Reviewers wanted for NASA Earth Surface and Interior!
From: "Chen, Amy P. (HQ-DK000)[NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION]" <amy.p.chen@xxxxxxxx>Reviewers wanted for NASA Earth Surface and Interior!
Dear Colleagues,
NASA Earth Surface and Interior (ESI)
focus area is seeking reviewers and panelists for proposals solicited
under the Earth Surface and Interior and Space Geodesy Programs. You can
learn more about ESI's scope by visiting http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/focus-areas/surface-and-interior/
Peer review is critical to the NASA
funding process and serving as a reviewer or a panelist is a great
opportunity to gain insights into and impact the ESI program. We invite
our US and international colleagues to fill out
this web-based volunteer reviewer form: http://science.nasa.gov/researchers/volunteer-review-panels/earth-surface-and-interior-and-space-geodesy-programs/.
Women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to serve.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Best regards,
Ben Phillips
Benjamin R. Phillips, Ph.D.
Program Manager, Earth Surface & Interior
Earth Science Division
NASA Headquarters
Mail Code 3V75, 300 E St SW
Washington, DC 20546-0001
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