Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 July 2024

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From: "Marlow, JoAnna" <MarlowJ@xxxxxx>

Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report

10-16 July 2024

Sally Sennert - Weekly Report Editor (*kuhns@xxxxxx <kuhns@xxxxxx>*)

Zac Hastings - contributor (*zhastings@xxxxxxxx <zhastings@xxxxxxxx>*)

JoAnna Marlow - contributor (*jmarlow@xxxxxxxx <jmarlow@xxxxxxxx>*)

URL: *

New Activity/Unrest: Etna, Sicily (Italy)  | Ijen, Eastern Java  |
Karymsky, Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)  | Matthew Island, New Caledonia
(France)  | Stromboli, Aeolian Islands (Italy)  | Whakaari/White Island,
North Island (New Zealand)

Ongoing Activity: Aira, Kyushu (Japan)  | Ebeko, Paramushir Island
(Russia)  | Fuego, South-Central Guatemala  | Great Sitkin, Andreanof
Islands (USA)  | Ibu, Halmahera  | Kanlaon, Philippines  | Lewotobi, Flores
Island  | Lewotolok, Lembata Island  | Marapi, Central Sumatra  | Merapi,
Central Java  | Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia  | Popocatepetl, Mexico  |
Sabancaya, Peru  | Santa Maria, Southwestern Guatemala  | Semeru, Eastern
Java  | Sheveluch, Central Kamchatka (Russia)  | Taal, Luzon (Philippines)
| Tungurahua, Ecuador  | Villarrica, Central Chile

The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report is a cooperative project between the
Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program and the US Geological Survey's
Volcano Hazards Program. Updated by 2300 UTC every Wednesday, these reports
are preliminary and subject to change as events are studied in more detail.
This is not a comprehensive list of all of Earth's volcanoes erupting
during the week, but rather a summary of activity at volcanoes that meet
criteria discussed in detail in the "Criteria and Disclaimers" section.
Carefully reviewed, detailed reports about recent activity are published in
issues of the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network.

Note that many news agencies do not archive the articles they post on the
Internet, and therefore the links to some sources may not be active. To
obtain information about the cited articles that are no longer available on
the Internet contact the source.

New Activity/Unrest

Etna  | Sicily (Italy)  | 37.748°N, 14.999°E  | Summit elev. 3357 m

Sezione di Catania - Osservatorio Etneo (INGV) reported that an eruption at
Etna continued during 8-14 July. The eruption was characterized by a
gradual increase of Strombolian activity within the Voragine Crater on 10
July, and ash emissions on 11 July. The Toulouse VAAC issued advisories for
an ash emission that rose about 1 km above the summit (12,000 ft a.s.l.)
and drifted S. After a few days of decreased activity, explosions gradually
increased in the NE Crater (NEC) and Voragine on 14 July, generating ash
emissions that quickly dispersed above the craters; light ash emissions
continued afterwards from both craters. The amplitude of volcanic tremor
rapidly fluctuated between medium and high levels. Signal locations shifted
from an area just E of the Voragine crater to the SE Crater area on 12
July, and then shifted again to the NEC area on 14 July.

Geologic Summary. Mount Etna, towering above Catania on the island of
Sicily, has one of the world's longest documented records of volcanism,
dating back to 1500 BCE. Historical lava flows of basaltic composition
cover much of the surface of this massive volcano, whose edifice is the
highest and most voluminous in Italy. The Mongibello stratovolcano,
truncated by several small calderas, was constructed during the late
Pleistocene and Holocene over an older shield volcano. The most prominent
morphological feature of Etna is the Valle del Bove, a 5 x 10 km caldera
open to the east. Two styles of eruptive activity typically occur,
sometimes simultaneously. Persistent explosive eruptions, sometimes with
minor lava emissions, take place from one or more summit craters. Flank
vents, typically with higher effusion rates, are less frequently active and
originate from fissures that open progressively downward from near the
summit (usually accompanied by Strombolian eruptions at the upper end).
Cinder cones are commonly constructed over the vents of lower-flank lava
flows. Lava flows extend to the foot of the volcano on all sides and have
reached the sea over a broad area on the SE flank.

Sources: Sezione di Catania - Osservatorio Etneo (INGV) *

Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) *

Ijen  | Eastern Java  | 8.058°S, 114.242°E  | Summit elev. 2769 m

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) raised the Alert
Level at Ijen from 1 to 2 (on a scale of 1-4) at 2200 on 12 July (local
time). The recommended exclusion zone radius was expanded from 500 to 1,500
m away from the crater due to a notable increase in seismic energy, as well
as an increase in continuous tremor amplitudes. Realtime seismic amplitude
measurement (RSAM) analysis has shown that seismic energy has slowly
increased since 1 January 2023. However, a significant increase in energy
was observed from 1700 through 2100 on 12 July, along with an increase in
continuous tremor amplitudes starting at 2110. From 1 June through 12 July
there was a decreasing trend in the number of both shallow volcanic
earthquakes (Type B/vulkanik dangkal) and deep volcanic earthquakes (Type
A/vulkanik dalam), while the number of other types of earthquakes
fluctuated normally. On 30 June the surface temperature of the crater lake
water was 34°C, which falls within the normal range. Weak to moderate
fumarolic activity was observed, characterized by dense white emissions.
The color of the water appeared turquoise green, as usual, with no visible
gas bubbles on the surface of the lake. The smell of sulfur gas was
moderately strong, and sulfur spherules were observed at the edge of the
crater lake. White emissions were observed rising 50-100 m above the summit
on 10, 12-13, and 16 July, and 50-200 m on 14 July. Emission observations
were not reported on 11 or 15 July. Seismicity during 10-16 July included
daily gas emission events and continuous tremor, volcanic earthquakes
during 13-16 July, and a volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquake on 16 July. PVMBG
reminded the public to stay vigilant of the potential for poisonous gases
emanating from the crater lake.

