First patch of font stuff from CodeWeaver's Patch

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	Huw D M Davies <>
	Charles Loep <>
	Various fixes for gdi font handling code including:
	* Using TTs VDMX table to ensure that we get exactly that same size
	  font that Windows uses.
	* Fixes to many members of the metrics structures.
	* Font cache.
	* Rotated text support.
	* Support for GGO_GRAY?_BITMAP (ready for anti-aliased text).
	* Support for GGO_NATIVE.
Index: dlls/gdi/freetype.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/gdi/freetype.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 freetype.c
--- dlls/gdi/freetype.c	2001/12/24 21:10:31	1.3
+++ dlls/gdi/freetype.c	2002/01/26 13:15:00
@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@
 #include "winreg.h"
 #include "wingdi.h"
 #include "wine/unicode.h"
+#include "wine/port.h"
 #include "gdi.h"
 #include "font.h"
 #include "debugtools.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
 #include <freetype/internal/sfnt.h>
+#include <freetype/fttrigon.h>
 static FT_Library library = 0;
@@ -60,6 +63,7 @@
     char *file;
     BOOL Italic;
     BOOL Bold;
+    DWORD fsCsb[2]; /* codepage bitfield from FONTSIGNATURE */
     struct tagFace *next;
 } Face;
@@ -69,25 +73,90 @@
     struct tagFamily *next;
 } Family;
+typedef struct {
+    INT adv; /* These three hold to widths of the unrotated chars */
+    INT lsb;
+    INT bbx;
+    BOOL init;
+} GM;
 struct tagGdiFont {
-    DWORD ref;
     FT_Face ft_face;
+    int charset;
+    BOOL fake_italic;
+    BOOL fake_bold;
+    INT orientation;
+    GM *gm;
+    DWORD gmsize;
+    HFONT hfont;
+    SHORT yMax;
+    SHORT yMin;
+    struct tagGdiFont *next;
+#define INIT_GM_SIZE 128
+static GdiFont GdiFontList = NULL;
 static Family *FontList = NULL;
+static WCHAR defSerif[] = {'T','i','m','e','s',' ','N','e','w',' ',
+			   'R','o','m','a','n','\0'};
+static WCHAR defSans[] = {'A','r','i','a','l','\0'};
+static WCHAR defFixed[] = {'C','o','u','r','i','e','r',' ','N','e','w','\0'};
+static WCHAR defSystem[] = {'A','r','i','a','l','\0'};
+static WCHAR SystemW[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m','\0'};
+static WCHAR MSSansSerifW[] = {'M','S',' ','S','a','n','s',' ',
+			       'S','e','r','i','f','\0'};
+static WCHAR HelvW[] = {'H','e','l','v','\0'};
+static WCHAR ArabicW[] = {'A','r','a','b','i','c','\0'};
+static WCHAR BalticW[] = {'B','a','l','t','i','c','\0'};
+static WCHAR Central_EuropeanW[] = {'C','e','n','t','r','a','l',' ',
+				    'E','u','r','o','p','e','a','n','\0'};
+static WCHAR CyrillicW[] = {'C','y','r','i','l','l','i','c','\0'};
+static WCHAR GreekW[] = {'G','r','e','e','k','\0'};
+static WCHAR HebrewW[] = {'H','e','b','r','e','w','\0'};
+static WCHAR SymbolW[] = {'S','y','m','b','o','l','\0'};
+static WCHAR ThaiW[] = {'T','h','a','i','\0'};
+static WCHAR TurkishW[] = {'T','u','r','k','i','s','h','\0'};
+static WCHAR VietnameseW[] = {'V','i','e','t','n','a','m','e','s','e','\0'};
+static WCHAR WesternW[] = {'W','e','s','t','e','r','n','\0'};
+static WCHAR *ElfScriptsW[32] = { /* these are in the order of the fsCsb[0] bits */
+    WesternW, /*00*/
+    Central_EuropeanW,
+    CyrillicW,
+    GreekW,
+    TurkishW,
+    HebrewW,
+    ArabicW,
+    BalticW,
+    VietnameseW, /*08*/
+    ThaiW,
+    SymbolW /*31*/
 static BOOL AddFontFileToList(char *file)
     FT_Face ft_face;
+    TT_OS2 *pOS2;
     WCHAR *FamilyW, *StyleW;
     DWORD len;
     Family *family = FontList;
     Family **insert = &FontList;
     Face **insertface;
+    FT_Error err;
+    int i;
     TRACE("Loading font file %s\n", debugstr_a(file));
-    if(FT_New_Face(library, file, 0, &ft_face)) {
-        ERR("Unable to load font file %s\n", debugstr_a(file));
+    if((err = FT_New_Face(library, file, 0, &ft_face)) != 0) {
+        ERR("Unable to load font file %s err = %x\n", debugstr_a(file), err);
 	return FALSE;
@@ -137,6 +206,31 @@
     (*insertface)->next = NULL;
     (*insertface)->Italic = (ft_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC) ? 1 : 0;
     (*insertface)->Bold = (ft_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) ? 1 : 0;
+    pOS2 = FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(ft_face, ft_sfnt_os2);
+    if(pOS2) {
+	(*insertface)->fsCsb[0] = pOS2->ulCodePageRange1;
+	(*insertface)->fsCsb[1] = pOS2->ulCodePageRange2;
+    } else {
+        (*insertface)->fsCsb[0] = (*insertface)->fsCsb[1] = 0;
+    }
+    if((*insertface)->fsCsb[0] == 0) { /* let's see if we can find any interesting cmaps */
+        for(i = 0; i < ft_face->num_charmaps &&
+	      !(*insertface)->fsCsb[0]; i++) {
+	    switch(ft_face->charmaps[i]->encoding) {
+	    case ft_encoding_unicode:
+	        (*insertface)->fsCsb[0] = 1;
+		break;
+	    case ft_encoding_symbol:
+	        (*insertface)->fsCsb[0] = 1L << 31;
+		break;
+	    default:
+	        break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
     TRACE("Added font %s %s\n", debugstr_w(family->FamilyName),
@@ -164,20 +258,38 @@
     struct dirent *dent;
     char path[MAX_PATH];
+    TRACE("Loading fonts from %s\n", debugstr_a(dirname));
     dir = opendir(dirname);
     if(!dir) {
         ERR("Can't open directory %s\n", debugstr_a(dirname));
 	return FALSE;
     while((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
+	struct stat statbuf;
         if(!strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dent->d_name, ".."))
