PubVolc Digest - July 2013
PubVolc Digest - July 2013
From: "TRUBY J.M." <j.m.truby@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
******** PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, Jul 2013 ********
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Categories (number of entries):
1. Ash, tephra and plumes (3)
2. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement (1)
3. Eruptive history (3)
4. Experimental volcanism (7)
5. Explosive volcanism (3)
6. General or miscellaneous (2)
7. Hydrothermal systems (3)
8. Igneous geochemistry (2)
9. Igneous petrology (2)
10. Intra-plate volcanism (1)
11. Magma migration and fragmentation (1)
12. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies (1)
13. Planetary volcanism (1)
14. Remote sensing of volcanoes (6)
15. Subaqueous volcanism, hydrovolcanism (3)
16. Volcanic gases (4)
17. Volcano monitoring (6)
18. Volcano seismology (7)
19. Volcano tectonics (1)
20. Volcano/climate interactions (1)
21. Volcano/ice interactions (2)
* 1. Ash, tephra and plumes *
Title: A multi-sensor plume height analysis of the 2009
Redoubt eruption
Authors: Ekstrand, A. L., Webley, P. W., Garay, M. J., Dehn,
J., Prakash, A., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
170-184, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8gie1m
Title: Injection, transport, and deposition of tephra
during event 5 at Redoubt Volcano, 23 March, 2009
Authors: Mastin, L. G., Schwaiger, H., Schneider, D. J.,
Wallace, K. L., Schaefer, J., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
201-213, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?l48fd6
Title: Character, mass, distribution, and origin of
tephra-fall deposits from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt
Volcano, Alaska—Highlighting the significance of
particle aggregation
Authors: Wallace, K. L., Schaefer, J. R. and Coombs, M. L.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
145-169, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ms86r7
* 2. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement *
Title: Emplacement of the final lava dome of the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Bull, K. F., Anderson, S. W., Diefenbach, A. K.,
Wessels, R. L. and Henton, S. M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
334-348, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?dkooua
* 3. Eruptive history *
Title: An overview of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano,
Authors: Bull, K. F. and Buurman, H.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
2-15, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?fge88a
Title: Timing and composition of volcanic activity at
Harrat Lunayyir, western Saudi Arabia
Authors: Duncan, R. A. and Al-Amri, A. M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
103-116, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gks5mg
Title: Palaeomagnetism of the Cappadocian Volcanic
Succession, Central Turkey: Major ignimbrite emplacement
during two short (Miocene) episodes and Neogene
tectonics of the Anatolian collage
Authors: Piper, J.D.A., Koçbulut, F., Gürsoy, H.,
Tatar, O., Viereck, L., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
47-67, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?o6xj7u
* 4. Experimental volcanism *
Title: The effect of particle size on the rheology of
liquid-solid mixtures with application to lava flows:
Results from analogue experiments
Authors: Del Gaudio, P., Ventura, G. and Taddeucci, J.
Reference: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Accepted, ,
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2wf9yh
Title: Tracking the permeable porous network during
strain-dependent magmatic flow
Authors: Kendrick, J.E., Lavallee, Y. , Hess, K-U., Heap,
M.J., Gaunt., H.E., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
117-126, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5ym1w8
Title: Reconstructing magma failure and the degassing
network of dome-building eruptions
Authors: Lavallee, Y., Benson, P.M., Heap, M.J., Hess, K-U.,
Flaws, A., et al.
Reference: Geology, 41(4), 515-518, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?87xu1b
Title: The effects of undercooling and deformation rates on
the crystallization kinetics of Stromboli and Etna
Authors: Vona, A. and Romano, C.
Reference: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(2),
491-509, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?9kukav
Title: Kinetics of cooling- and decompression-induced
crystallization in hydrous mafic-intermediate magmas
Authors: Shea, T. and Hammer, J. E.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
127-145, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?br8jbj
Title: Experimental partitioning of halogens and other
trace elements between olivine, pyroxenes, amphibole and
aqueous fluid at 2 GPa and 900-1300 °C
Authors: Fabbrizio, A., Stalder, R., Hametner, K.,
Günther, D. and Marquardt, K.
Reference: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(2),
639-653, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i4j1dd
Title: Oxidation in CSPV experiments involving H2O-bearing
mafic magmas: Quantification and mitigation
Authors: Shea, T. and Hammer, J. E.
