5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 From: Sylvain Charbonnier <sylvain@xxxxxxx> *Online graduate course offering about â??Modeling Volcanic Processes using the VICTOR platformâ?? in Spring 2025* Hello Volcanophiles, Please consider joining us remotely to participate in the second edition of the online graduate class about â??Modeling Volcanic Processes using the VICTOR platformâ?? that will be taught by the VICTOR development team in Spring 2025. Here is the course overview below and a link to the VICTOR website here: *VICTOR (columbia.edu) <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://victor.ldeo.columbia.edu/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!eeMXbPJrBt_i6jSa6HuqV5qvQwZcSVbGjxrfuBfhfyRzTj8C2X5zDWh6otwVVE_LKczgylXL-zoRTTVm13i7OYyJlQ$>* *COURSE OVERVIEW* Our goal is to provide an introduction to the VICTOR platform for using and developing computational tools in volcano science. This graduate class is built on new teaching concepts based on active engagement in problem-based scenarios, interdisciplinary focus and community goals met through collective efforts, and learning as communicating and doing. The course first introduces basic and fundamental concepts of computational modeling of volcanic processes (in a geophysical, geochemical and natural hazard perspective) through a combination of interactive lectures and hands-on sessions involving the use of tools developed by the volcano community and computational resources available on the VICTOR cyberinfrastructure. It then focuses on the development of individual research projects where students will define a problem they are interested in, review its physical, mathematical, and computational aspects, choose a solution approach, and develop of a plan for implementing the solution. While driven by the diversity of volcanic processes, this course explores concepts not just of volcanology, geophysics, geochemistry and natural hazards, but of numerical modeling, statistics, quantitative approaches and data visualization. The second part of the course is entirely devoted to individual modeling research projects. By choosing a model to work with, integrating data and theories into this model and gathering/comparing model outputs versus data observation, the main goal for the student is to estimate the appropriateness of the model for the particular volcanic process investigated. *If you are interested in participating, please fill out the registration form at:* *https://forms.gle/JFx1UGpVCi2rWaLE6 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/JFx1UGpVCi2rWaLE6__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!eeMXbPJrBt_i6jSa6HuqV5qvQwZcSVbGjxrfuBfhfyRzTj8C2X5zDWh6otwVVE_LKczgylXL-zoRTTVm13jKt4PqyA$>* *Hope you will be able to join us!* Best, The VICTOR development team 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 ------------------------------