+	TRACE("Found %s in %s\n", debugstr_a(dent->d_name), debugstr_a(dirname));
 	sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dirname, dent->d_name);
-	AddFontFileToList(path);
+	if(stat(path, &statbuf) == -1)
+	{
+	    WARN("Can't stat %s\n", debugstr_a(path));
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
+	    ReadFontDir(path);
+	else
+	    AddFontFileToList(path);
     return TRUE;
  *    WineEngInit
@@ -189,57 +301,59 @@
     DWORD valuelen, datalen, i = 0, type, dlen, vlen;
     LPSTR value;
     LPVOID data;
+    char windowsdir[MAX_PATH];
+    char unixname[MAX_PATH];
+    TRACE("\n");
     if(FT_Init_FreeType(&library) != 0) {
         ERR("Can't init FreeType library\n");
 	return FALSE;
+    /* load in the fonts from %WINDOWSDIR%\\Fonts first of all */
+    GetWindowsDirectoryA(windowsdir, sizeof(windowsdir));
+    strcat(windowsdir, "\\Fonts");
+    wine_get_unix_file_name(windowsdir, unixname, sizeof(unixname));
+    ReadFontDir(unixname);
+    /* then look in any directories that we've specified in the config file */
-		   &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        TRACE("Can't open FontDirs key in config file\n");
-	return FALSE;
-    }
+		   &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-    RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &valuelen,
-		     &datalen, NULL, NULL);
+        RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+			 &valuelen, &datalen, NULL, NULL);
-    valuelen++; /* returned value doesn't include room for '\0' */
-    value = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, valuelen);
-    data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, datalen);
-    dlen = datalen;
-    vlen = valuelen;
-    while(RegEnumValueA(hkey, i++, value, &vlen, NULL, &type, data,
-			&dlen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        TRACE("Got %s=%s\n", value, (LPSTR)data);
-	ReadFontDir((LPSTR)data);
-	/* reset dlen and vlen */
+	valuelen++; /* returned value doesn't include room for '\0' */
+	value = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, valuelen);
+	data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, datalen);
 	dlen = datalen;
 	vlen = valuelen;
+	while(RegEnumValueA(hkey, i++, value, &vlen, NULL, &type, data,
+			    &dlen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+	    TRACE("Got %s=%s\n", value, (LPSTR)data);
+	    ReadFontDir((LPSTR)data);
+	    /* reset dlen and vlen */
+	    dlen = datalen;
+	    vlen = valuelen;
+	}
+	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
+	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, value);
+	RegCloseKey(hkey);
-    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
-    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, value);
-    RegCloseKey(hkey);
     return TRUE;
-static FT_Face OpenFontFile(char *file, LONG height)
+static LONG calc_ppem_for_height(FT_Face ft_face, LONG height)
-    FT_Error err;
     TT_OS2 *pOS2;
-    FT_Face ft_face;
     LONG ppem;
-    err = FT_New_Face(library, file, 0, &ft_face);
-    if(err) {
-        ERR("FT_New_Face rets %d\n", err);
-	return 0;
-    }
     pOS2 = FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(ft_face, ft_sfnt_os2);
     if(height == 0) height = 16;
@@ -260,14 +374,221 @@
     if(height > 0)
         ppem = ft_face->units_per_EM * height /
-	  (pOS2->usWinAscent + pOS2->usWinDescent);
+	    (pOS2->usWinAscent + pOS2->usWinDescent);
         ppem = -height;
+    return ppem;
+static LONG load_VDMX(GdiFont, LONG);
+static FT_Face OpenFontFile(GdiFont font, char *file, LONG height)
+    FT_Error err;
+    FT_Face ft_face;
+    LONG ppem;
+    err = FT_New_Face(library, file, 0, &ft_face);
+    if(err) {
+        ERR("FT_New_Face rets %d\n", err);
+	return 0;
+    }
+    /* set it here, as load_VDMX needs it */
+    font->ft_face = ft_face;
+    /* load the VDMX table if we have one */
+    ppem = load_VDMX(font, height);
+    if(ppem == 0)
+        ppem = calc_ppem_for_height(ft_face, height);
     FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(ft_face, 0, ppem);
     return ft_face;
+static int get_nearest_charset(Face *face, int lfcharset)
+    TranslateCharsetInfo((DWORD*)lfcharset, &csi, TCI_SRCCHARSET);
+    if(csi.fs.fsCsb[0] & face->fsCsb[0]) return lfcharset;
+    if(face->fsCsb[0] & 0x1) return ANSI_CHARSET;
+    if(face->fsCsb[0] & (1L << 31)) return SYMBOL_CHARSET;
+    FIXME("returning DEFAULT_CHARSET face->fsCsb[0] = %08lx file = %s\n",
+	  face->fsCsb[0], face->file);
+    return DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+static GdiFont alloc_font(void)
+    GdiFont ret = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*ret));
+    ret->gmsize = INIT_GM_SIZE;
+    ret->gm = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
+			ret->gmsize * sizeof(*ret->gm));
+    ret->next = NULL;
+    return ret;
+static void free_font(GdiFont font)
+    FT_Done_Face(font->ft_face);
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, font->gm);
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, font);
+ * load_VDMX
+ *
+ * load the vdmx entry for the specified height
+ */
+#define MS_MAKE_TAG( _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4 ) \
+          ( ( (FT_ULong)_x4 << 24 ) |     \
+            ( (FT_ULong)_x3 << 16 ) |     \
+            ( (FT_ULong)_x2 <<  8 ) |     \
+              (FT_ULong)_x1         )
+#define MS_VDMX_TAG MS_MAKE_TAG('V', 'D', 'M', 'X')
+typedef struct {
+    BYTE bCharSet;
+    BYTE xRatio;
+    BYTE yStartRatio;
+    BYTE yEndRatio;
+} Ratios;
+static LONG load_VDMX(GdiFont font, LONG height)
+    BYTE hdr[6], tmp[2], group[4];
+    BYTE devXRatio, devYRatio;
+    USHORT numRecs, numRatios;
+    DWORD offset = -1;
+    LONG ppem = 0;
+    int i, result;
+    result = WineEngGetFontData(font, MS_VDMX_TAG, 0, hdr, 6);
+    if(result == GDI_ERROR) /* no vdmx table present, use linear scaling */
+	return ppem;
+    /* FIXME: need the real device aspect ratio */
+    devXRatio = 1;
+    devYRatio = 1;
+    numRecs = GET_BE_WORD(&hdr[2]);