Reference: American Mineralogist, 98(7), 1285-1296, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?j137al
* 5. Explosive volcanism *
Title: Shallow vent architecture during hybrid
explosive–effusive activity at Cordón Caulle (Chile,
2011–12): Evidence from direct observations and
pyroclast textures
Authors: Schipper, C. I., Castro, J. M., Tuffen, H., James,
M. R. and How, P.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
25-37, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8x778r
Title: Internal flow variations and diachronous
sedimentation within extensive, sustained, density-
stratified pyroclastic density currents flowing down
gentle slopes, as revealed by the internal architectures
of ignimbrites on Tenerife
Authors: Brown, R. J. and Branney, M. J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 727, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?rbl81v
Title: The 15 March 2007 paroxysm of Stromboli: video-image
analysis, and textural and compositional features of the
erupted deposit
Authors: Andronico, D., Taddeucci, J., Cristaldi, A.,
Miraglia, L., Scarlato, P., et al.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 733, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?zyn1j8
* 6. General or miscellaneous *
Title: Bayesian inversion of data from effusive volcanic
eruptions using physics-based models: Application to
Mount St. Helens 2004–2008
Authors: Anderson, K. and Segall, P.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research, 118(5), 2017-2037,
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?b6gc9b
Title: Observations of volcanic lightning during the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano
Authors: Behnke, S. A., Thomas, R. J., McNutt, S. R.,
Schneider, D. J., Krehbiel, P. R., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
214-234, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?j5hor7
* 7. Hydrothermal systems *
Title: Reconstructing the geological and structural history
of an active geothermal field: A case study from New
Authors: Milicich, S.D., Wilson, C.J.N., Bignall, G., Pezaro,
B. and Bardsley, C.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
7-24, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2wt3ix
Title: A large hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano
(Philippines) revealed by magnetotelluric resistivity
survey: 2D resistivity modeling
Authors: Yamaya, Y., Alanis, P.K.B., Takeuchi, A., Cordon,
J.M., Jr., Mogi, T., et al.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 729, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?dr4ch6
Title: Hydrogeochemical characterization and conceptual
modeling of the Edremit geothermal field (NW Turkey)
Authors: Avsar, Ö., Güleç, N. and
Parlaktuna, M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
68-79, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?faxmly
* 8. Igneous geochemistry *
Title: Melting during late-stage rifting in Afar is hot and
Authors: Ferguson, D. J, Maclennan, J, Bastow, I. D, Pyle, D.
M, Jones, S. M, et al.
Reference: Nature, 499, 70-73, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?n1cy3q
Title: Petrological and geochemical constraints on the
origin of adakites in the Garibaldi Volcanic Complex,
southwestern British Columbia, Canada
Authors: Fillmore, J. and Coulson, I. M.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 730, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?swu7fh
* 9. Igneous petrology *
Title: The pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the
2007–2008 dome-forming eruption of Kelut volcano, East
Java, Indonesia
Authors: Jeffery, A. J., Gertisser, R., Troll, V. R., Jolis,
E. M., Dahren, B., et al.
Reference: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(1),
275 - 308, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5qlyfm
Title: Andesites of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano,
Authors: Coombs, M. L., Sisson, T. W., Bleick, H. A., Henton,
S. M., Nye, C. J., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
349-372, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?pzogo4
* 10. Intra-plate volcanism *
Title: The Newer Volcanics Province of southeastern
Australia: a new classification scheme and distribution
map for eruption centres
Author: Boyce, J.
Reference: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(4),
449-462, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2ja84g
* 11. Magma migration and fragmentation *
Title: Diapiric ascent of silicic magma beneath the
Bolivian Altiplano
Authors: del Potro. R., Díez, M., Blundy, J., Camacho,
A. G. and Gottsmann, J.
Reference: Geophysical Research Letters, 40(10), 2044-2048,
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?3jkpyr
* 12. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies *
Title: Geology of the saucer-shaped sill near Mahad,
western Deccan Traps, India, and its significance to the
Flood Basalt Model
Authors: Duraiswami, R. A. and Shaikh, T. N.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 731, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?18zw3x
* 13. Planetary volcanism *
Title: An assemblage of lava flow features on Mercury
Authors: Byrne, P. K., Klimczak, C., Williams, D. A.,
Hurwitz, D. M., Solomon, S. C., et al.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 118,
1303–1322, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?udyras
* 14. Remote sensing of volcanoes *
Title: Multi-sensor data fusion for remote sensing of
post-eruptive deformation and depositional features at
Redoubt Volcano
Authors: McAlpin, D. and Meyer, F. J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
414-423, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bdol9m
Title: On the lack of InSAR observations of magmatic
deformation at Central American volcanoes
Authors: Ebmeier, S.K., Biggs, J., Mather, T.A. and Amelung, F.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 118,
2571-2585, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i7g6lf
Title: A spaceborne inventory of volcanic activity in
Antarctica and southern oceans, 2000–10
Authors: Patrick, M.R. and Smellie, J.L.
