Goldschmidt 2016. Volcano Sessions
From: Tamsin Mather <Tamsin.Mather@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Goldschmidt 2016. Volcano Sessions
Goldschmidt2016 - Yokohama, Japan
26th June - 1st July
As theme coordinators of the Volcanoes and Hazards theme we would like to draw your attention to the following volcano-related sessions at Goldschmidt this year and encourage you to consider submitting an abstract. Individual session conveners will be in touch regarding keynote speakers etc.The abstract deadline is February 26th
A full list of sessions is available to view online at goldschmidt.info/2016/program/programViewThemes
Because of the current relative strength of other currencies against the Yen, accommodation and food costs along with travel fares around Japan will rarely have been cheaper for visiting delegates. In Japan even the budget options provide an exceptional standard of cleanliness and hospitality. This means that we hope to welcome even more of our community to the beautiful waterside city of Yokohama to take part in geochemistry's premier conference in a country where volcanoes are ever present and relevant.
08a: Integrating Geochemistry, Geophysical Signals and Modelling to Understand Characterize and Mitigate Volcanic Hazards
Takeshi OHBA, Salvatore Inguaggiato, Cheng-Horng Lin
08b: Understanding of Magma Reservoir Processes
Takeshi Kuritani, Georg F. Zellmer, Silvio Mollo, Piergiorgio Scarlato
08c: Establishing and Understanding Links between Seismicity and Gas Chemistry in Tectonically and Volcanically Active Regions
David Hilton, Guodong Zheng, Zhengfu Guo, Yuji Sano
08d: Linking Magma Ascent Processes to Volcanic Phenomena, Eruption Dynamics and Eruptive Deposits
Atsushi Toramaru, Antonio Costa, Francesco Vetere, Harald Behrens
08e: Crystallization Histories and Degassing: From Melt Inclusions to Plumbing Systems
Chiara Maria Petrone, Fidel Costa, Marie Edmonds, Madeleine Humphreys, Julia Hammer
08f: Magmatic Volatiles: Sources, Fluxes and Sinks
Hiroshi Shinohara, Alessandro Aiuppa, Yuri Taran, Jacob Lowenstern, Pierre Delmelle
Related sessions in other themes:
06e: Integrated Fault Zone Investigations – Constraining Timing and Thermal Histories of Deformation Zones
Prof. Takahiro Tagami, Horst Zwingmann
07b: Geochemical Recycling in Subduction Zones: What Goes in, What Comes Out, and What Happens in between
Thomas Pettke, Skora, Susanne, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Sarah Penniston-Dorland, Matthias Konrad-Schmolke
07g: Subduction Zone Volcanism and its Effects on Climate, Atmosphere, Environment and Vice Versa
Steffen Kutterolf, Tamsin Mather, Anja Schmidt, Toshiya Mori
09d: Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids: Geothermal Systems, Mineral Deposits, Water-Rock Interactions and Alteration
Jeffrey W. Hedenquist, Minoru Kusakabe, Agnes Reyes, Kirsten Rempel, Weihua Liu, Vincent van Hinsberg, Katy Evans
10h: Geothermal of the Future: Geochemistry in Supercritical Conditions and New Techniques to Reveal Old Fluid Histories
Isabelle Chambefort, Noriyoshi Tsuchiya, Greg Bignall, Dana Thomas, Jill McDermott, Esther Schwarzenbach
18f: Glasses and Melts: From Volcanos to Laboratory
Daniel R. Neuville, Roberto Moretti
Best wishes
Mitch, Georg and Tamsin
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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