Open positions in Department of Geology & Environmental Earth Science at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
From: Dave Kuentz <kuentzdc@xxxxxxxxxxx>Open positions in Department of Geology & Environmental Earth Science at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
Dear colleagues,
The Department of Geology
and Environmental Earth Science at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) is
soliciting applications for three positions including a Lecturer Faculty
position in Geoscience, a Visiting Instructor/Visiting Assistant
Professor in Hydrogeology, and a Geochemistry Lab Manager.
For more information about these positions please visit http://miamioh.edu/cas/academics/departments/geology/about/faculty-staff/open-positions/index.html
addition, I wanted to let potential candidates know that we will have a
graduate recruiting booth at GSA in Baltimore, so anyone who would like
more information about any of the three positions would be welcome to
stop by our booth during the GSA meeting.
Thanks and best regards,
-E. Widom
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