -noimport _chmod msvcrt._chmod
+@ forward -noimport _chsize msvcrt._chsize
+@ forward -noimport _clearfp msvcrt._clearfp
+@ forward -noimport _close msvcrt._close
+@ forward -noimport _commit msvcrt._commit
+@ forward -noimport _commode msvcrt._commode
+@ forward -noimport _control87 msvcrt._control87
+@ forward -noimport _controlfp msvcrt._controlfp
+@ forward -noimport _copysign msvcrt._copysign
+@ forward -noimport _cprintf msvcrt._cprintf
+@ forward -noimport _cputs msvcrt._cputs
+@ forward -noimport _creat msvcrt._creat
+@ forward -noimport _cscanf msvcrt._cscanf
+@ forward -noimport _ctype msvcrt._ctype
+@ forward -noimport _cwait msvcrt._cwait
+@ forward -noimport _daylight msvcrt._daylight
+@ forward -noimport _dup msvcrt._dup
+@ forward -noimport _dup2 msvcrt._dup2
+@ forward -noimport _ecvt msvcrt._ecvt
+@ forward -noimport _endthread msvcrt._endthread
+@ forward -noimport _endthreadex msvcrt._endthreadex
+@ forward -noimport _environ msvcrt._environ
+@ forward -noimport _eof msvcrt._eof
+@ forward -noimport _errno msvcrt._errno
+@ forward -noimport _except_handler2 msvcrt._except_handler2
+@ forward -noimport _except_handler3 msvcrt._except_handler3
+@ forward -noimport _execl msvcrt._execl
+@ forward -noimport _execle msvcrt._execle
+@ forward -noimport _execlp msvcrt._execlp
+@ forward -noimport _execlpe msvcrt._execlpe
+@ forward -noimport _execv msvcrt._execv
+@ forward -noimport _execve msvcrt._execve
+@ forward -noimport _execvp msvcrt._execvp
+@ forward -noimport _execvpe msvcrt._execvpe
+@ forward -noimport _exit msvcrt._exit
+@ forward -noimport _expand msvcrt._expand
+@ forward -noimport _fcloseall msvcrt._fcloseall
+@ forward -noimport _fcvt msvcrt._fcvt
+@ forward -noimport _fdopen msvcrt._fdopen
+@ forward -noimport _fgetchar msvcrt._fgetchar
+@ forward -noimport _fgetwchar msvcrt._fgetwchar
+@ forward -noimport _filbuf msvcrt._filbuf
+@ forward -noimport _fileinfo msvcrt._fileinfo
+@ forward -noimport _filelength msvcrt._filelength
+@ forward -noimport _fileno msvcrt._fileno
+@ forward -noimport _findclose msvcrt._findclose
+@ forward -noimport _findfirst msvcrt._findfirst
+@ forward -noimport _findnext msvcrt._findnext
+@ forward -noimport _finite msvcrt._finite
+@ forward -noimport _flsbuf msvcrt._flsbuf
+@ forward -noimport _flushall msvcrt._flushall
+@ forward -noimport _fmode msvcrt._fmode
+@ forward -noimport _fpclass msvcrt._fpclass
+@ forward -noimport _fpieee_flt msvcrt._fpieee_flt
+@ forward -noimport _fpreset msvcrt._fpreset
+@ forward -noimport _fputchar msvcrt._fputchar
+@ forward -noimport _fputwchar msvcrt._fputwchar
+@ forward -noimport _fsopen msvcrt._fsopen
+@ forward -noimport _fstat msvcrt._fstat
+@ forward -noimport _ftime msvcrt._ftime
+@ forward -noimport _ftol msvcrt._ftol
+@ forward -noimport _fullpath msvcrt._fullpath
+@ forward -noimport _futime msvcrt._futime
+@ forward -noimport _gcvt msvcrt._gcvt
+@ forward -noimport _get_osfhandle msvcrt._get_osfhandle
+@ forward -noimport _getch msvcrt._getch
+@ forward -noimport _getche msvcrt._getche
+@ forward -noimport _getcwd msvcrt._getcwd
+@ forward -noimport _getdcwd msvcrt._getdcwd
+@ forward -noimport _getdiskfree msvcrt._getdiskfree
+@ forward -noimport _getdllprocaddr msvcrt._getdllprocaddr
+@ forward -noimport _getdrive msvcrt._getdrive
+@ forward -noimport _getdrives msvcrt._getdrives
+@ forward -noimport _getmbcp msvcrt._getmbcp
+@ forward -noimport _getpid msvcrt._getpid
+@ forward -noimport _getsystime msvcrt._getsystime
+@ forward -noimport _getw msvcrt._getw
+@ forward -noimport _getws msvcrt._getws
+@ forward -noimport _global_unwind2 msvcrt._global_unwind2
+@ forward -noimport _heapadd msvcrt._heapadd
+@ forward -noimport _heapchk msvcrt._heapchk
+@ forward -noimport _heapmin msvcrt._heapmin
+@ forward -noimport _heapset msvcrt._heapset
+@ forward -noimport _heapused msvcrt._heapused
+@ forward -noimport _heapwalk msvcrt._heapwalk
+@ forward -noimport _hypot msvcrt._hypot
+@ forward -noimport _initterm msvcrt._initterm
+@ forward -noimport _iob msvcrt._iob
+@ forward -noimport _isatty msvcrt._isatty
+@ forward -noimport _isctype msvcrt._isctype
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbalnum msvcrt._ismbbalnum
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbalpha msvcrt._ismbbalpha
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbgraph msvcrt._ismbbgraph
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbkalnum msvcrt._ismbbkalnum
