AGU 2016. session V031 - The Role of Halogens in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Geochemical Processes: Surface, Crust, and Mantle
From: Dan Harlov <dharlov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>AGU 2016. session V031 - The Role of Halogens in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Geochemical Processes: Surface, Crust, and Mantle
Hi Folks,
Leonya Aranovich ( <chivonara47@xxxxxxxxx>
) and I cordially invite you to participate in a session devoted to the
rather broad topic of the role of halogens in both terrestrial and
extraterrestrial geochemical systems at the 2016 Fall AGU Meeting ( http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2016/ ).
AGU session V031 - The Role of Halogens in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Geochemical Processes: Surface, Crust, and Mantle
Session Description:
worlds on which H2O-bearing fluids are stable tend to show a higher
degree of chemical differentiation. One important component in
H2O-bearing fluids are the halogens; specifically F and Cl and, to a
lesser degree, Br and I. In such fluids, F and Cl are powerful reagents
with respect to solution-enabled mass transport of cations. This
feature has many implications with respect to the reactivity of
halogen-bearing fluids with most mineral species including the
feldspars, Fe-Mg silicates, oxides, sulfides, and orthophosphates.
The goal of this session is to bring together a diverse group of geochemists with long-range interests, knowledge, and experience concerning the role of halogens during various geochemical processes in the crust and mantle of the Earth as well as other terrestrial worlds in the Solar System. Such a session should expand our current understanding regarding how halogens contribute to the geochemical/geophysical evolution and stability of terrestrial worlds overall.
Primary Convener:
Daniel Eric Harlov, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
Leonid Aranovich, IGEM RAS, Geochemistry, Moscow, Russia
encourage your students, postdocs, etc. to contribute to the session.
It is designed to cover the broad areas of geology in which halogens
play a role in the chemical and physical transformation of rocks in the
crust and mantles of terrestrial worlds via both fluids and melts - so
igneous petrologists welcome!
Information on the session can be found on the following web site:
The on-line abstract submission deadline is August 3, 2016, 11:59 pm EDT.
Information on the abstract submission process is available at:
Should any questions arise as to the suitability of the topic for
an abstract to the session, please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Daniel Harlov and Leonya Aranovich
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