+    numRatios = GET_BE_WORD(&hdr[4]);
+    for(i = 0; i < numRatios; i++) {
+	Ratios ratio;
+	offset = (3 * 2) + (i * sizeof(Ratios));
+	WineEngGetFontData(font, MS_VDMX_TAG, offset, &ratio, sizeof(Ratios));
+	offset = -1;
+	TRACE("Ratios[%d] %d  %d : %d -> %d\n", i, ratio.bCharSet, ratio.xRatio, ratio.yStartRatio, ratio.yEndRatio);
+	if(ratio.bCharSet != 1)
+	    continue;
+	if((ratio.xRatio == 0 && 
+	    ratio.yStartRatio == 0 &&
+	    ratio.yEndRatio == 0) ||
+	   (devXRatio == ratio.xRatio && 
+	    devYRatio >= ratio.yStartRatio &&
+	    devYRatio <= ratio.yEndRatio)) 
+	    {
+		offset = (3 * 2) + (numRatios * 4) + (i * 2);
+		WineEngGetFontData(font, MS_VDMX_TAG, offset, tmp, 2);
+		offset = GET_BE_WORD(tmp);
+		break;
+	    }
+    }
+    if(offset < 0) {
+	FIXME("No suitable ratio found");
+	return ppem;
+    }
+    if(WineEngGetFontData(font, MS_VDMX_TAG, offset, group, 4) != GDI_ERROR) {
+	USHORT recs;
+	BYTE startsz, endsz;
+	BYTE *vTable;
+	recs = GET_BE_WORD(group);
+	startsz = group[2];
+	endsz = group[3];
+	TRACE("recs=%d  startsz=%d  endsz=%d\n", recs, startsz, endsz);
+	vTable = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, recs * 6);
+	result = WineEngGetFontData(font, MS_VDMX_TAG, offset + 4, vTable, recs * 6);
+	if(result == GDI_ERROR) {
+	    FIXME("Failed to retrieve vTable\n");
+	    goto end;
+	}
+	if(height > 0) {
+	    for(i = 0; i < recs; i++) {
+		SHORT yMax = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[(i * 6) + 2]);
+                SHORT yMin = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[(i * 6) + 4]);
+		ppem = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[i * 6]);
+		if(yMax + -yMin == height) {
+		    font->yMax = yMax;
+		    font->yMin = yMin;
+		    TRACE("ppem %ld found; height=%ld  yMax=%d  yMin=%d\n", ppem, height, font->yMax, font->yMin);
+		    break;
+		}
+		if(yMax + -yMin > height) {
+		    if(--i < 0) {
+			ppem = 0;
+			goto end; /* failed */
+		    }
+		    font->yMax = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[(i * 6) + 2]);
+		    font->yMin = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[(i * 6) + 4]);
+                    TRACE("ppem %ld found; height=%ld  yMax=%d  yMin=%d\n", ppem, height, font->yMax, font->yMin);
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if(!font->yMax) {
+		ppem = 0;
+		TRACE("ppem not found for height %ld\n", height);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    ppem = -height;
+	    if(ppem < startsz || ppem > endsz)
+		goto end;
+	    for(i = 0; i < recs; i++) {
+		USHORT yPelHeight;
+		yPelHeight = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[i * 6]);
+		if(yPelHeight > ppem)
+		    break; /* failed */
+		if(yPelHeight == ppem) {
+		    font->yMax = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[(i * 6) + 2]);
+		    font->yMin = GET_BE_WORD(&vTable[(i * 6) + 4]);
+		    TRACE("ppem %ld found; yMax=%d  yMin=%d\n", ppem, font->yMax, font->yMin);
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	end:
+	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, vTable);
+    }
+    return ppem;
  * WineEngCreateFontInstance
@@ -282,11 +603,28 @@
     FONTOBJ *font = GDI_GetObjPtr(hfont, FONT_MAGIC);
     LOGFONTW *plf = &font->logfont;
-    TRACE("%s, h=%ld, it=%d, weight=%ld\n", debugstr_w(plf->lfFaceName),
-	  plf->lfHeight, plf->lfItalic, plf->lfWeight);
+    TRACE("%s, h=%ld, it=%d, weight=%ld, PandF=%02x, charset=%d orient %ld escapement %ld\n",
+	  debugstr_w(plf->lfFaceName), plf->lfHeight, plf->lfItalic,
+	  plf->lfWeight, plf->lfPitchAndFamily, plf->lfCharSet, plf->lfOrientation,
+	  plf->lfEscapement);
+    /* check the cache first */
+    for(ret = GdiFontList; ret; ret = ret->next) {
+	if(ret->hfont == hfont) {
+	    GDI_ReleaseObj(hfont);
+	    TRACE("returning cached gdiFont(%p) for hFont %x\n", ret, hfont);
+	    return ret;
+	}
+    }
+    if(!FontList) /* No fonts installed */
+    {
+	GDI_ReleaseObj(hfont);
+	TRACE("No fonts installed\n");
+	return NULL;
+    }
-    ret = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*ret));
-    ret->ref = 1;
+    ret = alloc_font();
     strcpyW(FaceName, plf->lfFaceName);
@@ -295,9 +633,40 @@
 	    if(!strcmpiW(family->FamilyName, FaceName))
+	if(!family) { /* do other aliases here */
+	    if(!strcmpiW(FaceName, SystemW))
+	        strcpyW(FaceName, defSystem);
+	    else if(!strcmpiW(FaceName, MSSansSerifW))
+	        strcpyW(FaceName, defSans);
+	    else if(!strcmpiW(FaceName, HelvW))
+	        strcpyW(FaceName, defSans);
+	    else
+	        goto not_found;
+	    for(family = FontList; family; family = family->next) {
+	        if(!strcmpiW(family->FamilyName, FaceName))
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
     if(!family) {
+        if(plf->lfPitchAndFamily & FIXED_PITCH ||
+	   plf->lfPitchAndFamily & FF_MODERN)
+	  strcpyW(FaceName, defFixed);
+	else if(plf->lfPitchAndFamily & FF_ROMAN)
+	  strcpyW(FaceName, defSerif);
+	else if(plf->lfPitchAndFamily & FF_SWISS)
+	  strcpyW(FaceName, defSans);
+	for(family = FontList; family; family = family->next) {
+	    if(!strcmpiW(family->FamilyName, FaceName))
+	        break;
+	}
+    }
+    if(!family) {
         family = FontList;
 	FIXME("just using first face for now\n");
@@ -308,41 +677,74 @@
     for(face = family->FirstFace; face; face = face->next) {
       if(!(face->Italic ^ it) && !(face->Bold ^ bd))
+    }
+    if(!face) {
+        face = family->FirstFace;
+	if(it && !face->Italic) ret->fake_italic = TRUE;
+	if(bd && !face->Bold) ret->fake_bold = TRUE;
-    if(!face) face = family->FirstFace;
+    ret->charset = get_nearest_charset(face, plf->lfCharSet);
     TRACE("Choosen %s %s\n", debugstr_w(family->FamilyName),
-    ret->ft_face = OpenFontFile(face->file, plf->lfHeight);
+    ret->ft_face = OpenFontFile(ret, face->file, plf->lfHeight);
+    if(ret->charset == SYMBOL_CHARSET)
+        FT_Select_Charmap(ret->ft_face, ft_encoding_symbol);
+    ret->orientation = plf->lfOrientation;
-    TRACE("returning %p\n", ret);
+    TRACE("caching: gdiFont=%p  hfont=%x\n", ret, hfont);