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbkana msvcrt._ismbbkana
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbkprint msvcrt._ismbbkprint
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbkpunct msvcrt._ismbbkpunct
+@ forward -noimport _ismbblead msvcrt._ismbblead
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbprint msvcrt._ismbbprint
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbpunct msvcrt._ismbbpunct
+@ forward -noimport _ismbbtrail msvcrt._ismbbtrail
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcalnum msvcrt._ismbcalnum
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcalpha msvcrt._ismbcalpha
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcdigit msvcrt._ismbcdigit
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcgraph msvcrt._ismbcgraph
+@ forward -noimport _ismbchira msvcrt._ismbchira
+@ forward -noimport _ismbckata msvcrt._ismbckata
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcl0 msvcrt._ismbcl0
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcl1 msvcrt._ismbcl1
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcl2 msvcrt._ismbcl2
+@ forward -noimport _ismbclegal msvcrt._ismbclegal
+@ forward -noimport _ismbclower msvcrt._ismbclower
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcprint msvcrt._ismbcprint
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcpunct msvcrt._ismbcpunct
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcspace msvcrt._ismbcspace
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcsymbol msvcrt._ismbcsymbol
+@ forward -noimport _ismbcupper msvcrt._ismbcupper
+@ forward -noimport _ismbslead msvcrt._ismbslead
+@ forward -noimport _ismbstrail msvcrt._ismbstrail
+@ forward -noimport _isnan msvcrt._isnan
+@ forward -noimport _itoa msvcrt._itoa
+@ forward -noimport _itow msvcrt._itow
+@ forward -noimport _j0 msvcrt._j0
+@ forward -noimport _j1 msvcrt._j1
+@ forward -noimport _jn msvcrt._jn
+@ forward -noimport _kbhit msvcrt._kbhit
+@ forward -noimport _lfind msvcrt._lfind
+@ forward -noimport _loaddll msvcrt._loaddll
+@ forward -noimport _local_unwind2 msvcrt._local_unwind2
+@ forward -noimport _locking msvcrt._locking
+@ forward -noimport _logb msvcrt._logb
+@ forward -noimport _longjmpex msvcrt._longjmpex
+@ forward -noimport _lrotl msvcrt._lrotl
+@ forward -noimport _lrotr msvcrt._lrotr
+@ forward -noimport _lsearch msvcrt._lsearch
+@ forward -noimport _lseek msvcrt._lseek
+@ forward -noimport _ltoa msvcrt._ltoa
+@ forward -noimport _ltow msvcrt._ltow
+@ forward -noimport _makepath msvcrt._makepath
+@ forward -noimport _matherr msvcrt._matherr
+@ forward -noimport _mbbtombc msvcrt._mbbtombc
+@ forward -noimport _mbbtype msvcrt._mbbtype
+@ forward -noimport _mbccpy msvcrt._mbccpy
+@ forward -noimport _mbcjistojms msvcrt._mbcjistojms
+@ forward -noimport _mbcjmstojis msvcrt._mbcjmstojis
+@ forward -noimport _mbclen msvcrt._mbclen
+@ forward -noimport _mbctohira msvcrt._mbctohira
+@ forward -noimport _mbctokata msvcrt._mbctokata
+@ forward -noimport _mbctolower msvcrt._mbctolower
+@ forward -noimport _mbctombb msvcrt._mbctombb
+@ forward -noimport _mbctoupper msvcrt._mbctoupper
+@ forward -noimport _mbctype msvcrt._mbctype
+@ forward -noimport _mbsbtype msvcrt._mbsbtype
+@ forward -noimport _mbscat msvcrt._mbscat
+@ forward -noimport _mbschr msvcrt._mbschr
+@ forward -noimport _mbscmp msvcrt._mbscmp
+@ forward -noimport _mbscoll msvcrt._mbscoll
+@ forward -noimport _mbscpy msvcrt._mbscpy
+@ forward -noimport _mbscspn msvcrt._mbscspn
+@ forward -noimport _mbsdec msvcrt._mbsdec
+@ forward -noimport _mbsdup msvcrt._mbsdup
+@ forward -noimport _mbsicmp msvcrt._mbsicmp
+@ forward -noimport _mbsicoll msvcrt._mbsicoll
+@ forward -noimport _mbsinc msvcrt._mbsinc
+@ forward -noimport _mbslen msvcrt._mbslen
+@ forward -noimport _mbslwr msvcrt._mbslwr
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbcat msvcrt._mbsnbcat
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbcmp msvcrt._mbsnbcmp
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbcnt msvcrt._mbsnbcnt
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbcoll msvcrt._mbsnbcoll
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbcpy msvcrt._mbsnbcpy
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbicmp msvcrt._mbsnbicmp
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbicoll msvcrt._mbsnbicoll
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnbset msvcrt._mbsnbset
+@ forward -noimport _mbsncat msvcrt._mbsncat