Reference: Antarctic Science, 25(4), 475-500, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?jfcyag
Title: Qualitative comparison of Mount Redoubt 2009
volcanic clouds using the PUFF and WRF-Chem dispersion
models and satellite remote sensing data
Authors: Steensen, T., Stuefer, M., Webley, P., Grell, G. and
Freitas, S.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
235-247, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?m9wd7g
Title: Remote observations of eruptive clouds and surface
thermal activity during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt
Authors: Webley, P.W., Lopez, T.M., Ekstrand, A.L., Dean,
K.G., Rinkleff, P., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
185-200, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?tobcg2
Title: High-resolution satellite and airborne thermal
infrared imaging of precursory unrest and 2009 eruption
at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Wessels, R. L., Vaughan, R. G., Patrick, M. R. and
Coombs, M. L.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
248-269, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uap8x1
* 15. Subaqueous volcanism, hydrovolcanism *
Title: Stratigraphy, sedimentology and eruptive mechanisms
in the tuff cone of El Golfo (Lanzarote, Canary Islands)
Authors: Pedrazzi, D., Marti, J. and Geyer, A.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 740, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bagfox
Title: Chilled margin fragmentation as a trigger for
transition from Strombolian to phreatomagmatic explosive
activity at Cova de Paul Crater, Santo Antao, Cape Verde
Authors: Tarff, R.W. and Day, S.J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 735, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?dp1wpr
Title: Paleogene phreatomagmatic volcanism on the western
main fault of the northern Upper Rhine Graben
(Kisselworth diatreme and Nierstein-Astheim Volcanic
System, Germany)
Authors: Lutz, H., Lorenz, V., Engel, T., Hafner, F. and
Haneke, J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 741, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?sxs58x
* 16. Volcanic gases *
Title: Evaluation of Redoubt Volcano's sulfur dioxide
emissions by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
Authors: Lopez, T., Carn, S., Werner, C., Fee, D., Kelly, P.,
et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
290-307, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8gdtbc
Title: Airborne filter pack measurements of S and Cl in the
plume of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska February–May 2009
Authors: Pfeffer, M. A., Doukas, M. P., Werner, C. A. and
Evans, W. C.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
285-289, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?fl3wgk
Title: Rapid chemical evolution of tropospheric volcanic
emissions from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, based on
observations of ozone and halogen-containing gases
Authors: Kelly, P. J., Kern, C., Roberts, T. J., Lopez, T.,
Werner, C., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
317-333, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?hcgov3
Title: Timescales of magma degassing — Insights from
U-series disequilibria, Mount Cameroon, West Africa
Authors: Turner, M.B., Reagan, M.K., Turner, S.P., Sparks,
R.S.J., Handley, H.K., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
38-46, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uqktv1
* 17. Volcano monitoring *
Title: Photogrammetric monitoring of lava dome growth
during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano
Authors: Diefenbach, A. K., Bull, K. F., Wessels, R. L. and
McGimsey, R. G.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
308-316, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5lg7xw
Title: Applying UV cameras for SO2 detection to distant or
optically thick volcanic plumes
Authors: Kern, C., Werner, C. A., Elias, T., Sutton, A. J.
and Luebcke, P.
Reference: J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 262, 80-89, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?7nox52
Title: Linked frequency and intensity of persistent
volcanic activity at Stromboli (Italy)
Authors: Taddeucci, J, Palladino, D.M. , Sottili, G. ,
Bernini, D., Andronico, D. , et al.
Reference: Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3384-3388, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?c8hq11
Title: Doppler weather radar observations of the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Schneider, D. J. and Hoblitt, R. P.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
133-144, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?sx9k6q
Title: Combining local and remote infrasound recordings
from the 2009 Redoubt Volcano eruption
Authors: Fee, D., McNutt, S. R., Lopez, T. M., Arnoult, K.
M., Szuberla, C. A.L., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
100-114, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uqeg4d
Title: Quantification of magma ascent rate through rockfall
monitoring at the growing/collapsing lava dome of Volcán
de Colima, Mexico
Authors: Mueller, S.B., Varley, N.R., Kueppers, U., Lesage,
P., Reyes Davila, G.A., et al.