Geologic Summary. The Ijen volcano complex at the eastern end of Java
consists of a group of small stratovolcanoes constructed within the
20-km-wide Ijen (Kendeng) caldera. The north caldera wall forms a prominent
arcuate ridge, but elsewhere the rim was buried by post-caldera volcanoes,
including Gunung Merapi, which forms the high point of the complex.
Immediately west of the Gunung Merapi stratovolcano is the historically
active Kawah Ijen crater, which contains a nearly 1-km-wide,
turquoise-colored, acid lake. Kawah Ijen is the site of a labor-intensive
mining operation in which baskets of sulfur are hand-carried from the
crater floor. Many other post-caldera cones and craters are located within
the caldera or along its rim. The largest concentration of cones forms an
E-W zone across the southern side of the caldera. Coffee plantations cover
much of the caldera floor; nearby waterfalls and hot springs are tourist

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known
as CVGHM) *

Karymsky  | Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)  | 54.049°N, 159.443°E  | Summit
elev. 1513 m

The Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) reported that
moderate explosive activity continued at Karymsky during 4-11 July.
Satellite data analyzed by KVERT showed that explosions on 5-7 and 10 July
generated ash plumes that rose about 2.5 km above the summit (to 4 km
a.s.l.) and drifted as far as 80 km NE and E. Additionally, a thermal
anomaly was observed over the volcano during 5-7 and 10 July; weather
clouds prevented observations in satellite images on the other days. The
Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the third level on a four-color
scale). Dates are reported in UTC; specific events are in local time where

Geologic Summary. Karymsky, the most active volcano of Kamchatka's eastern
volcanic zone, is a symmetrical stratovolcano constructed within a
5-km-wide caldera that formed during the early Holocene. The caldera cuts
the south side of the Pleistocene Dvor volcano and is located outside the
north margin of the large mid-Pleistocene Polovinka caldera, which contains
the smaller Akademia Nauk and Odnoboky calderas. Most seismicity preceding
Karymsky eruptions originated beneath Akademia Nauk caldera, located
immediately south. The caldera enclosing Karymsky formed about 7600-7700
radiocarbon years ago; construction of the stratovolcano began about 2000
years later. The latest eruptive period began about 500 years ago,
following a 2300-year quiescence. Much of the cone is mantled by lava flows
less than 200 years old. Historical eruptions have been vulcanian or
vulcanian-strombolian with moderate explosive activity and occasional lava
flows from the summit crater.

Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)

Matthew Island  | New Caledonia (France)  | 22.33°S, 171.32°E  | Summit
elev. 177 m

Pilots reported small low-level eruptions at Matthew Island, about 440 km E
of the southern end of New Caledonia, at 0409 and 2150 on 16 July (UTC).
However, ash was not visible in satellite data for either event.

Geologic Summary. Matthew Island is composed of two low
andesitic-to-dacitic cones separated by a narrow isthmus. The Matthew name
originates from an English mariner who sighted the island in 1788. Only the
triangular eastern portion of the 0.6 x 1.2 km island was present prior to
the 1940s, when construction of the larger western segment began; it
consists primarily of lava flows. The western cone contains a crater that
is breached to the NW and is filled by a lava flow whose terminus forms the
NW coast.

Source: Wellington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)

Stromboli  | Aeolian Islands (Italy)  | 38.789°N, 15.213°E  | Summit elev.
924 m

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) reported that
eruptive activity continued at Stromboli during 8-14 July. Lava flows that
started on 4 July from two eruptive vents, located at approximately 485 and
510 m a.s.l. along the Sciara del Fuoco, had ended by 12 July.

Starting at around 1208 on 11 July (UTC), a series of explosive events over
about 8 minutes generated pyroclastic flows that rapidly descended to the
shoreline and continued into and across the surface of the sea. The first
explosion took place in Area C-S, releasing moderately hot ash. Another
explosion from Area N then created an eruption column that reached
approximately 5 km above sea level and dispersed towards the WSW. Almost
simultaneously, a pyroclastic flow descended along the Sciara del Fuoco and
reached the coastline in about 23 seconds, traveling at a speed of
approximately 58 m/s. The sequence concluded with a series of secondary
pyroclastic flows between 1210 and 1215. Both effusive and explosive
activities ceased within hours after these events, except for a single
final explosion at 0828 on 12 July that triggered a small landslide from
the exterior of the N crater.

Thermal anomalies with high-level thermal flux values (greater than 100 MW)
were identified in satellite images during both the effusive and explosive
activity. The thermal flux values slightly increased at 1157 on 11 July,
about 11 minutes before the explosion sequence, and then dropped at 1352
(SEVIRI sensor onboard the Meteosat Second Generation satellite).
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile maintained the Alert Level at Red (the
highest level on a four-level scale).