+    ret->hfont = hfont;
+    ret->next = GdiFontList;
+    GdiFontList = ret;
     return ret;
- * WineEngAddRefFont
- *
- */
-DWORD WineEngAddRefFont(GdiFont font)
+static void DumpGdiFontList(void)
-    return ++font->ref;
+    GdiFont gdiFont;
+    TRACE("---------- gdiFont Cache ----------\n");
+    for(gdiFont = GdiFontList; gdiFont; gdiFont = gdiFont->next) {
+	FONTOBJ *font = GDI_GetObjPtr(gdiFont->hfont, FONT_MAGIC);
+	LOGFONTW *plf = &font->logfont;
+	TRACE("gdiFont=%p  hfont=%x (%s)\n", 
+	       gdiFont, gdiFont->hfont, debugstr_w(plf->lfFaceName));
+	GDI_ReleaseObj(gdiFont->hfont);
+    }
- * WineEngDecRefFont
+ * WineEngDestroyFontInstance
+ *
+ * free the gdiFont associated with this handle
-DWORD WineEngDecRefFont(GdiFont font)
+BOOL WineEngDestroyFontInstance(HFONT handle)
-    DWORD ret = --font->ref;
+    GdiFont gdiFont;
+    GdiFont gdiPrev = NULL;
-    if(ret == 0) {
-        FT_Done_Face(font->ft_face);
-	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, font);
+    TRACE("destroying hfont=%x\n", handle);
+    if(TRACE_ON(font))
+	DumpGdiFontList();
+    for(gdiFont = GdiFontList; gdiFont; gdiFont = gdiFont->next) {
+	if(gdiFont->hfont == handle) {
+	    if(gdiPrev)
+		gdiPrev->next = gdiFont->next;
+	    else
+		GdiFontList = gdiFont->next;
+	    free_font(gdiFont);
+	    return TRUE;
+	}
+	gdiPrev = gdiFont;
-    return ret;
+    return FALSE;
 static void GetEnumStructs(Face *face, LPENUMLOGFONTEXW pelf,
@@ -350,10 +752,9 @@
     UINT size;
-    GdiFont font = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(*font));
+    GdiFont font = alloc_font();
-    font->ref = 1;
-    font->ft_face = OpenFontFile(face->file, 100);
+    font->ft_face = OpenFontFile(font, face->file, 100);
     memset(&pelf->elfLogFont, 0, sizeof(LOGFONTW));
@@ -368,7 +769,7 @@
     pntm->ntmTm.tmDescent = TM.tmDescent;
     pntm->ntmTm.tmInternalLeading = TM.tmInternalLeading;
     pntm->ntmTm.tmExternalLeading = TM.tmExternalLeading;
-    pntm->ntmTm.tmAveCharWidth = pelf->elfLogFont.lfWeight = TM.tmAveCharWidth;
+    pntm->ntmTm.tmAveCharWidth = pelf->elfLogFont.lfWidth = TM.tmAveCharWidth;
     pntm->ntmTm.tmMaxCharWidth = TM.tmMaxCharWidth;
     pntm->ntmTm.tmWeight = pelf->elfLogFont.lfWeight = TM.tmWeight;
     pntm->ntmTm.tmOverhang = TM.tmOverhang;
@@ -384,6 +785,9 @@
     pntm->ntmTm.tmPitchAndFamily = TM.tmPitchAndFamily;
     pelf->elfLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily = (TM.tmPitchAndFamily & 0xf1) + 1;
     pntm->ntmTm.tmCharSet = pelf->elfLogFont.lfCharSet = TM.tmCharSet;
+    pelf->elfLogFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_STROKE_PRECIS;
+    pelf->elfLogFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS;
+    pelf->elfLogFont.lfQuality = DRAFT_QUALITY;
     pntm->ntmTm.ntmFlags = TM.tmItalic ? NTM_ITALIC : 0;
     if(TM.tmWeight > 550) pntm->ntmTm.ntmFlags |= NTM_BOLD;
@@ -404,15 +808,15 @@
 	     (WCHAR*)((char*)potm + (ptrdiff_t)potm->otmpFamilyName),
-	     (WCHAR*)((char*)potm + (ptrdiff_t)potm->otmpFullName),
+	     (WCHAR*)((char*)potm + (ptrdiff_t)potm->otmpFaceName),
 	     (WCHAR*)((char*)potm + (ptrdiff_t)potm->otmpStyleName),
-    pelf->elfScript[0] = '\0'; /* FIXME */
+    pelf->elfScript[0] = '\0'; /* This will get set in WineEngEnumFonts */
     HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, potm);
-    WineEngDecRefFont(font);
+    free_font(font);
@@ -428,32 +832,98 @@
     DWORD type, ret = 1;
+    int i;
-    TRACE("facename = %s\n", debugstr_w(plf->lfFaceName));
+    TRACE("facename = %s charset %d\n", debugstr_w(plf->lfFaceName), plf->lfCharSet);
     if(plf->lfFaceName[0]) {
         for(family = FontList; family; family = family->next) {
 	    if(!strcmpiW(plf->lfFaceName, family->FamilyName)) {
 	        for(face = family->FirstFace; face; face = face->next) {
 		    GetEnumStructs(face, &elf, &ntm, &type);
-		    TRACE("enuming '%s'\n",
-			  debugstr_w(elf.elfLogFont.lfFaceName));
-		    ret = proc(&elf, &ntm, type, lparam);
-		    if(!ret) break;
+		    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+		        if(face->fsCsb[0] & (1L << i)) {
+			    fs.fsCsb[0] = 1L << i;
+			    fs.fsCsb[1] = 0;
+			    if(!TranslateCharsetInfo(fs.fsCsb, &csi,
+						     TCI_SRCFONTSIG))
+			        csi.ciCharset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+			    if(i == 31) csi.ciCharset = SYMBOL_CHARSET;
+			    if(csi.ciCharset != DEFAULT_CHARSET) {
+			        elf.elfLogFont.lfCharSet =
+				  ntm.ntmTm.tmCharSet = csi.ciCharset;
+				if(ElfScriptsW[i])
+				    strcpyW(elf.elfScript, ElfScriptsW[i]);
+				else
+				    FIXME("Unknown elfscript for bit %d\n", i);
+				TRACE("enuming face %s full %s style %s charset %d type %ld script %s it %d weight %ld ntmflags %08lx\n",
+				      debugstr_w(elf.elfLogFont.lfFaceName),
+				      debugstr_w(elf.elfFullName), debugstr_w(elf.elfStyle),
+				      csi.ciCharset, type, debugstr_w(elf.elfScript),
+				      elf.elfLogFont.lfItalic, elf.elfLogFont.lfWeight,
+				      ntm.ntmTm.ntmFlags);
+				ret = proc(&elf, &ntm, type, lparam);
+				if(!ret) goto end;
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
     } else {
         for(family = FontList; family; family = family->next) {
 	    GetEnumStructs(family->FirstFace, &elf, &ntm, &type);
-	    TRACE("enuming '%s'\n", debugstr_w(elf.elfLogFont.lfFaceName));
-	    ret = proc(&elf, &ntm, type, lparam);
-	    if(!ret) break;
+	    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+	        if(family->FirstFace->fsCsb[0] & (1L << i)) {
+		    fs.fsCsb[0] = 1L << i;
+		    fs.fsCsb[1] = 0;
+		    if(!TranslateCharsetInfo(fs.fsCsb, &csi,
+					     TCI_SRCFONTSIG))
+		        csi.ciCharset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+		    if(i == 31) csi.ciCharset = SYMBOL_CHARSET;
+		    if(csi.ciCharset != DEFAULT_CHARSET) {
+		        elf.elfLogFont.lfCharSet = ntm.ntmTm.tmCharSet = 
+			  csi.ciCharset;
+			  if(ElfScriptsW[i])
+			      strcpyW(elf.elfScript, ElfScriptsW[i]);
+			  else
+			      FIXME("Unknown elfscript for bit %d\n", i);