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnccnt msvcrt._mbsnccnt
+@ forward -noimport _mbsncmp msvcrt._mbsncmp
+@ forward -noimport _mbsncoll msvcrt._mbsncoll
+@ forward -noimport _mbsncpy msvcrt._mbsncpy
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnextc msvcrt._mbsnextc
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnicmp msvcrt._mbsnicmp
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnicoll msvcrt._mbsnicoll
+@ forward -noimport _mbsninc msvcrt._mbsninc
+@ forward -noimport _mbsnset msvcrt._mbsnset
+@ forward -noimport _mbspbrk msvcrt._mbspbrk
+@ forward -noimport _mbsrchr msvcrt._mbsrchr
+@ forward -noimport _mbsrev msvcrt._mbsrev
+@ forward -noimport _mbsset msvcrt._mbsset
+@ forward -noimport _mbsspn msvcrt._mbsspn
+@ forward -noimport _mbsspnp msvcrt._mbsspnp
+@ forward -noimport _mbsstr msvcrt._mbsstr
+@ forward -noimport _mbstok msvcrt._mbstok
+@ forward -noimport _mbstrlen msvcrt._mbstrlen
+@ forward -noimport _mbsupr msvcrt._mbsupr
+@ forward -noimport _memccpy msvcrt._memccpy
+@ forward -noimport _memicmp msvcrt._memicmp
+@ forward -noimport _mkdir msvcrt._mkdir
+@ forward -noimport _mktemp msvcrt._mktemp
+@ forward -noimport _msize msvcrt._msize
+@ forward -noimport _mtlock msvcrt._mtlock
+@ forward -noimport _mtunlock msvcrt._mtunlock
+@ forward -noimport _nextafter msvcrt._nextafter
+@ forward -noimport _onexit msvcrt._onexit
+@ forward -noimport _open msvcrt._open
+@ forward -noimport _open_osfhandle msvcrt._open_osfhandle
+@ forward -noimport _osver msvcrt._osver
+@ forward -noimport _pclose msvcrt._pclose
+@ forward -noimport _pctype msvcrt._pctype
+@ forward -noimport _pgmptr msvcrt._pgmptr
+@ forward -noimport _pipe msvcrt._pipe
+@ forward -noimport _popen msvcrt._popen
+@ forward -noimport _purecall msvcrt._purecall
+@ forward -noimport _putch msvcrt._putch
+@ forward -noimport _putenv msvcrt._putenv
+@ forward -noimport _putw msvcrt._putw
+@ forward -noimport _putws msvcrt._putws
+@ forward -noimport _pwctype msvcrt._pwctype
+@ forward -noimport _read msvcrt._read
+@ forward -noimport _rmdir msvcrt._rmdir
+@ forward -noimport _rmtmp msvcrt._rmtmp
+@ forward -noimport _rotl msvcrt._rotl
+@ forward -noimport _rotr msvcrt._rotr
+@ forward -noimport _safe_fdiv msvcrt._safe_fdiv
+@ forward -noimport _safe_fdivr msvcrt._safe_fdivr
+@ forward -noimport _safe_fprem msvcrt._safe_fprem
+@ forward -noimport _safe_fprem1 msvcrt._safe_fprem1
+@ forward -noimport _scalb msvcrt._scalb
+@ forward -noimport _searchenv msvcrt._searchenv
+@ forward -noimport __seh_longjmp_unwind@4 msvcrt.__seh_longjmp_unwind
+@ forward -noimport _seterrormode msvcrt._seterrormode
+@ forward -noimport _setjmp msvcrt._setjmp
+@ forward -noimport _setjmp3 msvcrt._setjmp3
+@ forward -noimport _setmbcp msvcrt._setmbcp
+@ forward -noimport _setmode msvcrt._setmode
+@ forward -noimport _setsystime msvcrt._setsystime
+@ forward -noimport _sleep msvcrt._sleep
+@ forward -noimport _snprintf msvcrt._snprintf
+@ forward -noimport _snwprintf msvcrt._snwprintf
+@ forward -noimport _sopen msvcrt._sopen
+@ forward -noimport _spawnl msvcrt._spawnl
+@ forward -noimport _spawnle msvcrt._spawnle
+@ forward -noimport _spawnlp msvcrt._spawnlp
+@ forward -noimport _spawnlpe msvcrt._spawnlpe
+@ forward -noimport _spawnv msvcrt._spawnv
+@ forward -noimport _spawnve msvcrt._spawnve
+@ forward -noimport _spawnvp msvcrt._spawnvp
+@ forward -noimport _spawnvpe msvcrt._spawnvpe
+@ forward -noimport _splitpath msvcrt._splitpath
+@ forward -noimport _stat msvcrt._stat
+@ forward -noimport _statusfp msvcrt._statusfp
+@ forward -noimport _strcmpi msvcrt._strcmpi
+@ forward -noimport _strdate msvcrt._strdate
+@ forward -noimport _strdup msvcrt._strdup
+@ forward -noimport _strerror msvcrt._strerror
+@ forward -noimport _stricmp msvcrt._stricmp
+@ forward -noimport _stricoll msvcrt._stricoll
+@ forward -noimport _strlwr msvcrt._strlwr
+@ forward -noimport _strncoll msvcrt._strncoll
+@ forward -noimport _strnicmp msvcrt._strnicmp
+@ forward -noimport _strnicoll msvcrt._strnicoll
+@ forward -noimport _strnset msvcrt._strnset
+@ forward -noimport _strrev msvcrt._strrev
+@ forward -noimport _strset msvcrt._strset
+@ forward -noimport _strtime msvcrt._strtime
+@ forward -noimport _strupr msvcrt._strupr
+@ forward -noimport _swab msvcrt._swab
+@ forward -noimport _sys_errlist msvcrt._sys_errlist
+@ forward -noimport _sys_nerr msvcrt._sys_nerr
+@ forward -noimport _tccpy msvcrt._tccpy
+@ forward -noimport _tclen msvcrt._tclen
