4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 From: Michael Ort <mtablescrap@xxxxxxxxx> Dear colleagues, We are writing to announce that the submission window for the special volume of Journal of South American Earth Sciences in honor of the career and scientific legacy of Beatriz Coira is now open. The details on the procedure to submit manuscripts to the JSAES platform are accessible at https://www.sciencedirect.com/special-issue/318710/phanerozoic-magmatism-of-the-central-andes-petrology-volcanism-geotectonic-setting-and-metallogenic-meaning-a-tribute-to-beatriz-coira-s-scientific-legacy <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sciencedirect.com/special-issue/318710/phanerozoic-magmatism-of-the-central-andes-petrology-volcanism-geotectonic-setting-and-metallogenic-meaning-a-tribute-to-beatriz-coira-s-scientific-legacy__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZadHmaaYBGW3c8Xy05fCbTsU_jw0sUw5a0LBM1NYUtVqiqVWmT_AZi2kbPnZmRQDpYuY5KC1IKP46Q9bXk6H9npcgA$> We continue to solicit further contributions to the special issue. Please contact any of the guest editors if you wish to submit a manuscript for the volume and have not yet told us of this. We look forward to your contributions. Pablo Caffe *Special Volume - Journal of South American Earth Sciences* *Phanerozoic magmatism of the Central Andes. **Petrology, volcanism, geotectonic setting and metallogenic meaning: a tribute to Beatriz Coiraâ??s scientific legacy*. *Deadline for reception of manuscripts July 31, 2025.* The work of Dr. Beatriz Coira (Betty) has been a point of reference for the study of Cenozoic and pre-Cenozoic volcanism of the central Andean region. Her career, which started in 1964 with a Mineralogy Assistant position in the Dirección Nacional de GeologÃa y MinerÃa, and followed up as a CONICET Researcher, Full Professor of Petrology, and Head of the Instituto de GeologÃa y MinerÃa (Jujuy National University), has been devoted to the study of different aspects of magmatism: geological mapping, volcanic stratigraphy, petrography, petrology and geochemistry of various types of igneous rocks, as well as hydrothermal alteration and ore deposit genesis in northwestern Argentina, especially in the Puna, and regions nearby. She was able to reconstruct the complex petrogenesis of these magmatic systems, the modeling of eruption mechanics and the broad geodynamic context in which they occurred. Additionally, she explored the role of magmatism in the location and genesis of current and fossil hydrothermal systems as well as in ore deposit formation. During her prolific career, which still continues, Dr. Coira published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers in prestigious national and international journals, as well as contributions in proceedings, reports, bulletins, and geological charts. She taught courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels and supervised dozens of students with constant dedication and sense of excellency. She was many times awarded for her remarkable work and scientific merit by renowned academic and scientific organizations of Argentina and the world. In this Special Issue of JSAES, we want to honor the scientific legacy and pioneer career of Betty Coira with a collection of new contributions dealing with the central Andean Phanerozoic magmatism. We invite the Earth Sciences community to contribute manuscripts dealing with issues such as field geology, geochemistry, petrology, mineralogy, ore deposit and hydrothermal alteration studies, as well as structural geology and geophysics linked to the magmatism developed in the central Andean region from Cambrian to Recent time. To participate in this special issue, we ask potentially interested contributors to contact by mail any of the Invited Editors (listed below), sending the tentative title of their contribution and a list of possible authors before March 15 2025. The estimated deadline to send the contributions will be July 31 2025. *Guest Editors:* - Pablo J. Caffe, INECOA-UNJu. Argentina. pabcaffe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Jorge Clavero Ribes. Amawta Geoconsultores, Chile. jclavero@xxxxxxxxx - Clara E. Cisterna. UNT. Argentina. claracisterna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Guadalupe Maro. INECOA-UNJu. Argentina. g.maro*@conicet.gov.ar <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://conicet.gov.ar/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZadHmaaYBGW3c8Xy05fCbTsU_jw0sUw5a0LBM1NYUtVqiqVWmT_AZi2kbPnZmRQDpYuY5KC1IKP46Q9bXk6q1ZGi9Q$>* - Michael Ort. Trinity College Dublin. Ireland. mtablescrap@xxxxxxxxx -- Estimados colegas: QuerÃa recordarles que ya está abierta la recepción de artÃculos para el volúmen especial de JSAES en homenaje a la carrera y legado cientÃficos de Beatriz Coira. Los detalles para subir trabajos en la plataforma del Journal figuran en el siguiente link https://www.sciencedirect.com/special-issue/318710/phanerozoic-magmatism-of-the-central-andes-petrology-volcanism-geotectonic-setting-and-metallogenic-meaning-a-tribute-to-beatriz-coira-s-scientific-legacy <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sciencedirect.com/special-issue/318710/phanerozoic-magmatism-of-the-central-andes-petrology-volcanism-geotectonic-setting-and-metallogenic-meaning-a-tribute-to-beatriz-coira-s-scientific-legacy__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZadHmaaYBGW3c8Xy05fCbTsU_jw0sUw5a0LBM1NYUtVqiqVWmT_AZi2kbPnZmRQDpYuY5KC1IKP46Q9bXk6H9npcgA$> Esperamos con ansias sus contribuciones. Atentamente Pablo Caffe *Volumen Especial - Journal of South American Earth Sciences* *Magmatismo fanerozoico de los Andes Centrales. **PetrologÃa, volcanismo, ambiente geotectónico y significado metalogenético: un homenaje al legado cientÃfico de la Dra. Beatriz Coira*. *Fecha lÃmite de recepción de trabajos 31 de Julio de 2025* La Dra. Beatriz Coira (Betty) ha sido por más de 5 décadas una referente indiscutida del estudio del volcanismo cenozoico y pre-cenozoico de la región andina central. Desde sus comienzos en 1964 como Ayudante de MineralogÃa en la Dirección Nacional de GeologÃa y MinerÃa siendo todavÃa estudiante de grado, hasta su consolidación como Investigadora Principal de CONICET, Profesora Titular de PetrologÃa y Directora del Instituto de GeologÃa y MinerÃa de la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, abordó temáticas tan variadas como: cartografÃa geológica de base, estratigrafÃa volcánica, petrografÃa, petrologÃa y geoquÃmica de rocas Ãgneas, alteración hidrotermal y génesis de yacimientos metalÃferos de la Puna y otras zonas de los Andes. La Dra. Coira realizó complejas reconstrucciones de los sistemas magmáticos, desde el estudio de sus mecanismos de erupción hasta la interpretación del contexto geodinámico mayor en el que ocurrieron. Del mismo modo, investigó el rol del magmatismo en la formación de sistemas hidrotermales actuales y fósiles y su relación con recursos mineros y geotermales de la región de los Andes. Durante su prolÃfica carrera, que continúa aún hoy, produjo cientos de contribuciones en revistas cientÃficas especializadas de circulación nacional e internacional, congresos boletines, informes y hojas geológicas. Dictó cursos de posgrado y formó decenas de discÃpulos con excelencia y dedicación constantes. Su remarcable trayectoria le mereció ser galardonada con múltiples premios al mérito cientÃfico otorgados por variadas organizaciones académicas y cientÃficas de renombre, de Argentina y del mundo. Con este volumen especial del JSAES, intentamos honrar el legado geológico y cientÃfico pionero de Betty Coira, con nuevos aportes acerca del estudio del magmatismo fanerozoico de los Andes Centrales. De este modo, invitamos a la comunidad cientÃfica a realizar contribuciones de trabajos que aborden temáticas como la geologÃa de campo, la geoquÃmica, la petrologÃa, la evolución volcanológica, la mineralogÃa, la génesis de yacimientos minerales, la alteración hidrotermal, la tectónica y la geofÃsica vinculadas al magmatismo de la región desde el Cámbrico a la actualidad. Para participar del volumen solicitamos enviar un tÃtulo potencial del trabajo, asà como la lista de posibles autores antes del 15 de marzo de 2025, a los correos de cualquiera de los Editores Invitados. La fecha lÃmite estimada para recepción