Geologic Summary. Spectacular incandescent nighttime explosions at
Stromboli have long attracted visitors to the "Lighthouse of the
Mediterranean" in the NE Aeolian Islands. This volcano has lent its name to
the frequent mild explosive activity that has characterized its eruptions
throughout much of historical time. The small island is the emergent summit
of a volcano that grew in two main eruptive cycles, the last of which
formed the western portion of the island. The Neostromboli eruptive period
took place between about 13,000 and 5,000 years ago. The active summit
vents are located at the head of the Sciara del Fuoco, a prominent scarp
that formed about 5,000 years ago due to a series of slope failures which
extends to below sea level. The modern volcano has been constructed within
this scarp, which funnels pyroclastic ejecta and lava flows to the NW.
Essentially continuous mild Strombolian explosions, sometimes accompanied
by lava flows, have been recorded for more than a millennium.

Sources: Sezione di Catania - Osservatorio Etneo (INGV) *

Dipartimento della Protezione Civile *

Whakaari/White Island  | North Island (New Zealand)  | 37.52°S, 177.18°E  |
Summit elev. 294 m

GeoNet reported moderate emissions of steam, gas, and minor ash at
Whakaari/White Island during 10-12 July. The continuous, moderate emissions
rose from an enlarged vent on the crater floor where the crater lake has
almost disappeared. The intermittent observations of ash were thought to
originate from the walls of the vent eroded by vigorous degassing, and do
not represent new eruptive activity; no ash was detected in the plume
outside of the crater. The Volcanic Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale
of 0-5) and the Aviation Color Code remained at Yellow (the second level on
a four-color scale).

Geologic Summary. The uninhabited Whakaari/White Island is the 2 x 2.4 km
emergent summit of a 16 x 18 km submarine volcano in the Bay of Plenty
about 50 km offshore of North Island. The island consists of two
overlapping andesitic-to-dacitic stratovolcanoes. The SE side of the crater
is open at sea level, with the recent activity centered about 1 km from the
shore close to the rear crater wall. Volckner Rocks, sea stacks that are
remnants of a lava dome, lie 5 km NW. Descriptions of volcanism since 1826
have included intermittent moderate phreatic, phreatomagmatic, and
Strombolian eruptions; activity there also forms a prominent part of Maori
legends. The formation of many new vents during the 19th and 20th centuries
caused rapid changes in crater floor topography. Collapse of the crater
wall in 1914 produced a debris avalanche that buried buildings and workers
at a sulfur-mining project. Explosive activity in December 2019 took place
while tourists were present, resulting in many fatalities. The official
government name Whakaari/White Island is a combination of the full Maori
name of Te Puia o Whakaari ("The Dramatic Volcano") and White Island
(referencing the constant steam plume) given by Captain James Cook in 1769.

Source: GeoNet *

Ongoing Activity

Aira  | Kyushu (Japan)  | 31.5772°N, 130.6589°E  | Summit elev. 1117 m

Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported ongoing eruptive activity at
Minamidake Crater (Aira Calderaâ??s Sakurajima volcano) during 8-15 July.
Nighttime crater incandescence was visible. An explosion at 2123 on 10 July
produced an ash plume that rose 2.3 km above the crater rim and drifted E,
and also ejected large blocks up to 1.1 km from the vent. An explosion at
1819 on 14 July produced an ash plume that rose 4.5 km above the crater rim
and drifted NE, with large blocks ejected up to 1.4 km from the vent. The
Alert Level remained at 3 (on a 5-level scale), and the public was warned
to stay 1 km away from both craters.

Geologic Summary. The Aira caldera in the northern half of Kagoshima Bay
contains the post-caldera Sakurajima volcano, one of Japan's most active.
Eruption of the voluminous Ito pyroclastic flow accompanied formation of
the 17 x 23 km caldera about 22,000 years ago. The smaller Wakamiko caldera
was formed during the early Holocene in the NE corner of the caldera, along
with several post-caldera cones. The construction of Sakurajima began about
13,000 years ago on the southern rim and built an island that was joined to
the Osumi Peninsula during the major explosive and effusive eruption of
1914. Activity at the Kitadake summit cone ended about 4,850 years ago,
after which eruptions took place at Minamidake. Frequent eruptions since
the 8th century have deposited ash on the city of Kagoshima, located across
Kagoshima Bay only 8 km from the summit. The largest recorded eruption took
place during 1471-76.

Source: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) *

Ebeko  | Paramushir Island (Russia)  | 50.686°N, 156.014°E  | Summit elev.
1103 m

The Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) reported that
moderate explosive activity was ongoing at Ebeko during 4-11 July. Webcam
images showed explosions on 5 and 7 July that generated ash plumes that
rose about 1.9 km above the summit (to 3 km a.s.l.); satellite data
confirmed the ash plume drifted as far as 30 km NE. A thermal anomaly was
observed over the volcano during 5-7 July in satellite images analyzed by
KVERT; weather clouds prevented views on the other days. The Aviation Color
Code remained at Orange (the third level on a four-color scale). Dates are
reported in UTC; specific events are in local time where noted.