+@ forward -noimport _tcschr msvcrt._tcschr
+@ forward -noimport _tcsclen msvcrt._tcsclen
+@ forward -noimport _tcscmp msvcrt._tcscmp
+@ forward -noimport _tcscspn msvcrt._tcscspn
+@ forward -noimport _tcsdec msvcrt._tcsdec
+@ forward -noimport _tcsicmp msvcrt._tcsicmp
+@ forward -noimport _tcsinc msvcrt._tcsinc
+@ forward -noimport _tcslwr msvcrt._tcslwr
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnbcnt msvcrt._tcsnbcnt
+@ forward -noimport _tcsncat msvcrt._tcsncat
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnccat msvcrt._tcsnccat
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnccmp msvcrt._tcsnccmp
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnccnt msvcrt._tcsnccnt
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnccpy msvcrt._tcsnccpy
+@ forward -noimport _tcsncicmp msvcrt._tcsncicmp
+@ forward -noimport _tcsncmp msvcrt._tcsncmp
+@ forward -noimport _tcsncpy msvcrt._tcsncpy
+@ forward -noimport _tcsncset msvcrt._tcsncset
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnextc msvcrt._tcsnextc
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnicmp msvcrt._tcsnicmp
+@ forward -noimport _tcsninc msvcrt._tcsninc
+@ forward -noimport _tcsnset msvcrt._tcsnset
+@ forward -noimport _tcspbrk msvcrt._tcspbrk
+@ forward -noimport _tcsrchr msvcrt._tcsrchr
+@ forward -noimport _tcsrev msvcrt._tcsrev
+@ forward -noimport _tcsset msvcrt._tcsset
+@ forward -noimport _tcsspn msvcrt._tcsspn
+@ forward -noimport _tcsspnp msvcrt._tcsspnp
+@ forward -noimport _tcsstr msvcrt._tcsstr
+@ forward -noimport _tcstok msvcrt._tcstok
+@ forward -noimport _tcsupr msvcrt._tcsupr
+@ forward -noimport _tell msvcrt._tell
+@ forward -noimport _tempnam msvcrt._tempnam
+@ forward -noimport _timezone msvcrt._timezone
+@ forward -noimport _tolower msvcrt._tolower
+@ forward -noimport _toupper msvcrt._toupper
+@ forward -noimport _tzname msvcrt._tzname
+@ forward -noimport _tzset msvcrt._tzset
+@ forward -noimport _ultoa msvcrt._ultoa
+@ forward -noimport _ultow msvcrt._ultow
+@ forward -noimport _umask msvcrt._umask
+@ forward -noimport _ungetch msvcrt._ungetch
+@ forward -noimport _unlink msvcrt._unlink
+@ forward -noimport _unloaddll msvcrt._unloaddll
+@ forward -noimport _utime msvcrt._utime
+@ forward -noimport _vsnprintf msvcrt._vsnprintf
+@ forward -noimport _vsnwprintf msvcrt._vsnwprintf
+@ forward -noimport _waccess msvcrt._waccess
+@ forward -noimport _wasctime msvcrt._wasctime
+@ forward -noimport _wchdir msvcrt._wchdir
+@ forward -noimport _wchmod msvcrt._wchmod
+@ forward -noimport _wcmdln msvcrt._wcmdln
+@ forward -noimport _wcreat msvcrt._wcreat
+@ forward -noimport _wcsdup msvcrt._wcsdup
+@ forward -noimport _wcsicmp msvcrt._wcsicmp
+@ forward -noimport _wcsicoll msvcrt._wcsicoll
+@ forward -noimport _wcslwr msvcrt._wcslwr
+@ forward -noimport _wcsncoll msvcrt._wcsncoll
+@ forward -noimport _wcsnicmp msvcrt._wcsnicmp
+@ forward -noimport _wcsnicoll msvcrt._wcsnicoll
+@ forward -noimport _wcsnset msvcrt._wcsnset
+@ forward -noimport _wcsrev msvcrt._wcsrev
+@ forward -noimport _wcsset msvcrt._wcsset
+@ forward -noimport _wcsupr msvcrt._wcsupr
+@ forward -noimport _wctime msvcrt._wctime
+@ forward -noimport _wenviron msvcrt._wenviron
+@ forward -noimport _wexecl msvcrt._wexecl
+@ forward -noimport _wexecle msvcrt._wexecle
+@ forward -noimport _wexeclp msvcrt._wexeclp
+@ forward -noimport _wexeclpe msvcrt._wexeclpe
+@ forward -noimport _wexecv msvcrt._wexecv
+@ forward -noimport _wexecve msvcrt._wexecve
+@ forward -noimport _wexecvp msvcrt._wexecvp
+@ forward -noimport _wexecvpe msvcrt._wexecvpe
+@ forward -noimport _wfdopen msvcrt._wfdopen
+@ forward -noimport _wfindfirst msvcrt._wfindfirst
+@ forward -noimport _wfindnext msvcrt._wfindnext
+@ forward -noimport _wfopen msvcrt._wfopen
+@ forward -noimport _wfreopen msvcrt._wfreopen
+@ forward -noimport _wfsopen msvcrt._wfsopen
+@ forward -noimport _wfullpath msvcrt._wfullpath
+@ forward -noimport _wgetcwd msvcrt._wgetcwd
+@ forward -noimport _wgetdcwd msvcrt._wgetdcwd
+@ forward -noimport _wgetenv msvcrt._wgetenv
+@ forward -noimport _winmajor msvcrt._winmajor
+@ forward -noimport _winminor msvcrt._winminor
+@ forward -noimport _winver msvcrt._winver
+@ forward -noimport _wmakepath msvcrt._wmakepath
+@ forward -noimport _wmkdir msvcrt._wmkdir
+@ forward -noimport _wmktemp msvcrt._wmktemp
+@ forward -noimport _wopen msvcrt._wopen
+@ forward -noimport _wperror msvcrt._wperror
+@ forward -noimport _wpgmptr msvcrt._wpgmptr
