4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 From: Daniel Juncu <D.Juncu@xxxxxxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues, The Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tectonics (COMET) invites you to join our next webinar: *Dr. Matthew Watson* (University of Bristol) will be presenting a talk entitled: *The fatal eruption of Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala â?? causes, consequences and a brighter future?* The webinar will take place on *Tuesday the 10th of September 2019 at 16:00 BST* (GMT+1). *If you want to attend the webinar please register at * https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qmuiqjtWT5mNJVjG3P9HbQ We encourage you to watch the webinar together if there are multiple viewers at your institution because attendance is limited. 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 ============================================================== Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI). ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - https://www.iavceivolcano.org/ To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxx. To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxx. Please do not send attachments. ============================================================== ------------------------------