Geologic Summary. The flat-topped summit of the central cone of Ebeko
volcano, one of the most active in the Kuril Islands, occupies the northern
end of Paramushir Island. Three summit craters located along a SSW-NNE line
form Ebeko volcano proper, at the northern end of a complex of five
volcanic cones. Blocky lava flows extend west from Ebeko and SE from the
neighboring Nezametnyi cone. The eastern part of the southern crater
contains strong solfataras and a large boiling spring. The central crater
is filled by a lake about 20 m deep whose shores are lined with steaming
solfataras; the northern crater lies across a narrow, low barrier from the
central crater and contains a small, cold crescentic lake. Historical
activity, recorded since the late-18th century, has been restricted to
small-to-moderate explosive eruptions from the summit craters. Intense
fumarolic activity occurs in the summit craters, on the outer flanks of the
cone, and in lateral explosion craters.

Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)

Fuego  | South-Central Guatemala  | 14.473°N, 90.88°W  | Summit elev. 3763 m

Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia e Hidrología
(INSIVUMEH) reported that eruptive activity continued at Fuego during 10-16
July. Daily explosions were recorded by the seismic network, ranging from
2-11 explosions per hour. The explosions generated gas-and-ash plumes that
rose as high as 1.1 km above the crater rim and drifted as far as 30 km in
multiple directions. The explosions produced block avalanches that
descended various drainages including the Ceniza (SSW), Seca (W), Taniluyá
(SW), Trinidad (SSW), and Las Lajas (SE), and Honda (E), and often reached
vegetated areas. Weak rumbling sounds and shock waves were reported on most
days. Ashfall was reported on 10, 12, 14, and 16 July in areas downwind
including Panimaché I and II (8 km SW) Finca Paloverde (10 km SW), El
Porvenir (10 km S), Santa Sofia (12 km SW), Sangre de Cristo (10 km SW),
Morelia (10 km SW), Los Yucales (12 km SW), Yepocápa (8 km NW), and other
nearby communities. Ashfall was forecast for areas downwind on some of the
other days. The explosions also ejected incandescent material up to 100 m
above the summit during 10-11 and 13-16 July. On 12 July lahars descended
the Las Lajas, Seca, and Mineral drainages, carrying tree branches, trunks,
and blocks as large as 1.5 m in diameter.

Geologic Summary. Volcán Fuego, one of Central America's most active
volcanoes, is also one of three large stratovolcanoes overlooking
Guatemala's former capital, Antigua. The scarp of an older edifice, Meseta,
lies between Fuego and Acatenango to the north. Construction of Meseta
dates back to about 230,000 years and continued until the late Pleistocene
or early Holocene. Collapse of Meseta may have produced the massive
Escuintla debris-avalanche deposit, which extends about 50 km onto the
Pacific coastal plain. Growth of the modern Fuego volcano followed,
continuing the southward migration of volcanism that began at the mostly
andesitic Acatenango. Eruptions at Fuego have become more mafic with time,
and most historical activity has produced basaltic rocks. Frequent vigorous
historical eruptions have been recorded since the onset of the Spanish era
in 1524, and have produced major ashfalls, along with occasional
pyroclastic flows and lava flows.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia, e
Hidrologia (INSIVUMEH) *

Great Sitkin  | Andreanof Islands (USA)  | 52.076°N, 176.13°W  | Summit
elev. 1740 m

Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) reported that slow lava effusion in Great
Sitkinâ??s summit crater likely continued during 10-16 July. Seismicity was
low with few daily small earthquakes recorded by the seismic network. Daily
clear webcam views showed minor steaming from the active lava flow, and on
15 July elevated surface temperatures were detected by satellite. The
Volcano Alert Level remained at Watch (the third level on a four-level
scale) and the Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the third color on a
four-color scale).

Geologic Summary. The Great Sitkin volcano forms much of the northern side
of Great Sitkin Island. A younger volcano capped by a small, 0.8 x 1.2 km
ice-filled summit caldera was constructed within a large late-Pleistocene
or early Holocene scarp formed by massive edifice failure that truncated an
older edifice and produced a submarine debris avalanche. Deposits from this
and an even older debris avalanche from a source to the south cover a broad
area of the ocean floor north of the volcano. The summit lies along the
eastern rim of the younger collapse scarp. Deposits from an earlier
caldera-forming eruption of unknown age cover the flanks of the island to a
depth up to 6 m. The small younger caldera was partially filled by lava
domes emplaced in 1945 and 1974, and five small older flank lava domes, two
of which lie on the coastline, were constructed along northwest- and
NNW-trending lines. Hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles occur near the
head of Big Fox Creek, south of the volcano. Eruptions have been recorded
since the late-19th century.

Source: US Geological Survey Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO)

Ibu  | Halmahera  | 1.488°N, 127.63°E  | Summit elev. 1325 m

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) reported continuing
activity at Ibu during 10-16 July. Emissions were observed daily; white and
gray, gray, and sometimes gray-to-black plumes rose as high as 2 km above
the summit. Seismicity included harmonic tremor episodes, frequent gas
emission signals, and 2-52 daily explosion events. The Alert Level remained
at 3 (the second highest level on a four-level scale) and the public was
advised to stay 4 km away from the active crater and 5 km away from the N
crater wall opening.

Geologic Summary. The truncated summit of Gunung Ibu stratovolcano along
the NW coast of Halmahera Island has large nested summit craters. The inner
crater, 1 km wide and 400 m deep, has contained several small crater lakes.
The 1.2-km-wide outer crater is breached on the N, creating a steep-walled
valley. A large cone grew ENE of the summit, and a smaller one to the WSW
has fed a lava flow down the W flank. A group of maars is located below the
N and W flanks. The first observed and recorded eruption was a small
explosion from the summit crater in 1911. Eruptive activity began again in
December 1998, producing a lava dome that eventually covered much of the
floor of the inner summit crater along with ongoing explosive ash emissions.