+@ forward -noimport _wpopen msvcrt._wpopen
+@ forward -noimport _wputenv msvcrt._wputenv
+@ forward -noimport _wremove msvcrt._wremove
+@ forward -noimport _wrename msvcrt._wrename
+@ forward -noimport _write msvcrt._write
+@ forward -noimport _wrmdir msvcrt._wrmdir
+@ forward -noimport _wsearchenv msvcrt._wsearchenv
+@ forward -noimport _wsetlocale msvcrt._wsetlocale
+@ forward -noimport _wsopen msvcrt._wsopen
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnl msvcrt._wspawnl
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnle msvcrt._wspawnle
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnlp msvcrt._wspawnlp
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnlpe msvcrt._wspawnlpe
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnv msvcrt._wspawnv
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnve msvcrt._wspawnve
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnvp msvcrt._wspawnvp
+@ forward -noimport _wspawnvpe msvcrt._wspawnvpe
+@ forward -noimport _wsplitpath msvcrt._wsplitpath
+@ forward -noimport _wstat msvcrt._wstat
+@ forward -noimport _wstrdate msvcrt._wstrdate
+@ forward -noimport _wstrtime msvcrt._wstrtime
+@ forward -noimport _wsystem msvcrt._wsystem
+@ forward -noimport _wtempnam msvcrt._wtempnam
+@ forward -noimport _wtmpnam msvcrt._wtmpnam
+@ forward -noimport _wtoi msvcrt._wtoi
+@ forward -noimport _wtol msvcrt._wtol
+@ forward -noimport _wunlink msvcrt._wunlink
+@ forward -noimport _wutime msvcrt._wutime
+@ forward -noimport _y0 msvcrt._y0
+@ forward -noimport _y1 msvcrt._y1
+@ forward -noimport _yn msvcrt._yn
+@ forward -noimport abort msvcrt.abort
+@ forward -noimport abs msvcrt.abs
+@ forward -noimport acos msvcrt.acos
+@ forward -noimport asctime msvcrt.asctime
+@ forward -noimport asin msvcrt.asin
+@ forward -noimport atan msvcrt.atan
+@ forward -noimport atan2 msvcrt.atan2
+@ forward -noimport atexit msvcrt.atexit
+@ forward -noimport atof msvcrt.atof
+@ forward -noimport atoi msvcrt.atoi
+@ forward -noimport atol msvcrt.atol
+@ forward -noimport bsearch msvcrt.bsearch
+@ forward -noimport calloc msvcrt.calloc
+@ forward -noimport ceil msvcrt.ceil
+@ forward -noimport clearerr msvcrt.clearerr
+@ forward -noimport clock msvcrt.clock
+@ forward -noimport cos msvcrt.cos
+@ forward -noimport cosh msvcrt.cosh
+@ forward -noimport ctime msvcrt.ctime
+@ forward -noimport difftime msvcrt.difftime
+@ forward -noimport div msvcrt.div
+@ forward -noimport exit msvcrt.exit
+@ forward -noimport exp msvcrt.exp
+@ forward -noimport fabs msvcrt.fabs
+@ forward -noimport fclose msvcrt.fclose
+@ forward -noimport feof msvcrt.feof
+@ forward -noimport ferror msvcrt.ferror
+@ forward -noimport fflush msvcrt.fflush
+@ forward -noimport fgetc msvcrt.fgetc
+@ forward -noimport fgetpos msvcrt.fgetpos
+@ forward -noimport fgets msvcrt.fgets
+@ forward -noimport fgetwc msvcrt.fgetwc
+@ forward -noimport fgetws msvcrt.fgetws
+@ forward -noimport floor msvcrt.floor
+@ forward -noimport fmod msvcrt.fmod
+@ forward -noimport fopen msvcrt.fopen
+@ forward -noimport fprintf msvcrt.fprintf
+@ forward -noimport fputc msvcrt.fputc
+@ forward -noimport fputs msvcrt.fputs
+@ forward -noimport fputwc msvcrt.fputwc
+@ forward -noimport fputws msvcrt.fputws
+@ forward -noimport fread msvcrt.fread
+@ forward -noimport free
+@ forward -noimport freopen msvcrt.freopen
+@ forward -noimport frexp msvcrt.frexp
+@ forward -noimport fscanf msvcrt.fscanf
+@ forward -noimport fseek msvcrt.fseek
+@ forward -noimport fsetpos msvcrt.fsetpos
+@ forward -noimport ftell msvcrt.ftell
+@ forward -noimport fwprintf msvcrt.fwprintf
+@ forward -noimport fwrite msvcrt.fwrite
+@ forward -noimport fwscanf msvcrt.fwscanf
+@ forward -noimport getc msvcrt.getc
+@ forward -noimport getchar msvcrt.getchar
+@ forward -noimport getenv msvcrt.getenv
+@ forward -noimport gets msvcrt.gets
+@ forward -noimport getwc msvcrt.getwc
+@ forward -noimport getwchar msvcrt.getwchar
+@ forward -noimport gmtime msvcrt.gmtime
+@ forward -noimport is_wctype msvcrt.is_wctype
+@ forward -noimport isalnum msvcrt.isalnum
+@ forward -noimport isalpha msvcrt.isalpha
+@ forward -noimport iscntrl msvcrt.iscntrl
+@ forward -noimport isdigit msvcrt.isdigit
+@ forward -noimport isgraph msvcrt.isgraph
+@ forward -noimport isleadbyte msvcrt.isleadbyte
+@ forward -noimport islower msvcrt.islower
+@ forward -noimport isprint msvcrt.isprint
+@ forward -noimport ispunct msvcrt.ispunct
+@ forward -noimport isspace msvcrt.isspace
+@ forward -noimport isupper msvcrt.isupper
