9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9 From: "Earth Science Women's Network Events" <events@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Dear volcano-list community, The Earth Science Women's Network will be hosting the next installment of the Careers Beyond Academia Webinar Series on December 4th 2024! Career pathways can take many forms and for the most part, never end up being linear. These sentiments are echoed through this article: Reimagining STEM Workforce Development as a Braided River <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://eos.org/opinions/reimagining-stem-workforce-development-as-a-braided-river__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!a2xnf98sRhlAhpibKTDCUK6x6yOy8UwVPh6eQ4wXrMm8XAtbYjoe5Cirr0JFa3HXLV8naBX74hwQnU1oiMjVrDPaHw$>. We will host three speakers who have all had non-linear features in their career pathways thus far. They will share their career experiences and reflections with us.This webinar is free and will be held virtually using Zoom. At our event, we will be joined by Jacqueline Campbell (Asterisk Labs, UK), Helen Swagerty (River Research, USA) and Ana Cristina Vásquez (ULACIT, Costa Rica and ExploreTerra) Details about event speakers can be found on our social media channels and website <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://eswnonline.org/careers-beyond-academia-non-linear-career-pathways-part-2-stories/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!a2xnf98sRhlAhpibKTDCUK6x6yOy8UwVPh6eQ4wXrMm8XAtbYjoe5Cirr0JFa3HXLV8naBX74hwQnU1oiMjt0Y_-tQ$>. There will also be an opportunity to network with our speakers after the panel discussion. *Recording: *All parts of the events (except the breakout rooms) will be recorded. Links will be made available to participants after the events. *You can register for the event here: *https://forms.gle/u4qhJX12ca5K6GWT <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/u4qhJX12ca5K6GWT6__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!a2xnf98sRhlAhpibKTDCUK6x6yOy8UwVPh6eQ4wXrMm8XAtbYjoe5Cirr0JFa3HXLV8naBX74hwQnU1oiMgNJ1TIDg$> *Questions?* Email us on events [at] eswnonline [dot] org We look forward to e-seeing you at our upcoming event! The Earth Science Women's Network Careers Beyond Academia Webinar Series Organisers and Earth Science Women's Network Professional Development and Networking Committee 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9 ------------------------------