MSNoise 1.4 Released !
From: Thomas Lecocq <thomas.lecocq@xxxxxx>MSNoise 1.4 Released !
Hi all,
Just over a year after the last major release (MSNoise 1.3) we are proud to announce the new MSNoise 1.4. It is a major release, with a massive amount of work since the last one: in GitHub numbers , it’s over 125 commits and about 5500 new lines of code and documentation added!
MSNoise 1.4 introduces four major new features : a new ultra-intuitive web-based admin interface, the support for plugins and extensions, the phase weighted stack and the instrument response removal. It also brings the possibility to parallel/thread process the cross-correlation and the MWCS steps. MSNoise is now “tested” automatically on Linux (thanks to TravisCI) & Windows (thanks to Appveyor), for Python versions 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5. Yes, MSNoise is Python 3 compatible !!! See the full Release Notes: http://msnoise.org/doc/releasenotes/msnoise-1.4.html
This version has benefited from outputs/ideas/pull requests/questions from several users/friends:
Carmelo Sammarco
Esteban Chaves
Lion Krisher
Tobias Megies
Clare Donaldson
Aurélien Mordret
Raphaël De Plaen
Lukas E. Preiswerk
all others (don’t be mad :-) )
Thanks to all for using MSNoise, and please, let us know why/how you use it (and please cite it!)!
To date, we found/are aware of 12 publications using MSNoise ! That’s the best validation of our project ever ! See the full list on the MSNoise website.
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