+@ forward -noimport iswalnum msvcrt.iswalnum
+@ forward -noimport iswalpha msvcrt.iswalpha
+@ forward -noimport iswascii msvcrt.iswascii
+@ forward -noimport iswcntrl msvcrt.iswcntrl
+@ forward -noimport iswctype msvcrt.iswctype
+@ forward -noimport iswdigit msvcrt.iswdigit
+@ forward -noimport iswgraph msvcrt.iswgraph
+@ forward -noimport iswlower msvcrt.iswlower
+@ forward -noimport iswprint msvcrt.iswprint
+@ forward -noimport iswpunct msvcrt.iswpunct
+@ forward -noimport iswspace msvcrt.iswspace
+@ forward -noimport iswupper msvcrt.iswupper
+@ forward -noimport iswxdigit msvcrt.iswxdigit
+@ forward -noimport isxdigit msvcrt.isxdigit
+@ forward -noimport labs msvcrt.labs
+@ forward -noimport ldexp msvcrt.ldexp
+@ forward -noimport ldiv msvcrt.ldiv
+@ forward -noimport localeconv msvcrt.localeconv
+@ forward -noimport localtime msvcrt.localtime
+@ forward -noimport log msvcrt.log
+@ forward -noimport log10 msvcrt.log10
+@ forward -noimport longjmp msvcrt.longjmp
+@ forward -noimport malloc msvcrt.malloc
+@ forward -noimport mblen msvcrt.mblen
+@ forward -noimport mbstowcs msvcrt.mbstowcs
+@ forward -noimport mbtowc msvcrt.mbtowc
+@ forward -noimport memchr msvcrt.memchr
+@ forward -noimport memcmp msvcrt.memcmp
+@ forward -noimport memcpy msvcrt.memcpy
+@ forward -noimport memmove msvcrt.memmove
+@ forward -noimport memset msvcrt.memset
+@ forward -noimport mktime msvcrt.mktime
+@ forward -noimport modf msvcrt.modf
+@ forward -noimport perror msvcrt.perror
+@ forward -noimport pow msvcrt.pow
+@ forward -noimport printf msvcrt.printf
+@ forward -noimport putc msvcrt.putc
+@ forward -noimport putchar msvcrt.putchar
+@ forward -noimport puts msvcrt.puts
+@ forward -noimport putwc msvcrt.putwc
+@ forward -noimport putwchar msvcrt.putwchar
+@ forward -noimport qsort msvcrt.qsort
+@ forward -noimport raise msvcrt.raise
+@ forward -noimport rand msvcrt.rand
+@ forward -noimport realloc msvcrt.realloc
+@ forward -noimport remove msvcrt.remove
+@ forward -noimport rename msvcrt.rename
+@ forward -noimport rewind msvcrt.rewind
+@ forward -noimport scanf msvcrt.scanf
+@ forward -noimport setbuf msvcrt.setbuf
+@ forward -noimport setlocale msvcrt.setlocale
+@ forward -noimport setvbuf msvcrt.setvbuf
+@ forward -noimport signal msvcrt.signal
+@ forward -noimport sin msvcrt.sin
+@ forward -noimport sinh msvcrt.sinh
+@ forward -noimport sprintf msvcrt.sprintf
+@ forward -noimport sqrt msvcrt.sqrt
+@ forward -noimport srand msvcrt.srand
+@ forward -noimport sscanf msvcrt.sscanf
+@ forward -noimport strcat msvcrt.strcat
+@ forward -noimport strchr msvcrt.strchr
+@ forward -noimport strcmp msvcrt.strcmp
+@ forward -noimport strcoll msvcrt.strcoll
+@ forward -noimport strcpy msvcrt.strcpy
+@ forward -noimport strcspn msvcrt.strcspn
+@ forward -noimport strerror msvcrt.strerror
+@ forward -noimport strftime msvcrt.strftime
+@ forward -noimport strlen msvcrt.strlen
+@ forward -noimport strncat msvcrt.strncat
+@ forward -noimport strncmp msvcrt.strncmp
+@ forward -noimport strncpy msvcrt.strncpy
+@ forward -noimport strpbrk msvcrt.strpbrk
+@ forward -noimport strrchr msvcrt.strrchr
+@ forward -noimport strspn msvcrt.strspn
+@ forward -noimport strstr msvcrt.strstr
+@ forward -noimport strtod msvcrt.strtod
+@ forward -noimport strtok msvcrt.strtok
+@ forward -noimport strtol msvcrt.strtol
+@ forward -noimport strtoul msvcrt.strtoul
+@ forward -noimport strxfrm msvcrt.strxfrm
+@ forward -noimport swprintf msvcrt.swprintf
+@ forward -noimport swscanf msvcrt.swscanf
+@ forward -noimport system msvcrt.system
+@ forward -noimport tan msvcrt.tan
+@ forward -noimport tanh msvcrt.tanh
+@ forward -noimport time msvcrt.time
+@ forward -noimport tmpfile msvcrt.tmpfile
+@ forward -noimport tmpnam msvcrt.tmpnam
+@ forward -noimport tolower msvcrt.tolower
+@ forward -noimport toupper msvcrt.toupper
+@ forward -noimport towlower msvcrt.towlower
+@ forward -noimport towupper msvcrt.towupper
+@ forward -noimport ungetc msvcrt.ungetc
+@ forward -noimport ungetwc msvcrt.ungetwc
+@ forward -noimport vfprintf msvcrt.vfprintf
+@ forward -noimport vfwprintf msvcrt.vfwprintf
+@ forward -noimport vprintf msvcrt.vprintf
+@ forward -noimport vsprintf msvcrt.vsprintf
+@ forward -noimport vswprintf msvcrt.vswprintf
+@ forward -noimport vwprintf msvcrt.vwprintf
+@ forward -noimport wcscat msvcrt.wcscat
+@ forward -noimport wcschr msvcrt.wcschr
+@ forward -noimport wcscmp msvcrt.wcscmp
+@ forward -noimport wcscoll msvcrt.wcscoll
