EarthScope Town Hall at the Fall AGU Meeting
Mark your calendars for the EarthScope Town Hall at the Fall 2015 AGU meeting! The Town Hall meeting will be held Thursday December 17, 2015 in the Moscone Center West room 2006 from 12:30 – 13:30. We encourage researchers from a broad set of geoscience disciplines to attend the Town Hall. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the EarthScope program and to meet and talk with others about integrative science opportunities and upcoming Synthesis workshops. Don’t miss out!
“EarthScope enables exploration of the structure and evolution of the North American continent using a wide range of data. The EarthScope program now includes a specific Synthesis track. The program encourages submission of proposals that facilitate integration and synthesis of major outcomes of EarthScope research and education and outreach. The National Office will be supporting a series of Synthesis workshops, on topics to be chosen based on community proposals. This town hall is aimed at researchers interested in integrative science. We will update EarthScope science and facilities; discuss the plans and procedures for the upcoming Synthesis workshops; and solicit feedback.”
If you are interested in more information and updates regarding the EarthScope program, send an email to uaf-earthscope@xxxxxxxxxx to be added to the listserv and to receive the Insights quarterly newsletter.
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