+			TRACE("enuming face %s full %s style %s charset = %d type %ld script %s it %d weight %ld ntmflags %08lx\n",
+			      debugstr_w(elf.elfLogFont.lfFaceName),
+			      debugstr_w(elf.elfFullName), debugstr_w(elf.elfStyle),
+			      csi.ciCharset, type, debugstr_w(elf.elfScript),
+			      elf.elfLogFont.lfItalic, elf.elfLogFont.lfWeight,
+			      ntm.ntmTm.ntmFlags);
+			ret = proc(&elf, &ntm, type, lparam);
+			if(!ret) goto end;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
     return ret;
+static void FTVectorToPOINTFX(FT_Vector *vec, POINTFX *pt)
+    pt->x.value = vec->x >> 6;
+    pt->x.fract = (vec->x & 0x3f) << 10;
+    pt->x.fract |= ((pt->x.fract >> 6) | (pt->x.fract >> 12));
+    pt->y.value = vec->y >> 6;
+    pt->y.fract = (vec->y & 0x3f) << 10;
+    pt->y.fract |= ((pt->y.fract >> 6) | (pt->y.fract >> 12));
+    return;
+static FT_UInt get_glyph_index(GdiFont font, UINT glyph)
+    if(font->charset == SYMBOL_CHARSET && glyph < 0x100)
+        glyph = glyph + 0xf000;
+    return FT_Get_Char_Index(font->ft_face, glyph);
  * WineEngGetGlyphOutline
@@ -468,58 +938,252 @@
     FT_Face ft_face = font->ft_face;
     FT_UInt glyph_index;
-    DWORD width, height, pitch, needed;
+    DWORD width, height, pitch, needed = 0;
     FT_Bitmap ft_bitmap;
+    FT_Error err;
+    INT left, right, top = 0, bottom = 0;
+    FT_Angle angle = 0;
     TRACE("%p, %04x, %08x, %p, %08lx, %p, %p\n", font, glyph, format, lpgm,
 	  buflen, buf, lpmat);
-    if(format & GGO_GLYPH_INDEX)
+    if(format & GGO_GLYPH_INDEX) {
         glyph_index = glyph;
-    else
-        glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(ft_face, glyph);
+	format &= ~GGO_GLYPH_INDEX;
+    } else
+        glyph_index = get_glyph_index(font, glyph);
+    if(glyph_index >= font->gmsize) {
+        font->gmsize = (glyph_index / INIT_GM_SIZE + 1) * INIT_GM_SIZE;
+	font->gm = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, font->gm,
+			       font->gmsize * sizeof(*font->gm));
+    } else {
+        if(format == GGO_METRICS && font->gm[glyph_index].init) {
+	    memcpy(lpgm, &font->gm[glyph_index].gm, sizeof(*lpgm));
+	    return 1; /* FIXME */
+	}
+    }
+    err = FT_Load_Glyph(ft_face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
+    if(err) {
+        FIXME("FT_Load_Glyph on index %x returns %d\n", glyph_index, err);
+	return GDI_ERROR;
+    }
-    FT_Load_Glyph(ft_face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
+    left = ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX & -64;
+    right = ((ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX +
+		  ft_face->glyph->metrics.width) + 63) & -64;
+    font->gm[glyph_index].adv = (ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance + 63) >> 6;
+    font->gm[glyph_index].lsb = left >> 6;
+    font->gm[glyph_index].bbx = (right - left) >> 6;
+    if(font->orientation == 0) {
+	top = (ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY + 63) & -64;;
+	bottom = (ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY -
+		  ft_face->glyph->metrics.height) & -64;
+	lpgm->gmCellIncX = font->gm[glyph_index].adv;
+	lpgm->gmCellIncY = 0;
+    } else {
+        INT xc, yc;
+	FT_Vector vec;
+	angle = font->orientation / 10 << 16;
+	angle |= ((font->orientation % 10) * (1 << 16)) / 10;
+	TRACE("angle %ld\n", angle >> 16);
+	for(xc = 0; xc < 2; xc++) {
+	    for(yc = 0; yc < 2; yc++) {
+	        vec.x = ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX +
+		  xc * ft_face->glyph->metrics.width;
+		vec.y = ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY -
+		  yc * ft_face->glyph->metrics.height;
+		TRACE("Vec %ld,%ld\n", vec.x, vec.y);
+		FT_Vector_Rotate(&vec, angle);
+		if(xc == 0 && yc == 0) {
+		    left = right = vec.x;
+		    top = bottom = vec.y;
+		} else {
+		    if(vec.x < left) left = vec.x;
+		    else if(vec.x > right) right = vec.x;
+		    if(vec.y < bottom) bottom = vec.y;
+		    else if(vec.y > top) top = vec.y;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	left = left & -64;
+	right = (right + 63) & -64;
+	bottom = bottom & -64;
+	top = (top + 63) & -64;
+	TRACE("transformed box: (%d,%d - %d,%d)\n", left, top, right, bottom);
+	vec.x = ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance;
+	vec.y = 0;
+	FT_Vector_Rotate(&vec, angle);
+	lpgm->gmCellIncX = (vec.x+63) >> 6;
+	lpgm->gmCellIncY = -(vec.y+63) >> 6;
+    }
+    lpgm->gmBlackBoxX = (right - left) >> 6;
+    lpgm->gmBlackBoxY = (top - bottom) >> 6;
+    lpgm->gmptGlyphOrigin.x = left >> 6;
+    lpgm->gmptGlyphOrigin.y = top >> 6;
-    lpgm->gmBlackBoxX = ft_face->glyph->metrics.width >> 6;
-    lpgm->gmBlackBoxY = ft_face->glyph->metrics.height >> 6;
-    lpgm->gmptGlyphOrigin.x = ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX >> 6;
-    lpgm->gmptGlyphOrigin.y = ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY >> 6;
-    lpgm->gmCellIncX = ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6;
-    lpgm->gmCellIncY = 0;
+    memcpy(&font->gm[glyph_index].gm, lpgm, sizeof(*lpgm));
+    font->gm[glyph_index].init = TRUE;
     if(format == GGO_METRICS)
-        return TRUE;
+        return 1; /* FIXME */
     if(ft_face->glyph->format != ft_glyph_format_outline) {
         FIXME("loaded a bitmap\n");
 	return GDI_ERROR;
-    if(format == GGO_BITMAP) {
+    switch(format) {
+    case GGO_BITMAP:
         width = lpgm->gmBlackBoxX;
 	height = lpgm->gmBlackBoxY;
 	pitch = (width + 31) / 32 * 4;
         needed = pitch * height;
-	if(!buf || !buflen) return needed;
+	if(!buf || !buflen) break;
 	ft_bitmap.width = width;
 	ft_bitmap.rows = height;
 	ft_bitmap.pitch = pitch;
 	ft_bitmap.pixel_mode = ft_pixel_mode_mono;
 	ft_bitmap.buffer = buf;
+	if(font->orientation) {
+	    FT_Matrix matrix;
+	    matrix.xx = matrix.yy = FT_Cos(angle);
+	    matrix.xy = -FT_Sin(angle);
+	    matrix.yx = -matrix.xy;
+	    FT_Outline_Transform(&ft_face->glyph->outline, &matrix);
+	}
+	FT_Outline_Translate(&ft_face->glyph->outline, -left, -bottom );
+	/* Note: FreeType will only set 'black' bits for us. */
+	memset(buf, 0, needed);