Reference: Solid Earth, 4, 201-213, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?w3uq6c
* 18. Volcano seismology *
Title: Origin of spurious single forces in the source
mechanism of volcanic seismicity
Authors: De Barros. L., Lokmer, I. and Bean, C. J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
1-6, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?6omvor
Title: The seismicity of the 2009 Redoubt eruption
Authors: Buurman, H., West, M. E. and Thompson, G.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
16-30, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?7n9m68
Title: Characterization of seismic events during the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Ketner, D. and Power, J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
45-62, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bbxxb1
Title: Local seismic and infrasound observations of the
2009 explosive eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: McNutt, S.R., Thompson, G., West, M.E., Fee, D.,
Stihler, S., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
63-76, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?cq647h
Title: Strongly gliding harmonic tremor during the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano
Authors: Hotovec, A. J., Prejean, S. G., Vidale, J. E. and
Gomberg, J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
89-99, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?mx6ens
Title: Source characterization for an explosion during the
2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano from very-long-period
seismic waves
Authors: Haney, M. M., Chouet, B. A., Dawson, P. B. and
Power, J. A.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
77-88, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?qcb16e
Title: Seismic observations of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska —
1989–2010 and a conceptual model of the Redoubt magmatic
Authors: Power, J.A., Stihler, S.D., Chouet, B.A., Haney,
M.M. and Ketner, D.M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
31-44, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?z2kq4z
* 19. Volcano tectonics *
Title: The effect of changing regional tectonics on an arc
volcano: Methana, Greece
Authors: Pe-Piper, G. and Piper, D. J.W.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
146-163, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gqibv7
* 20. Volcano/climate interactions *
Title: European summer temperature response to annually
dated volcanic eruptions over the past nine centuries
Authors: Esper, J., Schneider, L., Krusic, P. J.,
Luterbacher, J., Buntgen, U., et al.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 736, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?oeavsa
* 21. Volcano/ice interactions *
Title: Volcano–ice interactions precursory to the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Bleick, H. A., Coombs, M. L., Cervelli, P. F., Bull,
K. F. and Wessels, R. L.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
373-388, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?guk7ia
Title: Voluminous ice-rich and water-rich lahars generated
during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Waythomas, C. F., Pierson, T. C., Major, J. J. and
Scott, W. E.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
389-413, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i24kk9
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The PubVolc Team.
******** PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, Jul 2013 ********
View this digest online at: http://www.pubvolc.net/current.php5
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Comments and queries to moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx
Categories (number of entries):
1. Ash, tephra and plumes (3)
2. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement (1)
3. Eruptive history (3)
4. Experimental volcanism (7)
5. Explosive volcanism (3)
6. General or miscellaneous (2)
7. Hydrothermal systems (3)
8. Igneous geochemistry (2)
9. Igneous petrology (2)
10. Intra-plate volcanism (1)
11. Magma migration and fragmentation (1)
12. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies (1)
13. Planetary volcanism (1)
14. Remote sensing of volcanoes (6)
15. Subaqueous volcanism, hydrovolcanism (3)
16. Volcanic gases (4)
17. Volcano monitoring (6)
18. Volcano seismology (7)
19. Volcano tectonics (1)
20. Volcano/climate interactions (1)
21. Volcano/ice interactions (2)
* 1. Ash, tephra and plumes *
Title: A multi-sensor plume height analysis of the 2009
Redoubt eruption
Authors: Ekstrand, A. L., Webley, P. W., Garay, M. J., Dehn,
J., Prakash, A., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
170-184, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8gie1m
Title: Injection, transport, and deposition of tephra
during event 5 at Redoubt Volcano, 23 March, 2009
Authors: Mastin, L. G., Schwaiger, H., Schneider, D. J.,
Wallace, K. L., Schaefer, J., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
201-213, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?l48fd6
Title: Character, mass, distribution, and origin of
tephra-fall deposits from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt
Volcano, Alaska—Highlighting the significance of
particle aggregation
Authors: Wallace, K. L., Schaefer, J. R. and Coombs, M. L.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
145-169, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ms86r7
* 2. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement *
Title: Emplacement of the final lava dome of the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Bull, K. F., Anderson, S. W., Diefenbach, A. K.,
Wessels, R. L. and Henton, S. M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
334-348, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?dkooua
* 3. Eruptive history *
Title: An overview of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano,
Authors: Bull, K. F. and Buurman, H.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
2-15, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?fge88a
Title: Timing and composition of volcanic activity at
Harrat Lunayyir, western Saudi Arabia
Authors: Duncan, R. A. and Al-Amri, A. M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
103-116, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gks5mg
Title: Palaeomagnetism of the Cappadocian Volcanic
Succession, Central Turkey: Major ignimbrite emplacement
during two short (Miocene) episodes and Neogene
tectonics of the Anatolian collage
Authors: Piper, J.D.A., Koçbulut, F., Gürsoy, H.,
Tatar, O., Viereck, L., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
47-67, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?o6xj7u
* 4. Experimental volcanism *
Title: The effect of particle size on the rheology of
liquid-solid mixtures with application to lava flows:
Results from analogue experiments
Authors: Del Gaudio, P., Ventura, G. and Taddeucci, J.