+@ forward -noimport wcscpy msvcrt.wcscpy
+@ forward -noimport wcscspn msvcrt.wcscspn
+@ forward -noimport wcsftime msvcrt.wcsftime
+@ forward -noimport wcslen msvcrt.wcslen
+@ forward -noimport wcsncat msvcrt.wcsncat
+@ forward -noimport wcsncmp msvcrt.wcsncmp
+@ forward -noimport wcsncpy msvcrt.wcsncpy
+@ forward -noimport wcspbrk msvcrt.wcspbrk
+@ forward -noimport wcsrchr msvcrt.wcsrchr
+@ forward -noimport wcsspn msvcrt.wcsspn
+@ forward -noimport wcsstr msvcrt.wcsstr
+@ forward -noimport wcstod msvcrt.wcstod
+@ forward -noimport wcstok msvcrt.wcstok
+@ forward -noimport wcstol msvcrt.wcstol
+@ forward -noimport wcstombs msvcrt.wcstombs
+@ forward -noimport wcstoul msvcrt.wcstoul
+@ forward -noimport wcsxfrm msvcrt.wcsxfrm
+@ forward -noimport wctomb msvcrt.wctomb
+@ forward -noimport wprintf msvcrt.wprintf
+@ forward -noimport wscanf msvcrt.wscanf
Index: dlls/imm32/imm.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/imm32/imm.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 imm.c
--- dlls/imm32/imm.c	2001/05/18 20:56:37	1.11
+++ dlls/imm32/imm.c	2002/01/26 15:17:58
@@ -51,6 +51,17 @@
+ *		ImmDisableIME (IMM32.@)
+ */
+  DWORD idThread)
+  FIXME("(idThread %lu): stub\n", idThread);
+  return FALSE;
  *		ImmEscapeA (IMM32.@)
Index: dlls/imm32/imm32.spec
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/imm32/imm32.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 imm32.spec
--- dlls/imm32/imm32.spec	2000/12/18 03:51:16	1.9
+++ dlls/imm32/imm32.spec	2002/01/26 15:17:59
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 @ stdcall ImmDestroyContext(long) ImmDestroyContext
 @ stdcall ImmDestroyIMCC(long) ImmDestroyIMCC
 @ stdcall ImmDestroySoftKeyboard(long) ImmDestroySoftKeyboard
-@ stub ImmDisableIME
+@ stdcall ImmDisableIME(long) ImmDisableIME
 @ stub ImmEnumInputContext
 @ stdcall ImmEnumRegisterWordA(long ptr str long str ptr) ImmEnumRegisterWordA
 @ stdcall ImmEnumRegisterWordW(long ptr wstr long wstr ptr) ImmEnumRegisterWordW
Index: include/imm.h
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/include/imm.h,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 imm.h
--- include/imm.h	2000/12/05 20:45:45	1.8
+++ include/imm.h	2002/01/26 15:18:00
@@ -468,6 +468,7 @@
 #define  ImmConfigureIME WINELIB_NAME_AW(ImmConfigureIME)
 HIMC   WINAPI ImmCreateContext();
 BOOL   WINAPI ImmDestroyContext(HIMC hIMC);
+BOOL   WINAPI ImmDisableIME(DWORD idThread);
 #define  ImmEnumRegisterWord WINELIB_NAME_AW(ImmEnumRegisterWord)
Index: include/mapi.h
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/include/mapi.h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 mapi.h
--- include/mapi.h	2000/12/13 21:28:57	1.1
+++ include/mapi.h	2002/01/26 15:18:00
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 /* Some types */
-typedef unsigned char*          LPBYTE;
 #ifndef __LHANDLE
 #define __LHANDLE
 typedef unsigned long           LHANDLE, *LPLHANDLE;
Index: dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -r1.45 kernel32.spec
--- dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec	2002/01/12 21:17:10	1.45
+++ dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec	2002/01/26 15:18:01
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@
 @ stdcall DebugBreak() DebugBreak
 @ stdcall DefineDosDeviceA(long str str) DefineDosDeviceA
 @ stub DefineDosDeviceW
+@ stub DelayLoadFailureHook
 @ stdcall DeleteAtom(long) DeleteAtom
 @ forward DeleteCriticalSection ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
 @ stdcall DeleteFileA(str) DeleteFileA
@@ -336,6 +337,8 @@
 @ stdcall GetCompressedFileSizeA(long ptr) GetCompressedFileSizeA
 @ stdcall GetCompressedFileSizeW(long ptr) GetCompressedFileSizeW
 @ stdcall GetComputerNameA(ptr ptr) GetComputerNameA
+@ stdcall GetComputerNameExA(long ptr ptr) GetComputerNameExA
+@ stdcall GetComputerNameExW(long ptr ptr) GetComputerNameExW
 @ stdcall GetComputerNameW(ptr ptr) GetComputerNameW
 @ stdcall GetConsoleCP() GetConsoleCP
 @ stdcall GetConsoleCursorInfo(long ptr) GetConsoleCursorInfo
Index: dlls/mapi32/mapi32.spec
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/mapi32/mapi32.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 mapi32.spec
--- dlls/mapi32/mapi32.spec	2001/09/14 21:36:30	1.1
+++ dlls/mapi32/mapi32.spec	2002/01/26 15:18:01
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import ntdll.dll
 @ stub BMAPIAddress
 @ stub BMAPIDetails
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 @ stub MAPIAddress
