Release of FALL3D-7.1
From: afolch <arnau.folch@xxxxxx>Release of FALL3D-7.1
Dear colleague,
This is to announce that the software
package FALL3D-7.1 is now freely available under the terms of the GNU
General Public License.
FALL3D (version 7.1) a 3-D time-dependent Eulerian model for the transport and deposition of tephra. The model solves a set of advection-diffusion-sedimentation
(ADS) equations on a structured terrain-following grid using a
second-order Finite Differences (FD) explicit scheme. The
model inputs are meteorological data, topography, vent coordinate,
Eruption Source Parameters (ESP) such as column height, Mass Flow Rate
(MFR), eruption duration, and Total Grain-Size Distribution
(TGSD) which include particle shape and density information. Outputs are
tephra ground load/thickness, airborne ash concentration and
other related variables. The code, written in FORTRAN-90, is available
for Unix/Linux/Mac X Operating Systems (OS) and can be compiled
either as serial or parallel using MPI. A set of pre- and post-process
utility programs and related scripts are also included in the FALL3D-7.1
distribution package.
You can download the code (including user's manual) at: http://datasim.ov.ingv.it/models/fall3d.html
Kind regards,
Arnau Folch
Antonio Costa
Giovanni Macedonio
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