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known
as CVGHM) *

Kanlaon  | Philippines  | 10.4096°N, 123.13°E  | Summit elev. 2422 m

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) reported that
moderate emissions at Kanlaon rose 100-400 m and drifted in several
directions during 11-16 July. Sulfur dioxide emissions were as high as
2,556 tonnes per day measured on 13 July. There were 2-19 daily volcanic
earthquakes recorded by the seismic network. The Alert Level remained at 2
(on a scale of 0-5) and PHIVOLCS reminded the public to remain outside of
the 4-km-radius Permanent Danger Zone.

Geologic Summary. Kanlaon volcano (also spelled Canlaon) forms the highest
point on the Philippine island of Negros. The massive andesitic
stratovolcano is covered with fissure-controlled pyroclastic cones and
craters, many of which are filled by lakes. The largest debris avalanche
known in the Philippines traveled 33 km SW from Kanlaon. The summit
contains a 2-km-wide, elongated northern caldera with a crater lake and a
smaller but higher active vent, Lugud crater, to the south. Eruptions
recorded since 1866 have typically consisted of phreatic explosions of
small-to-moderate size that produce minor local ashfall.

Source: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)

Lewotobi  | Flores Island  | 8.542°S, 122.775°E  | Summit elev. 1703 m

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) reported that
eruptive activity at Lewotobi Laki-laki continued during 10-16 July.
Emissions rose 50-1,000 m above the summit during each day; emissions were
described as white and gray on 10, 12, and 16 July, and gray on 11 and
13-15 July. Seismicity included frequent gas emission signals, volcanic
earthquakes, rockfall events, low-frequency (LF) earthquakes, and 5-8 daily
explosive events. The Alert Level remained at 3 (the second highest level
on a scale of 1-4) and the public was warned to stay outside of the
exclusion zone, defined as a 3-km radius around both Laki-laki and
Perempuan craters, 4 km to the NNW and SSE of Laki-laki.

Geologic Summary. The Lewotobi edifice in eastern Flores Island is composed
of the two adjacent Lewotobi Laki-laki and Lewotobi Perempuan
stratovolcanoes (the "husband and wife"). Their summits are less than 2 km
apart along a NW-SE line. The conical Laki-laki to the NW has been
frequently active during the 19th and 20th centuries, while the taller and
broader Perempuan has had observed eruptions in 1921 and 1935. Small lava
domes have grown during the 20th century in both of the summit craters,
which are open to the north. A prominent cone, Iliwokar, occurs on the E
flank of Perampuan.

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known
as CVGHM) *

Lewotolok  | Lembata Island  | 8.274°S, 123.508°E  | Summit elev. 1431 m

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) reported continuing
activity at Lewotolok during 10-16 July. White emissions were observed
daily, reaching heights of up to 300 m above the summit. Seismicity
included frequent gas emission signals, non-harmonic tremor, and volcanic
earthquakes. Crater incandescence was observed in webcam images during most
nights. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4) and the public
was warned to stay 2 km away from the vent and 2.5 km away on the S, SE,
and W flanks.

Geologic Summary. The Lewotolok (or Lewotolo) stratovolcano occupies the
eastern end of an elongated peninsula extending north into the Flores Sea,
connected to Lembata (formerly Lomblen) Island by a narrow isthmus. It is
symmetrical when viewed from the north and east. A small cone with a
130-m-wide crater constructed at the SE side of a larger crater forms the
volcano's high point. Many lava flows have reached the coastline. Eruptions
recorded since 1660 have consisted of explosive activity from the summit

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known
as CVGHM) *

Marapi  | Central Sumatra  | 0.38°S, 100.474°E  | Summit elev. 2885 m

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) reported that
eruptive activity at Marapi (on Sumatra) was ongoing during 10-16 July. On
10 July at 1656 a VONA was issued. Gray emissions rose 1,000 m above the
summit and drifted NE. White gas-and-steam plumes rose 100-300 m above the
summit and drifted multiple directions during 11, 13, and 16 July.
Emissions were not observed on the other days. The Alert Level remained at
2 (on a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to stay 3 km away from the
active crater.

Geologic Summary. Gunung Marapi, not to be confused with the better-known
Merapi volcano on Java, is Sumatra's most active volcano. This massive
complex stratovolcano rises 2,000 m above the Bukittinggi Plain in the
Padang Highlands. A broad summit contains multiple partially overlapping
summit craters constructed within the small 1.4-km-wide Bancah caldera. The
summit craters are located along an ENE-WSW line, with volcanism migrating
to the west. More than 50 eruptions, typically consisting of
small-to-moderate explosive activity, have been recorded since the end of
the 18th century; no lava flows outside the summit craters have been
reported in historical time.

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known
as CVGHM) *

Merapi  | Central Java  | 7.54°S, 110.446°E  | Summit elev. 2910 m

Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanaan Geologi (BPPTKG)
reported that the eruption at Merapi (on Java) continued during 5-11 July.
On 7 July white emissions rose 700 m above the summit. The SW lava dome
produced 131 lava avalanches that traveled as far as 2.0 km down the upper
part of the Bebeng drainage on the SW flank and as far as 900 m down the
Boyong drainage on the S flank. One pyroclastic flow descended the SW flank
as far as 1.3 km. Morphological changes to the SW lava dome were due to
continuing effusion and collapses of material. Seismicity increased in
intensity compared to the previous week. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on
a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to stay 3-7 km away from the
summit, based on location.