de trabajos se fija para el 31 de Julio de 2025. *Editores Invitados:* - Pablo J. Caffe, INECOA-UNJu. Argentina. pabcaffe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Jorge Clavero Ribes. Amawta Geoconsultores, Chile. jclavero@xxxxxxxxx - Clara E. Cisterna. UNT. Argentina. claracisterna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Guadalupe Maro. INECOA-UNJu. Argentina. g.maro*@conicet.gov.ar <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://conicet.gov.ar/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZadHmaaYBGW3c8Xy05fCbTsU_jw0sUw5a0LBM1NYUtVqiqVWmT_AZi2kbPnZmRQDpYuY5KC1IKP46Q9bXk6q1ZGi9Q$>* - Michael Ort. Trinity College Dublin. Irlanda. mtablescrap@xxxxxxxxx *Special Volume - Journal of South American Earth Sciences* *Phanerozoic magmatism of the Central Andes. **Petrology, volcanism, geotectonic setting and metallogenic meaning: a tribute to Beatriz Coiraâ??s scientific legacy*. *Deadline for reception of manuscripts July 31, 2025.* The work of Dr. Beatriz Coira (Betty) has been a point of reference for the study of Cenozoic and pre-Cenozoic volcanism of the central Andean region. Her career, which started in 1964 with a Mineralogy Assistant position in the Dirección Nacional de GeologÃa y MinerÃa, and followed up as a CONICET Researcher, Full Professor of Petrology, and Head of the Instituto de GeologÃa y MinerÃa (Jujuy National University), has been devoted to the study of different aspects of magmatism: geological mapping, volcanic stratigraphy, petrography, petrology and geochemistry of various types of igneous rocks, as well as hydrothermal alteration and ore deposit genesis in northwestern Argentina, especially in the Puna, and regions nearby. She was able to reconstruct the complex petrogenesis of these magmatic systems, the modeling of eruption mechanics and the broad geodynamic context in which they occurred. Additionally, she explored the role of magmatism in the location and genesis of current and fossil hydrothermal systems as well as in ore deposit formation. During her prolific career, which still continues, Dr. Coira published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers in prestigious national and international journals, as well as contributions in proceedings, reports, bulletins, and geological charts. She taught courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels and supervised dozens of students with constant dedication and sense of excellency. She was many times awarded for her remarkable work and scientific merit by renowned academic and scientific organizations of Argentina and the world. In this Special Issue of JSAES, we want to honor the scientific legacy and pioneer career of Betty Coira with a collection of new contributions dealing with the central Andean Phanerozoic magmatism. We invite the Earth Sciences community to contribute manuscripts dealing with issues such as field geology, geochemistry, petrology, mineralogy, ore deposit and hydrothermal alteration studies, as well as structural geology and geophysics linked to the magmatism developed in the central Andean region from Cambrian to Recent time. To participate in this special issue, we ask potentially interested contributors to contact by mail any of the Invited Editors (listed below), sending the tentative title of their contribution and a list of possible authors before March 15 2025. The estimated deadline to send the contributions will be July 31 2025. *Guest Editors:* - Pablo J. Caffe, INECOA-UNJu. Argentina. pabcaffe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Jorge Clavero Ribes. Amawta Geoconsultores, Chile. jclavero@xxxxxxxxx - Clara E. Cisterna. UNT. Argentina. claracisterna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Guadalupe Maro. INECOA-UNJu. Argentina. g.maro*@conicet.gov.ar <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://conicet.gov.ar/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZadHmaaYBGW3c8Xy05fCbTsU_jw0sUw5a0LBM1NYUtVqiqVWmT_AZi2kbPnZmRQDpYuY5KC1IKP46Q9bXk6q1ZGi9Q$>* - Michael Ort. Trinity College Dublin. Irlanda. mtablescrap@xxxxxxxxx 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 ------------------------------