 @ stub MAPIAdminProfiles
 # @ stub MAPIAdminProfiles@8
-@ stub MAPIAllocateBuffer
+@ stdcall MAPIAllocateBuffer(long ptr) MAPIAllocateBuffer
 # @ stub MAPIAllocateBuffer@8
 @ stub MAPIAllocateMore
 # @ stub MAPIAllocateMore@12
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@
 # @ stub MAPIFreeBuffer@4
 @ stub MAPIGetDefaultMalloc@0
 @ stub MAPIInitIdle@4
-@ stub MAPIInitialize
+@ stdcall MAPIInitialize(ptr) MAPIInitialize
 # @ stub MAPIInitialize@4
 @ stub MAPILogoff
-@ stub MAPILogon
-@ stub MAPILogonEx
+@ stdcall MAPILogon(long ptr ptr long long ptr) MAPILogon
+@ stdcall MAPILogonEx(long ptr ptr long ptr) MAPILogonEx
 # @ stub MAPILogonEx@20
 @ stub MAPIOpenFormMgr
 # @ stub MAPIOpenFormMgr@8
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 @ stub MAPISaveMail
 @ stub MAPISendDocuments
 @ stub MAPISendMail
-@ stub MAPIUninitialize
+@ stdcall MAPIUninitialize()    MAPIUninitialize
 # @ stub MAPIUninitialize@0
 @ stub MNLS_CompareStringW@24
 @ stub MNLS_IsBadStringPtrW@8
Index: dlls/mapi32/mapi32_main.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/mapi32/mapi32_main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 mapi32_main.c
--- dlls/mapi32/mapi32_main.c	2001/09/14 21:36:30	1.1
+++ dlls/mapi32/mapi32_main.c	2002/01/26 15:18:02
@@ -1 +1,45 @@
-/* nothing here yet */
+ *             MAPI basics
+ *
+ *  2001 Codeweavers Inc.
+ */
+#include "windef.h"
+#include "winerror.h"
+#include "mapi.h"
+#include "mapicode.h"
+#include "debugtools.h"
+HRESULT WINAPI MAPIInitialize ( LPVOID lpMapiInit )
+    ERR("Stub\n");
+HRESULT WINAPI MAPIAllocateBuffer ( ULONG cvSize, LPVOID *lppBuffer )
+    ERR("Stub\n");
+    *lppBuffer = NULL;
+lpszPassword, FLAGS flFlags, ULONG ulReserver, LPLHANDLE lplhSession)
+    ERR("Stub\n");
+    return MAPI_E_FAILURE;
+lpszPassword, FLAGS flFlags, VOID* lppSession)
+    ERR("Stub\n");
+VOID WINAPI MAPIUninitialize()
+    ERR("Stub\n");
Index: dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.spec
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.29 msvcrt.spec
--- dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.spec	2002/01/07 21:16:46	1.29
+++ dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.spec	2002/01/26 15:18:02
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
 @ extern _winmajor MSVCRT__winmajor
 @ extern _winminor MSVCRT__winminor
 @ extern _winver MSVCRT__winver
-@ stub _wmakepath #(wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr)
+@ cdecl _wmakepath(wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr) _wmakepath
 @ cdecl _wmkdir(wstr) _wmkdir
 @ cdecl _wmktemp(wstr) _wmktemp
 @ varargs _wopen(wstr long) _wopen
Index: dlls/msvcrt/dir.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/msvcrt/dir.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 dir.c
--- dlls/msvcrt/dir.c	2002/01/22 00:57:16	1.6
+++ dlls/msvcrt/dir.c	2002/01/26 15:18:03
@@ -694,6 +694,52 @@
     TRACE("returning %s\n",path);
+ *		_wmakepath (MSVCRT.@)
+ */
+VOID _wmakepath(WCHAR *path, const WCHAR *drive, const WCHAR *directory,
+		const WCHAR *filename, const WCHAR *extension)
+    WCHAR ch;
+    TRACE("%s %s %s %s\n", debugstr_w(drive), debugstr_w(directory),
+	  debugstr_w(filename), debugstr_w(extension));
+    if ( !path )
+        return;
+    path[0] = 0;
+    if (drive && drive[0])
+    {
+        path[0] = drive[0];
+        path[1] = ':';
+        path[2] = 0;
+    }
+    if (directory && directory[0])
+    {
+        strcatW(path, directory);
+        ch = path[strlenW(path) - 1];
+        if (ch != '/' && ch != '\\')
+	{
+	    static const WCHAR backslashW[] = {'\\',0};
+            strcatW(path, backslashW);
+	}
+    }
+    if (filename && filename[0])
+    {
+        strcatW(path, filename);
+        if (extension && extension[0])
+        {
+            if ( extension[0] != '.' )
+	    {
+		static const WCHAR dotW[] = {'.',0};
+                strcatW(path, dotW);
+	    }
+            strcatW(path, extension);
+        }
+    }
+    TRACE("returning %s\n", debugstr_w(path));
  *		_searchenv (MSVCRT.@)
Index: dlls/ntdll/sec.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/ntdll/sec.c,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 sec.c
--- dlls/ntdll/sec.c	2001/12/05 22:14:57	1.18
+++ dlls/ntdll/sec.c	2002/01/26 15:18:04
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@
 	pAcl, dwAceRevision, AccessMask, pSid);
-	return 0;
+	return TRUE;

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