1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 From: "Kavanagh, Janine" <janinek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Dear volcanophiles You are warmly invited to the Annual European Rheology Conference 2024 (AERC24: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rheology-esr.org/aerc-2024/welcome/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!bBJlTa19GBpWN8x4nzKv1Q8oQCa3MbjnmnIdAfhfRbcw0kjKE4oxIc63Ht7H-fxxP784LRt_76T5A0hC$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rheology-esr.org/aerc-2024/welcome/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!adg3YNUIxkthosYB2_2_zeFMZOSf3nw14B57O5i4r64gN_l8A9DdY2UBBWVOV7PaeB7zlnQerYkWejIUeqhRt0vvvA$>) which aims to cover all areas of current rheological research. The conference will take place at the University of Leeds, UK from 9th-12th April 2024. This conference is a great opportunity for scientists that are interested in the rheology of multiphase materials to cross disciplines and interact with the wider rheology community. Traditionally, this community is strongly centred around fundamental mathematics and physics focussing on fluid dynamics as well as the application of such rheological studies in engineering applications. We aim to widen this traditional remit to include geoscience related rheology, hopefully fostering cross-fertilisation and future cross-disciplinary collaborations. We therefore encourage you to come to this conference and contribute to our symposium on â??Geo-rheologyâ?? as well as join the other symposia such as suspensions and granular materials and non-Newtonian Fluids Mechanics and flow instabilities. Our Geo-rheology symposium welcomes contributions from a wide range of disciplines, which include, but are not limited to, glaciology, seismology, gravity and magnetic studies, geodynamics, and tectonics. We invite you to read the symposium description below for more details and pass on this invitation to others you think may be interested in submitting an abstract. The deadline for abstract submission is *15th December 2023*. For more details, please see: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rheology-esr.org/aerc-2024/abstract-submission/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!bBJlTa19GBpWN8x4nzKv1Q8oQCa3MbjnmnIdAfhfRbcw0kjKE4oxIc63Ht7H-fxxP784LRt_74-Qst3M$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rheology-esr.org/aerc-2024/abstract-submission/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!adg3YNUIxkthosYB2_2_zeFMZOSf3nw14B57O5i4r64gN_l8A9DdY2UBBWVOV7PaeB7zlnQerYkWejIUeqix2cGshA$> For those interested, there is also a short course, taking place from 8th-9th April, on â??Computational rheology using rheoToolâ?? to be presented by Célio Fernandes and Manuel Alves. Conference registration costs have been held to a minimum to encourage research students to join. We look forward to seeing you at AERC2024 in Leeds next year! Janine Kavanagh, Sandra Piazolo and Ed Llewellin (the Geo-rheology session organisers) ******* *Geo-rheology Symposium Description * The rheology of geo-materials is diverse and fundamental to understanding a wide range of geological and geophysical phenomena, ranging from flow of ice in glaciers, magmas and avalanches, to the strength of the Earthâ??s magnetic field, convection of the Earthâ??s mantle, mountain-building and the generation of earthquakes. These geoscience processes involve flow of material including polycrystalline solids, multiphase suspensions of crystals and/or bubbles in a liquid or granular media involving particles suspended in water or air. Modelling these flows and applying the results to explain the geophysical and geological observations is particularly important for hazard assessment. The challenge is exacerbated as the important length and times scales span several orders of magnitude (nanometres to thousands of kilometres, and milliseconds to hundreds of millions of years). This session will focus on the recent advances in our understanding of the rheology of geo-materials. We encourage contributions from experimentalists, numerical modellers, field geologists, geographers and planetary scientists. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ------------------------------