2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: ILGE TNA-NOA Management <management.ilge@xxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues, We would like to inform you that the deadline for the ILGE (Integrated Laboratories for Geosciences and Environment Transnational (TNA) and National Open Access (NOA) call has been extended to 07 March 2024. No further extensions will be provided. About the ILGE TNA/NOA Program The ILGE network <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ilge.ct.ingv.it/accessCalls_tna_offer.php__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!d9UABMTUxt3OZVfZsvo-gyZsnMKG-i0w6P8rSmjWNGGUlbBGNk9WeCZHZ76Mlaz9fxaxv_4KbbeGl7QKe_bf103U4A$> is part of the larger MEET <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://meet.ingv.it__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!d9UABMTUxt3OZVfZsvo-gyZsnMKG-i0w6P8rSmjWNGGUlbBGNk9WeCZHZ76Mlaz9fxaxv_4KbbeGl7QKe_bzMGh3qA$> (Monitoring Earth's Evolution and Tectonics) project, supported by the European Union PNRR Next Generation Europe program and the Italian Ministero per lâ??Università e la Ricerca. The ILGE TNA/NOA program offers a unique opportunity for students, researchers, and professors in the field of geosciences. It provides funding and access to cutting-edge Italian laboratory facilities, allowing both in-person and remote access. The program covers the costs of physical access activities or remote services. Key Dates: - New Application Deadline: 07.03.2024 - Access Period: 08.04.2024 to 30.09.2024 Where to Apply: Applications can be submitted here <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ilge.ct.ingv.it__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!d9UABMTUxt3OZVfZsvo-gyZsnMKG-i0w6P8rSmjWNGGUlbBGNk9WeCZHZ76Mlaz9fxaxv_4KbbeGl7QKe_aG5ibffg$>. For detailed information on the application process and eligibility criteria, please review the ILGE TNA/NOA guidelines <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ilge.ct.ingv.it/documents/ILGE_TNA_guidelines.pdf__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!d9UABMTUxt3OZVfZsvo-gyZsnMKG-i0w6P8rSmjWNGGUlbBGNk9WeCZHZ76Mlaz9fxaxv_4KbbeGl7QKe_Z15w41Qg$> and the FAQ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ilge.ct.ingv.it/accessCalls_faq.html__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!d9UABMTUxt3OZVfZsvo-gyZsnMKG-i0w6P8rSmjWNGGUlbBGNk9WeCZHZ76Mlaz9fxaxv_4KbbeGl7QKe_ZKP-SSCQ$> page. For any inquiries or assistance, please contact us at management.ilge@xxxxxxx. Feel free to share this updated opportunity with your network, colleagues, and peers who may benefit from the ILGE TNA/NOA initiative. We look forward to receiving innovative proposals and supporting groundbreaking geoscience research. Best regards, The ILGE TNA/NOA Management Team Piergiorgio Scarlato, Francesca Funiciello, Alessio Pontesilli, Silvia Brizzi 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------