+	FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap(library, &ft_face->glyph->outline, &ft_bitmap);
+	break;
+    case GGO_GRAY2_BITMAP:
+    case GGO_GRAY4_BITMAP:
+    case GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP:
+      {
+	int mult, row, col;
+	BYTE *start, *ptr;
+        width = lpgm->gmBlackBoxX;
+	height = lpgm->gmBlackBoxY;
+	pitch = (width + 3) / 4 * 4;
+	needed = pitch * height;
+	if(!buf || !buflen) break;
+	ft_bitmap.width = width;
+	ft_bitmap.rows = height;
+	ft_bitmap.pitch = pitch;
+	ft_bitmap.pixel_mode = ft_pixel_mode_grays;
+	ft_bitmap.buffer = buf;
+	if(font->orientation) {
+	    FT_Matrix matrix;
+	    matrix.xx = matrix.yy = FT_Cos(angle);
+	    matrix.xy = -FT_Sin(angle);
+	    matrix.yx = -matrix.xy;
+	    FT_Outline_Transform(&ft_face->glyph->outline, &matrix);
+	}
-	FT_Outline_Translate(&ft_face->glyph->outline,
-			     - ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX,
-			     - (ft_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY -
-				ft_face->glyph->metrics.height) );
+	FT_Outline_Translate(&ft_face->glyph->outline, -left, -bottom );
 	FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap(library, &ft_face->glyph->outline, &ft_bitmap);
-    } else {
+	if(format == GGO_GRAY2_BITMAP)
+	    mult = 5;
+	else if(format == GGO_GRAY4_BITMAP)
+	    mult = 17;
+	else if(format == GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP)
+	    mult = 65;
+	else if(format == WINE_GGO_GRAY16_BITMAP)
+	    break;
+	else {
+	    assert(0);
+	    break;
+	}
+	start = buf;
+	for(row = 0; row < height; row++) {
+	    ptr = start;
+	    for(col = 0; col < width; col++, ptr++) {
+	        *ptr = (*(unsigned int*)ptr * mult + 128) / 256;
+	    }
+	    start += pitch;
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+    case GGO_NATIVE:
+      {
+	int contour, point = 0, first_pt;
+	FT_Outline *outline = &ft_face->glyph->outline;
+	DWORD pph_start, cpfx, type;
+	if(buflen == 0) buf = NULL;
+        for(contour = 0; contour < outline->n_contours; contour++) {
+	    pph_start = needed;
+	    pph = buf + needed;
+	    first_pt = point;
+	    if(buf) {
+	        pph->dwType = TT_POLYGON_TYPE;
+		FTVectorToPOINTFX(&outline->points[point], &pph->pfxStart);
+	    }
+	    needed += sizeof(*pph);
+	    point++;
+	    while(point <= outline->contours[contour]) {
+	        ppc = buf + needed;
+		type = (outline->tags[point] == FT_Curve_Tag_On) ?
+		cpfx = 0;
+		do {
+		    if(buf)
+		        FTVectorToPOINTFX(&outline->points[point], &ppc->apfx[cpfx]);
+		    cpfx++;
+		    point++;
+		} while(point <= outline->contours[contour] &&
+			outline->tags[point] == outline->tags[point-1]);
+		/* At the end of a contour Windows adds the start point */
+		if(point > outline->contours[contour]) {
+		    if(buf)
+		        FTVectorToPOINTFX(&outline->points[first_pt], &ppc->apfx[cpfx]);
+		    cpfx++;
+		} else if(outline->tags[point] == FT_Curve_Tag_On) {
+		  /* add closing pt for bezier */
+		    if(buf)
+		        FTVectorToPOINTFX(&outline->points[point], &ppc->apfx[cpfx]);
+		    cpfx++;
+		    point++;
+		}
+		if(buf) {
+		    ppc->wType = type;
+		    ppc->cpfx = cpfx;
+		}
+		needed += sizeof(*ppc) + (cpfx - 1) * sizeof(POINTFX);
+	    }
+	    if(buf)
+	        pph->cb = needed - pph_start;
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+    default:
         FIXME("Unsupported format %d\n", format);
 	return GDI_ERROR;
-    return TRUE;
+    return needed;
@@ -532,6 +1196,8 @@
     TT_OS2 *pOS2;
     TT_HoriHeader *pHori;
     FT_Fixed x_scale, y_scale;
+    TRACE("font=%p, ptm=%p\n", font, ptm);
     x_scale = ft_face->size->metrics.x_scale;
     y_scale = ft_face->size->metrics.y_scale;
@@ -554,12 +1220,19 @@
 	  ft_face->ascender, ft_face->descender, ft_face->height,
 	  pHori->Ascender, pHori->Descender, pHori->Line_Gap,
 	  ft_face->bbox.yMax, ft_face->bbox.yMin);
-    ptm->tmAscent = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->usWinAscent, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
-    ptm->tmDescent = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->usWinDescent, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    if(font->yMax) {
+	ptm->tmAscent = font->yMax;
+	ptm->tmDescent = -font->yMin;
+	ptm->tmInternalLeading = (ptm->tmAscent + ptm->tmDescent) - ft_face->size->metrics.y_ppem;
+    } else {
+	ptm->tmAscent = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->usWinAscent, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+	ptm->tmDescent = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->usWinDescent, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+	ptm->tmInternalLeading = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->usWinAscent + pOS2->usWinDescent
+					    - ft_face->units_per_EM, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    }
     ptm->tmHeight = ptm->tmAscent + ptm->tmDescent;
-    ptm->tmInternalLeading = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->usWinAscent + pOS2->usWinDescent
-			       - ft_face->units_per_EM, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
     /* MSDN says:
      el = MAX(0, LineGap - ((WinAscent + WinDescent) - (Ascender - Descender)))
@@ -570,7 +1243,7 @@
     ptm->tmAveCharWidth = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->xAvgCharWidth, x_scale) + 32) >> 6;
     ptm->tmMaxCharWidth = (FT_MulFix(ft_face->bbox.xMax - ft_face->bbox.xMin, x_scale) + 32) >> 6;
-    ptm->tmWeight = pOS2->usWeightClass;
+    ptm->tmWeight = font->fake_bold ? FW_BOLD : pOS2->usWeightClass;
     ptm->tmOverhang = 0;
     ptm->tmDigitizedAspectX = 300;
     ptm->tmDigitizedAspectY = 300;
@@ -578,7 +1251,7 @@
     ptm->tmLastChar = pOS2->usLastCharIndex;
     ptm->tmDefaultChar = pOS2->usDefaultChar;
     ptm->tmBreakChar = pOS2->usBreakChar;
-    ptm->tmItalic = (ft_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC) ? 1 : 0;
+    ptm->tmItalic = font->fake_italic ? 255 : ((ft_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC) ? 255 : 0);
     ptm->tmUnderlined = 0; /* entry in OS2 table */
