Volcanism and Active Geology of the island of Hawai'i (Field-based course through the University of Alaska Fairbanks)
From: Jeff Freymueller <jfreymueller@xxxxxxxxxx>Volcanism and Active Geology of the island of Hawai'i (Field-based course through the University of Alaska Fairbanks)
This coming January we will once again offer the field-based
Wintermester course "Volcanism and Active Geology of the island of
Hawai’i”, offered through the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Students
will need to arrive in Hawaii on January 3rd, and will be able to fly
home on January 12th. Details of the course and plenty of photos of the
field sites and students are on the course web page:
do ask for a short application process for students who are interested,
and you’ll need instructor approval to be able to sign up (registration
for Wintermester opens Nov. 16 for students who are not at UAF). More
details are on the website.
Most of our students have found it to be a great learning experience and a lot of fun!
Dr. Jeffrey T. Freymueller Office: 907-474-7286
Geophysical Institute Cell: 907-378-7556
University of Alaska, Fairbanks Home: 907-479-3550
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320 email: jfreymueller@xxxxxxxxxxDownload Alaska GPS data: ftp://gps.alaska.edu/pub/gpsdata/
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