Yellowstone National Park geologist position is open
From: "Lowenstern, Jacob" <jlwnstrn@xxxxxxxx>Yellowstone National Park geologist position is open
The position is for a Supervisory Geologist, meaning that the person would lead the park's geology program.
position is responsible for management, administration, and technical
aspects and oversight of Yellowstone National Park's Geology Program.
The position is duty stationed at park headquarters in Mammoth, WY and
is within the Yellowstone Center for Resources which is responsible for
science and resource management of the park. A major responsibility of
the program is to implement a monitoring program that will define
baseline conditions for the geothermal resources, detect changes in the
system, and add to understanding of total heat flux from the park. In
addition, the incumbent will collaborate with regional universities,
state and federal agencies, organizations or individuals, to better
understand, monitor, and mitigate the hazards associated with the active
volcano beneath the park and the frequent earthquakes associated with
the unique geology of the region. The Geologist will evaluate geologic
research proposed by outside agencies; assess impacts from park
operations and suggest mitigation measures to protect resources; conduct
geologic research as identified by management as a priority for the
park: and assist park managers with incorporating geologic data into
strategic planning, resource management, and public outreach. The
incumbent will also provide appropriate training to the various
divisions within Yellowstone to assist the park staff in interpretation,
understanding, and protection of geologic resources in the park.
It is a GS-12 position open to U.S. Citizens.
This job is with the National Park Service (not the USGS).
Applicants need a Bachelors of Geology as well as considerable post-graduate courses in geology or other earth science topics.
The links to the announcements and information on the application process can be found at:
Merit Promotion Announcement:
DEU Announcement:
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