Goldschmidt 2016. Large Igneous Province Events and Metallogeny session
From: Simon Jowitt <simon.jowitt@xxxxxxxxxx>Goldschmidt 2016. Large Igneous Province Events and Metallogeny session
Dear All
for cross posting. We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to
session 9b, which will be held at Goldschmidt 2016 in Yokohama between
the 26th June and 1st July 2016:
Session 9b: Links between Large Igneous Province Events and Metallogeny
Convenors: Simon Jowitt (simon.jowitt@xxxxxxxxxx), Richard Ernst (richard.ernst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx),
Keynote: Reid Keays
Igneous Provinces (LIPs) have been genetically linked with a wide
variety of differing types of mineralisation, including the genesis of
magmatic, hydrothermal and sedimentary deposits. In many cases
carbonatites and kimberlites and their associated ore deposits are also
associated with LIPs. World-class mineralised provinces related to LIPs
include the Noril'sk-Talnakh deposits associated with the Siberian Trap
LIP, the Olympic Dam IOCG deposit with the Gawler Craton LIP, and the
Guinea bauxite deposits with weathering of rocks of the CAMP LIP.
Increasing our understanding of the fundamental links between LIP
magmatism and the post-magmatic processes that affect LIP rocks is vital
to not only ensure success in future mineral exploration but also to
understand the impact of these processes on the wider environment (e.g.
the impact of potentially mineralised LIP-related hydrothermal vent
complexes on the atmosphere), especially given the known links between
LIPs and extinction events. The links between LIP events and metallogeny
represent significant but under-investigated geochemical systems that
are deserving of further research. As such, we invite submissions from
researchers working on any aspect of LIP-related metallogenesis,
including orthomagmatic systems, hydrothermal systems, ore deposits
associated with carbonatites and kimberites, and the weathering of LIP
rocks, as well as from the wider LIP community. The aim of this session
is to further our knowledge of geochemical cycling associated with LIP
events, and how this geochemical cycling has changed throughout the
geological record.
abstract submission is now open and abstracts must be submitted by 26th
February 2016. More information on the abstract submission process is
available here: http://goldschmidt.info/2016/abstracts
feel free to contact either myself or Richard if you have any problems
or questions and we hope to see you at what should be a lively and
insightful session!
Simon and Richard
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