     ptm->tmStruckOut = 0; /* entry in OS2 table */
@@ -588,8 +1261,9 @@
         ptm->tmPitchAndFamily |= TMPF_VECTOR;
         ptm->tmPitchAndFamily |= TMPF_TRUETYPE;
+    ptm->tmPitchAndFamily |= FF_ROMAN;
-    ptm->tmCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
+    ptm->tmCharSet = font->charset;
     return TRUE;
@@ -608,6 +1282,8 @@
     WCHAR spaceW[] = {' ', '\0'};
     char *cp;
+    TRACE("font=%p\n", font);
     needed = sizeof(*potm);
     lenfam = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ft_face->family_name, -1, NULL, 0)
@@ -674,11 +1350,11 @@
     potm->otmsCharSlopeRun = pHori->caret_Slope_Run;
     potm->otmItalicAngle = 0; /* POST table */
     potm->otmEMSquare = ft_face->units_per_EM;
-    potm->otmAscent = pOS2->sTypoAscender;
-    potm->otmDescent = pOS2->sTypoDescender;
-    potm->otmLineGap = pOS2->sTypoLineGap;
-    potm->otmsCapEmHeight = pOS2->sCapHeight;
-    potm->otmsXHeight = pOS2->sxHeight;
+    potm->otmAscent = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->sTypoAscender, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmDescent = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->sTypoDescender, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmLineGap = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->sTypoLineGap, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmsCapEmHeight = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->sCapHeight, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmsXHeight = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->sxHeight, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
     potm->otmrcFontBox.left = ft_face->bbox.xMin;
     potm->otmrcFontBox.right = ft_face->bbox.xMax;
     potm-> = ft_face->bbox.yMin;
@@ -687,19 +1363,19 @@
     potm->otmMacDescent = 0;
     potm->otmMacLineGap = 0;
     potm->otmusMinimumPPEM = 0; /* TT Header */
-    potm->otmptSubscriptSize.x = pOS2->ySubscriptXSize;
-    potm->otmptSubscriptSize.y = pOS2->ySubscriptYSize;
-    potm->otmptSubscriptOffset.x = pOS2->ySubscriptXOffset;
-    potm->otmptSubscriptOffset.y = pOS2->ySubscriptYOffset;
-    potm->otmptSuperscriptSize.x = pOS2->ySuperscriptXSize;
-    potm->otmptSuperscriptSize.y = pOS2->ySuperscriptYSize;
-    potm->otmptSuperscriptOffset.x = pOS2->ySuperscriptXOffset;
-    potm->otmptSuperscriptOffset.y = pOS2->ySuperscriptYOffset;
-    potm->otmsStrikeoutSize = pOS2->yStrikeoutSize;
-    potm->otmsStrikeoutPosition = pOS2->yStrikeoutPosition;
+    potm->otmptSubscriptSize.x = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySubscriptXSize, x_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmptSubscriptSize.y = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySubscriptYSize, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmptSubscriptOffset.x = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySubscriptXOffset, x_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmptSubscriptOffset.y = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySubscriptYOffset, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmptSuperscriptSize.x = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySuperscriptXSize, x_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmptSuperscriptSize.y = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySuperscriptYSize, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmptSuperscriptOffset.x = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySuperscriptXOffset, x_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmptSuperscriptOffset.y = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->ySuperscriptYOffset, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmsStrikeoutSize = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->yStrikeoutSize, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
+    potm->otmsStrikeoutPosition = (FT_MulFix(pOS2->yStrikeoutPosition, y_scale) + 32) >> 6;
     potm->otmsUnderscoreSize = 0; /* POST Header */
     potm->otmsUnderscorePosition = 0; /* POST Header */
     /* otmp* members should clearly have type ptrdiff_t, but M$ knows best */
     cp = (char*)potm + sizeof(*potm);
     potm->otmpFamilyName = (LPSTR)(cp - (char*)potm);
@@ -739,11 +1415,14 @@
     UINT c;
+    FT_UInt glyph_index;
     TRACE("%p, %d, %d, %p\n", font, firstChar, lastChar, buffer);
     for(c = firstChar; c <= lastChar; c++) {
         WineEngGetGlyphOutline(font, c, GGO_METRICS, &gm, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	buffer[c - firstChar] = gm.gmCellIncX;
+	glyph_index = get_glyph_index(font, c);
+	buffer[c - firstChar] = font->gm[glyph_index].adv;
     return TRUE;
@@ -758,6 +1437,7 @@
     UINT idx;
+    FT_UInt glyph_index;
     TRACE("%p, %s, %d, %p\n", font, debugstr_wn(wstr, count), count,
@@ -769,7 +1449,8 @@
    for(idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
         WineEngGetGlyphOutline(font, wstr[idx], GGO_METRICS, &gm, 0, NULL,
-	size->cx += gm.gmCellIncX;
+	glyph_index = get_glyph_index(font, wstr[idx]);
+	size->cx += font->gm[glyph_index].adv;
     TRACE("return %ld,%ld\n", size->cx, size->cy);
     return TRUE;
@@ -788,6 +1469,9 @@
     DWORD len;
     FT_Error err;
+    TRACE("font=%p, table=%08lx, offset=%08lx, buf=%p, cbData=%lx\n",
+	font, table, offset, buf, cbData);
         return GDI_ERROR;
@@ -806,7 +1490,7 @@
     err = sfnt->load_any(tt_face, table, offset, buf, &len);
     if(err) {
-        ERR("Can't find table %08lx\n", table);
+        TRACE("Can't find table %08lx.\n", table);
 	return GDI_ERROR;
     return len;
@@ -822,15 +1506,9 @@
     return NULL;
-DWORD WineEngAddRefFont(GdiFont font)
+BOOL WineEngDestroyFontInstance(HFONT hfont)
-    ERR("called but we don't have FreeType\n");
-    return 0;
-DWORD WineEngDecRefFont(GdiFont font)
-    ERR("called but we don't have FreeType\n");
-    return 0;
+    return FALSE;
Index: include/font.h
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/include/font.h,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 font.h
--- include/font.h	2001/10/23 20:06:33	1.8
+++ include/font.h	2002/01/26 13:15:01