Geologic Summary. Merapi, one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes, lies in
one of the world's most densely populated areas and dominates the landscape
immediately north of the major city of Yogyakarta. It is the youngest and
southernmost of a volcanic chain extending NNW to Ungaran volcano. Growth
of Old Merapi during the Pleistocene ended with major edifice collapse
perhaps about 2,000 years ago, leaving a large arcuate scarp cutting the
eroded older Batulawang volcano. Subsequent growth of the steep-sided Young
Merapi edifice, its upper part unvegetated due to frequent activity, began
SW of the earlier collapse scarp. Pyroclastic flows and lahars accompanying
growth and collapse of the steep-sided active summit lava dome have
devastated cultivated lands on the western-to-southern flanks and caused
many fatalities.

Source: Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanaan Geologi

Nevado del Ruiz  | Colombia  | 4.892°N, 75.324°W  | Summit elev. 5279 m

Servicio Geológico Colombianoâ??s (SGC) Observatorio Vulcanológico y
Sismológico de Manizales reported that eruptive activity at Nevado del Ruiz
continued during 9-15 July. The number of seismic events associated with
fluid movement decreased in both magnitude and number compared to the
previous week but were variable throughout the week. Through webcams and
visual observations by officials at Parque Nacional Natural de Los Nevados,
several as emissions associated with these events were confirmed.
Seismicity associated with rock fracturing decreased in the number of
events but maintained similar magnitudes compared to the previous week;
these earthquakes at depths of 1-7 km below the summit were primarily
located within 4 km of Arenas Crater and the NE sector. The largest events
were M 1.2 which were detected at 0319 on 13 July (about 1 km NW and 2 km
deep) and 1222 on 14 July (to the N and 4 km deep). Seismic signals
indicating lava-dome activity increased but remained of short duration and
low energy level. Sulfur dioxide emissions were variable, and gas plumes
rose as high as 1.5 km above the crater rim and drifted NW, W, and WSW.
Thermal anomalies on the crater floor were identified in satellite data,
though weather conditions often inhibited views. The Alert Level remained
at Yellow (the second level on a four-level scale), and the public was
warned to stay out of the restricted areas around Arenas Crater.

Geologic Summary. Nevado del Ruiz is a broad, glacier-covered volcano in
central Colombia that covers more than 200 km2. Three major edifices,
composed of andesitic and dacitic lavas and andesitic pyroclastics, have
been constructed since the beginning of the Pleistocene. The modern cone
consists of a broad cluster of lava domes built within the caldera of an
older edifice. The 1-km-wide, 240-m-deep Arenas crater occupies the summit.
The prominent La Olleta pyroclastic cone located on the SW flank may also
have been active in historical time. Steep headwalls of massive landslides
cut the flanks. Melting of its summit icecap during historical eruptions,
which date back to the 16th century, has resulted in devastating lahars,
including one in 1985 that was South America's deadliest eruption.

Source: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC)

Popocatepetl  | Mexico  | 19.023°N, 98.622°W  | Summit elev. 5393 m

Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (CENAPRED) reported that
eruptive activity continued at Popocatépetl during 10-16 July. Daily
activity consisted of 5-22 long-period (LP) events that were accompanied by
emissions of gas, steam, and small quantities of ash. Additionally,
volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes were registered on 11, 12, and 16 July.
The most significant VT earthquake was a M1.9 that occurred at 0905 on 16
July. Continuous gas-and-steam emissions were observed on some mornings;
plumes dispersed towards the WSW and WNW. The Alert Level remained at
Yellow, Phase Two (the middle level on a three-color scale) and the public
was warned to stay at least 12 km away from the crater.

Geologic Summary. Volcán Popocatépetl, whose name is the Aztec word for
smoking mountain, rises 70 km SE of Mexico City to form North America's
2nd-highest volcano. The glacier-clad stratovolcano contains a
steep-walled, 400 x 600 m wide crater. The generally symmetrical volcano is
modified by the sharp-peaked Ventorrillo on the NW, a remnant of an earlier
volcano. At least three previous major cones were destroyed by
gravitational failure during the Pleistocene, producing massive
debris-avalanche deposits covering broad areas to the south. The modern
volcano was constructed south of the late-Pleistocene to Holocene El Fraile
cone. Three major Plinian eruptions, the most recent of which took place
about 800 CE, have occurred since the mid-Holocene, accompanied by
pyroclastic flows and voluminous lahars that swept basins below the
volcano. Frequent historical eruptions, first recorded in Aztec codices,
have occurred since Pre-Columbian time.

Source: Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres (CENAPRED)

Sabancaya  | Peru  | 15.787°S, 71.857°W  | Summit elev. 5960 m

Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) reported that moderate levels of
eruptive activity continued at Sabancaya during 9-14 July. A daily average
of 55 explosions were recorded, ejecting ash-and-gas emissions as high as
2.2 km above the summit. The emissions dispersed as far as 10 km in the E
and SE directions. Seismicity also included a total of 393 earthquakes
associated with magma and gas movement, as well as earthquakes related to
rock-fracturing processes inside or near the volcano. Slight inflation of
the N sector of the volcano complex continued (near Nevado Hualca Hualca,
located approximately 7 km N). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions were
classified as moderate, with an average of 525 tons per day. Additionally,
a combined total of 31 thermal anomalies were detected by both the MIROVA
monitoring system and the NASA FIRMS monitoring system in the area of the
lava dome within the crater (with a maximum value of 25 MW). The Alert
Level remained at Orange (the third level on a four-color scale) and the
public was reminded to stay at least 12 km away from the summit crater in
all directions.

