Radiogenic Isotope Geologist, University of Alabama
From: Genareau, Kimberly <kdg@xxxxxx>Radiogenic Isotope Geologist, University of Alabama
University of Alabama, Radiogenic Isotope Geologist
The Department of Geological Sciences invites applications for a
tenure-track faculty position to be filled at the Assistant Professor
level beginning August 2016. Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. degree
in geosciences or related discipline at the time of
appointment. We seek a candidate whose research focuses on development
of radiogenic isotope techniques for geochronology and/or development of
non-traditional isotope techniques, particularly using transition
metals. The successful candidate will be expected
to: (i) build on existing isotope geochemical facilities to develop
state-of the-art laboratories; (ii) institute a vigorous externally
funded research program; (iii) develop and teach courses in introductory
geology and at the undergraduate and graduate levels
in their field of expertise; and (iv) supervise student research
projects at the master and doctoral levels.
The Department has a wide variety of analytical equipment, including a fully operational VG Sector 54 TIMS (UA RadIs lab – http://radis.as.ua.edu),
electron beam instruments,
XRD, XRF, ICP, ICP-MS, and an advanced stable isotope laboratory with
two CF-IRMSs. Information about the Department is available on our web
site at http://geo.ua.edu. Applications, which must be submitted electronically
at https://facultyjobs.ua.edu, will be reviewed beginning January 15, 2016
and will be accepted until the position is filled. Candidates must
provide a research statement, teaching statement, and Curriculum
Vitae with contact information for at least three referees. For
inquiries regarding the position, contact Dr. Harold Stowell, Chair of
RIG Search Committee (hstowell@xxxxxxxxxx). The University of Alabama
is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer and actively seeks diversity in its employees.
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