@@ -73,9 +73,8 @@
 extern LPWSTR FONT_mbtowc(HDC, LPCSTR, INT, INT*, UINT*);
-extern DWORD WineEngAddRefFont(GdiFont);
 extern GdiFont WineEngCreateFontInstance(HFONT);
-extern DWORD WineEngDecRefFont(GdiFont);
+extern BOOL WineEngDestroyFontInstance(HFONT handle);
 extern BOOL WineEngGetCharWidth(GdiFont, UINT, UINT, LPINT);
 extern DWORD WineEngGetFontData(GdiFont, DWORD, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD);
Index: include/gdi.h
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/include/gdi.h,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -r1.55 gdi.h
--- include/gdi.h	2002/01/04 18:27:45	1.55
+++ include/gdi.h	2002/01/26 13:15:01
@@ -521,4 +521,6 @@
 /* objects/enhmetafile.c */
+#define WINE_GGO_GRAY16_BITMAP 0x7f
 #endif  /* __WINE_GDI_H */
Index: objects/dc.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/objects/dc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.67
diff -u -r1.67 dc.c
--- objects/dc.c	2001/12/17 20:58:08	1.67
+++ objects/dc.c	2002/01/26 13:15:01
@@ -316,7 +316,6 @@
 	newdc->hClipRgn = 0;
     if(dc->gdiFont) {
-        WineEngAddRefFont(dc->gdiFont);
 	newdc->gdiFont = dc->gdiFont;
     } else
         newdc->gdiFont = 0;
@@ -775,7 +774,6 @@
     if (dc->hClipRgn) DeleteObject( dc->hClipRgn );
     if (dc->hVisRgn) DeleteObject( dc->hVisRgn );
     if (dc->hGCClipRgn) DeleteObject( dc->hGCClipRgn );
-    if (dc->gdiFont) WineEngDecRefFont( dc->gdiFont );
     GDI_FreeObject( hdc, dc );
Index: objects/font.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/objects/font.c,v
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -r1.61 font.c
--- objects/font.c	2002/01/07 21:16:48	1.61
+++ objects/font.c	2002/01/26 13:15:02
@@ -1648,7 +1648,33 @@
 BOOL WINAPI GetCharABCWidthsA(HDC hdc, UINT firstChar, UINT lastChar,
                                   LPABC abc )
-    return GetCharABCWidthsW( hdc, firstChar, lastChar, abc );
+    INT i, wlen, count = (INT)(lastChar - firstChar + 1);
+    LPSTR str;
+    LPWSTR wstr;
+    BOOL ret = TRUE;
+    if(count <= 0) return FALSE;
+    str = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, count);
+    for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
+	str[i] = (BYTE)(firstChar + i);
+    wstr = FONT_mbtowc(hdc, str, count, &wlen, NULL);
+    for(i = 0; i < wlen; i++)
+    {
+	if(!GetCharABCWidthsW(hdc, wstr[i], wstr[i], abc))
+	{
+	    ret = FALSE;
+	    break;
+	}
+	abc++;
+    }
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, str);
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wstr);
+    return ret;
@@ -1671,20 +1697,22 @@
 BOOL WINAPI GetCharABCWidthsW( HDC hdc, UINT firstChar, UINT lastChar,
                                    LPABC abc )
+    DC *dc = DC_GetDCPtr(hdc);
     int		i;
-    LPINT	widths = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(lastChar-firstChar+1)*sizeof(INT));
-    FIXME("(%04x,%04x,%04x,%p), returns slightly bogus values.\n", hdc, firstChar, lastChar, abc);
-    GetCharWidth32A(hdc,firstChar,lastChar,widths);
+    BOOL ret = FALSE;
-    for (i=firstChar;i<=lastChar;i++) {
-	abc[i-firstChar].abcA = 0;	/* left distance */
-	abc[i-firstChar].abcB = widths[i-firstChar];/* width */
-	abc[i-firstChar].abcC = 0;	/* right distance */
+    if(dc->gdiFont) {
+        for (i=firstChar;i<=lastChar;i++) {
+	    GetGlyphOutlineW(hdc, i, GGO_METRICS, &gm, 0, NULL, NULL);
+	    abc[i-firstChar].abcA = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x;
+	    abc[i-firstChar].abcB = gm.gmBlackBoxX;
+	    abc[i-firstChar].abcC = gm.gmCellIncX - gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x - gm.gmBlackBoxX;
+	}
+	ret = TRUE;
-    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,widths);
-    return TRUE;
+    GDI_ReleaseObj(hdc);
+    return ret;
@@ -1708,8 +1736,20 @@
                                  LPGLYPHMETRICS lpgm, DWORD cbBuffer,
                                  LPVOID lpBuffer, const MAT2 *lpmat2 )
-    return GetGlyphOutlineW(hdc, uChar, fuFormat, lpgm, cbBuffer, lpBuffer,
-			    lpmat2);
+    LPWSTR p = NULL;
+    DWORD ret;
+    UINT c;
+    if(!(fuFormat & GGO_GLYPH_INDEX)) {
+        p = FONT_mbtowc(hdc, (char*)&uChar, 1, NULL, NULL);
+	c = p[0];
+    } else
+        c = uChar;
+    ret = GetGlyphOutlineW(hdc, c, fuFormat, lpgm, cbBuffer, lpBuffer,
+			   lpmat2);
+    if(p)
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p);
+    return ret;
Index: objects/gdiobj.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/objects/gdiobj.c,v
retrieving revision 1.63
diff -u -r1.63 gdiobj.c
--- objects/gdiobj.c	2002/01/07 21:16:48	1.63
+++ objects/gdiobj.c	2002/01/26 13:15:02
@@ -450,6 +450,17 @@
+ *           FONT_DeleteObject
+ *
+ */
+static BOOL FONT_DeleteObject(HGDIOBJ hfont, FONTOBJ *fontobj)
+    WineEngDestroyFontInstance( hfont );
+    return GDI_FreeObject( hfont, fontobj );
  *           DeleteObject    (GDI.69)
  *           SysDeleteObject (GDI.605)
@@ -495,7 +506,7 @@
       case PEN_MAGIC:     return GDI_FreeObject( obj, header );
       case BRUSH_MAGIC:   return BRUSH_DeleteObject( obj, (BRUSHOBJ*)header );
-      case FONT_MAGIC:    return GDI_FreeObject( obj, header );
+      case FONT_MAGIC:    return FONT_DeleteObject( obj, (FONTOBJ*)header );
       case PALETTE_MAGIC: return PALETTE_DeleteObject(obj,(PALETTEOBJ*)header);
       case BITMAP_MAGIC:  return BITMAP_DeleteObject( obj, (BITMAPOBJ*)header);
       case REGION_MAGIC:  return REGION_DeleteObject( obj, (RGNOBJ*)header );
@@ -752,19 +763,15 @@
     HGDIOBJ ret = FALSE;
-    if(dc->gdiFont) {
-        WineEngDecRefFont(dc->gdiFont);
-	dc->gdiFont = 0;
+    if(dc->hFont != hFont || dc->gdiFont == NULL) {
+	if(GetDeviceCaps(dc->hSelf, TEXTCAPS) & TC_VA_ABLE)
+	    dc->gdiFont = WineEngCreateFontInstance(hFont);
-    if(GetDeviceCaps(dc->hSelf, TEXTCAPS) & TC_VA_ABLE)
-        dc->gdiFont = WineEngCreateFontInstance(hFont);
         ret = dc->funcs->pSelectObject(dc, hFont);
     if(ret && dc->gdiFont) {
-        WineEngDecRefFont(dc->gdiFont);
 	dc->gdiFont = 0;

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