Geologic Summary. Sabancaya, located in the saddle NE of Ampato and SE of
Hualca Hualca volcanoes, is the youngest of these volcanic centers and the
only one to have erupted in historical time. The oldest of the three,
Nevado Hualca Hualca, is of probable late-Pliocene to early Pleistocene
age. The name Sabancaya (meaning "tongue of fire" in the Quechua language)
first appeared in records in 1595 CE, suggesting activity prior to that
date. Holocene activity has consisted of Plinian eruptions followed by
emission of voluminous andesitic and dacitic lava flows, which form an
extensive apron around the volcano on all sides but the south. Records of
observed eruptions date back to 1750 CE.

Source: Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) *

Santa Maria  | Southwestern Guatemala  | 14.757°N, 91.552°W  | Summit elev.
3745 m

Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia e Hidrología
(INSIVUMEH) reported that high-level eruptive activity continued at Santa
Mariaâ??s Santiaguito lava-dome complex during 10-16 July with lava
extrusion, block collapses, and avalanches at the Caliente dome complex.
The continuous effusion of blocky lava produced block avalanches on the
domeâ??s flanks and occasional short-range pyroclastic flows that descended
multiple flanks. During most nights and early mornings incandescence was
visible around Caliente dome and along the upper parts of the lava flow on
the WSW flank. Lava extrusion fed the upper parts of the lava flow, and
block avalanches occasionally traveled over the lava flow. Daily explosions
(a few per hour on most days) generated gas-and-ash plumes that rose
700-900 m above the summit and drifted mainly NW, W, and SW. Ashfall was
reported in San Marcos (8 km SW) and Loma Linda Palajunoj (7 km SW) on 14
July. On 10 July a lahar descended the Tambor river in the SSW sector of
the volcano carrying tree trunks, branches, and volcanic blocks up to 1 m
in diameter. Weather conditions sometimes prevented visual observations.

Geologic Summary. Symmetrical, forest-covered Santa María volcano is part
of a chain of large stratovolcanoes that rise above the Pacific coastal
plain of Guatemala. The sharp-topped, conical profile is cut on the SW
flank by a 1.5-km-wide crater. The oval-shaped crater extends from just
below the summit to the lower flank, and was formed during a catastrophic
eruption in 1902. The renowned Plinian eruption of 1902 that devastated
much of SW Guatemala followed a long repose period after construction of
the large basaltic-andesite stratovolcano. The massive dacitic Santiaguito
lava-dome complex has been growing at the base of the 1902 crater since
1922. Compound dome growth at Santiaguito has occurred episodically from
four vents, with activity progressing E towards the most recent, Caliente.
Dome growth has been accompanied by almost continuous minor explosions,
with periodic lava extrusion, larger explosions, pyroclastic flows, and

Source: Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia, e
Hidrologia (INSIVUMEH) *

Semeru  | Eastern Java  | 8.108°S, 112.922°E  | Summit elev. 3657 m

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) reported that
eruptive activity decreased at Semeru during 10-16 July. Daily eruptive
events, sometimes several per day, were recorded by the seismic network
though plumes were not always visually confirmed; plumes rose as high as
800 m above the summit and drifted primarily SW and W. On 15 July the Alert
Level decreased from 3 to 2 (on a scale of 1-4). The public was warned to
stay at least 3 km away from the summit in all directions, 8 km from the
summit to the SE, 500 m from the banks of the Kobokan drainage as far as 13
km from the summit, and to avoid other drainages including the Bang,
Kembar, and Sat, due to lahar, avalanche, and pyroclastic flow hazards.

Geologic Summary. Semeru, the highest volcano on Java, and one of its most
active, lies at the southern end of a volcanic massif extending north to
the Tengger caldera. The steep-sided volcano, also referred to as Mahameru
(Great Mountain), rises above coastal plains to the south. Gunung Semeru
was constructed south of the overlapping Ajek-ajek and Jambangan calderas.
A line of lake-filled maars was constructed along a N-S trend cutting
through the summit, and cinder cones and lava domes occupy the eastern and
NE flanks. Summit topography is complicated by the shifting of craters from
NW to SE. Frequent 19th and 20th century eruptions were dominated by
small-to-moderate explosions from the summit crater, with occasional lava
flows and larger explosive eruptions accompanied by pyroclastic flows that
have reached the lower flanks of the volcano.

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known
as CVGHM) *

Sheveluch  | Central Kamchatka (Russia)  | 56.653°N, 161.36°E  | Summit
elev. 3283 m

The Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) reported that
eruptive activity at Sheveluch continued during 4-11 July. Vigorous
degassing activity accompanied the effusive eruption in the crater of Young
Sheveluch, as well as the growth of the "300 years of RAS" lava dome on the
SW flank of Old Sheveluch. Thermal anomalies were observed in both areas on
5-8 and 11 July in satellite images analyzed by KVERT. The Aviation Color
Code remained at Orange (the third level on a four-color scale). Dates are
reported in UTC; specific events are in local time where noted.

