VolatileCalc and rhyolite chemistry database
From: "Lowenstern, Jacob" <jlwnstrn@xxxxxxxx>VolatileCalc and rhyolite chemistry database
I wanted to communicate two pieces of information:
if you use VolatileCalc and you've had any trouble using it with the
latest versions of Excel (which again run Visual Basic), please try
VolatileCalc_2.0, available for download at:
Thanks to to Matt Steele-MacInnis for finding the offending problem in the code.
many/most of you know the name R.L. Smith, a retired USGS volcanologist
who did pioneering work on ash flow tuffs. He also collected
crystal-poor obsidians around the world, many of which are used on your
microprobes as standards. With Ray Macdonald, he analyzed over 200
rhyolitic glasses for a host of elements, all with the same methods to
insure consistency. The results were published over 20 years ago as a
USGS Professional Paper. Recently, we've entered the data into a
spreadsheet. If you ever want to make a plot of Tb vs. Co (or anything
else) in rhyolites, this will be your go-to dataset.
Jake Lowenstern, USGS
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