HAZAGORA: request for footage of natural hazards
From: spoppe <Sam.Poppe@xxxxxxxxx>HAZAGORA: request for footage of natural hazards
Dear volcano enthousiasts,
We have recently created an education game called 'Hazagora: will you survive the next disaster? ', aimed at raising awareness about geological hazards and favor discussion about risk mitigation measures. The development and analysis of the game has been laid out in a paper published in NHESS: Mossoux et al. (2016) http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/16/135/2016/nhess-16-135-2016.pdf
In order to develop the visual education material provided with the game, we are looking for video footage to illustrate the following four geological hazards:
- eruption plumes, ash fall and PDCs
- lava flows
- tsunami
- earthquakes
We aim at producing video clips for each hazard illustrating:
1. the process
2. impact on infrastructures/human communities
3. potential implemented risk mitigation measures/monitoring systems
Would you have any footage of a few tens of seconds or more which is free of copyright or for which you can grant us permission to use? Sharing this with us would be very much welcome!
Although video is preferred, very informative colour pictures are as well welcome. Any contribution will be duly acknowledged.
Do you have footage to contribute, or just interested in the game itself? Please contact us via e-mail.
Thank you in advance for helping to make Hazagora a strong contribution to hazard awareness and risk mitigation!
The Hazagorateam: Sophie Mossoux, Sam Poppe, Audray Delcamp, Caroline Michellier and Matthieu Kervyn
Contact: smossoux@xxxxxxxxx or sam.poppe@xxxxxxxxx
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