Geologic Summary. The high, isolated massif of Sheveluch volcano (also
spelled Shiveluch) rises above the lowlands NNE of the Kliuchevskaya
volcano group. The 1,300 km3 andesitic volcano is one of Kamchatka's
largest and most active volcanic structures, with at least 60 large
eruptions during the Holocene. The summit of roughly 65,000-year-old Stary
Shiveluch is truncated by a broad 9-km-wide late-Pleistocene caldera
breached to the south. Many lava domes occur on its outer flanks. The
Molodoy Shiveluch lava dome complex was constructed during the Holocene
within the large open caldera; Holocene lava dome extrusion also took place
on the flanks of Stary Shiveluch. Widespread tephra layers from these
eruptions have provided valuable time markers for dating volcanic events in
Kamchatka. Frequent collapses of dome complexes, most recently in 1964,
have produced debris avalanches whose deposits cover much of the floor of
the breached caldera.

Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)

Taal  | Luzon (Philippines)  | 14.0106°N, 120.9975°E  | Summit elev. 311 m

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) reported that
daily moderately dense to dense emissions rose as high as 2.4 km above the
rim of Taalâ??s Main Crater and drifted several directions. Sulfur dioxide
emissions peaked at 11,745 tonnes per day (t/d) on 11 July, but by 15 July
were back below the 2024 average of 7,895 t/d at 5,236 t/d. A phreatic
event on 13 July lasted one minute based on seismic and infrasound data,
and generated emissions that rose 1.5 km above Main Crater and drifted SW.
The Alert Level remained at 1 (on a scale of 0-5), and PHIVOLCS reminded
the public that the entire Taal Volcano Island was a Permanent Danger Zone
(PDZ) and to take extra precaution around Main Crater and along the Daang
Kastila fissure.

Geologic Summary. Taal is one of the most active volcanoes in the
Philippines and has produced some powerful eruptions. The 15 x 20 km
Talisay (Taal) caldera is largely filled by Lake Taal, whose 267 km2
surface lies only 3 m above sea level. The maximum depth of the lake is 160
m, with several submerged eruptive centers. The 5-km-wide Volcano Island in
north-central Lake Taal is the location of all observed eruptions. The
island is composed of coalescing small stratovolcanoes, tuff rings, and
scoria cones. Powerful pyroclastic flows and surges have caused many

Source: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)

Tungurahua  | Ecuador  | 1.467°S, 78.442°W  | Summit elev. 5023 m

Instituto Geofísico-Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN) reported that
seismic stations installed at Tungurahua recorded high-frequency signals
that may be associated with the descent of lahars through the volcano's
ravines, particularly given that rain was confirmed in the area. IG-EPN
advised people to stay away from channels, streams, and rivers near the

Geologic Summary. Tungurahua, a steep-sided andesitic-dacitic stratovolcano
that towers more than 3 km above its northern base, is one of Ecuador's
most active volcanoes. Three major edifices have been sequentially
constructed since the mid-Pleistocene over a basement of metamorphic rocks.
Tungurahua II was built within the past 14,000 years following the collapse
of the initial edifice. Tungurahua II collapsed about 3,000 years ago and
produced a large debris-avalanche deposit to the west. The modern
glacier-capped stratovolcano (Tungurahua III) was constructed within the
landslide scarp. Historical eruptions have all originated from the summit
crater, accompanied by strong explosions and sometimes by pyroclastic flows
and lava flows that reached populated areas at the volcano's base. Prior to
a long-term eruption beginning in 1999 that caused the temporary evacuation
of the city of Baños at the foot of the volcano, the last major eruption
had occurred from 1916 to 1918, although minor activity continued until

Source: Instituto Geofísico-Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN)

Villarrica  | Central Chile  | 39.42°S, 71.93°W  | Summit elev. 2847 m

Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN) reported that an
energetic explosion, more significant than the usual Strombolian events at
Villarrica, ejected ballistics up to 500 m above the crater rim and as far
as 1,400 m along the WNW flank (near the head of Correntoso valley) at 2104
on 10 July. The explosion also generated a column of ash and gas that
reached over 600 m above the crater rim and was accompanied by a
long-period (LP) earthquake. Following the explosion, the seismic energy
levels remained low. However, infrasound observations suggest recurrent
lava lake activity, with temporal variations in the level of activity. The
volcano is currently exhibiting a heightened level of activity that exceeds
its usual baseline. This includes signs of energetic instability that
surpass the typical Strombolian activity usually recorded, with no
precursory activity. The hazard zone radius was expanded from 500 to 2,000
m from the center of the crater as of 1130 on 12 July.

Geologic Summary. The glacier-covered Villarrica stratovolcano, in the
northern Lakes District of central Chile, is ~15 km south of the city of
Pucon. A 2-km-wide caldera that formed about 3,500 years ago is located at
the base of the presently active, dominantly basaltic to basaltic-andesite
cone at the NW margin of a 6-km-wide Pleistocene caldera. More than 30
scoria cones and fissure vents are present on the flanks. Plinian eruptions
and pyroclastic flows that have extended up to 20 km from the volcano were
produced during the Holocene. Lava flows up to 18 km long have issued from
summit and flank vents. Eruptions documented since 1558 CE have consisted
largely of mild-to-moderate explosive activity with occasional lava
effusion. Glaciers cover 40 km2 of the volcano, and lahars have damaged
towns on its flanks.

Sources: Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN)

Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR) *



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