Reference: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Accepted, ,
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2wf9yh
Title: Tracking the permeable porous network during
strain-dependent magmatic flow
Authors: Kendrick, J.E., Lavallee, Y. , Hess, K-U., Heap,
M.J., Gaunt., H.E., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
117-126, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5ym1w8
Title: Reconstructing magma failure and the degassing
network of dome-building eruptions
Authors: Lavallee, Y., Benson, P.M., Heap, M.J., Hess, K-U.,
Flaws, A., et al.
Reference: Geology, 41(4), 515-518, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?87xu1b
Title: The effects of undercooling and deformation rates on
the crystallization kinetics of Stromboli and Etna
Authors: Vona, A. and Romano, C.
Reference: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(2),
491-509, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?9kukav
Title: Kinetics of cooling- and decompression-induced
crystallization in hydrous mafic-intermediate magmas
Authors: Shea, T. and Hammer, J. E.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
127-145, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?br8jbj
Title: Experimental partitioning of halogens and other
trace elements between olivine, pyroxenes, amphibole and
aqueous fluid at 2 GPa and 900-1300 °C
Authors: Fabbrizio, A., Stalder, R., Hametner, K.,
Günther, D. and Marquardt, K.
Reference: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(2),
639-653, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i4j1dd
Title: Oxidation in CSPV experiments involving H2O-bearing
mafic magmas: Quantification and mitigation
Authors: Shea, T. and Hammer, J. E.
Reference: American Mineralogist, 98(7), 1285-1296, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?j137al
* 5. Explosive volcanism *
Title: Shallow vent architecture during hybrid
explosive–effusive activity at Cordón Caulle (Chile,
2011–12): Evidence from direct observations and
pyroclast textures
Authors: Schipper, C. I., Castro, J. M., Tuffen, H., James,
M. R. and How, P.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
25-37, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8x778r
Title: Internal flow variations and diachronous
sedimentation within extensive, sustained, density-
stratified pyroclastic density currents flowing down
gentle slopes, as revealed by the internal architectures
of ignimbrites on Tenerife
Authors: Brown, R. J. and Branney, M. J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 727, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?rbl81v
Title: The 15 March 2007 paroxysm of Stromboli: video-image
analysis, and textural and compositional features of the
erupted deposit
Authors: Andronico, D., Taddeucci, J., Cristaldi, A.,
Miraglia, L., Scarlato, P., et al.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 733, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?zyn1j8
* 6. General or miscellaneous *
Title: Bayesian inversion of data from effusive volcanic
eruptions using physics-based models: Application to
Mount St. Helens 2004–2008
Authors: Anderson, K. and Segall, P.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research, 118(5), 2017-2037,
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?b6gc9b
Title: Observations of volcanic lightning during the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano
Authors: Behnke, S. A., Thomas, R. J., McNutt, S. R.,
Schneider, D. J., Krehbiel, P. R., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
214-234, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?j5hor7
* 7. Hydrothermal systems *
Title: Reconstructing the geological and structural history
of an active geothermal field: A case study from New
Authors: Milicich, S.D., Wilson, C.J.N., Bignall, G., Pezaro,
B. and Bardsley, C.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
7-24, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2wt3ix
Title: A large hydrothermal reservoir beneath Taal Volcano
(Philippines) revealed by magnetotelluric resistivity
survey: 2D resistivity modeling
Authors: Yamaya, Y., Alanis, P.K.B., Takeuchi, A., Cordon,
J.M., Jr., Mogi, T., et al.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 729, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?dr4ch6
Title: Hydrogeochemical characterization and conceptual
modeling of the Edremit geothermal field (NW Turkey)
Authors: Avsar, Ö., Güleç, N. and
Parlaktuna, M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
68-79, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?faxmly
* 8. Igneous geochemistry *
Title: Melting during late-stage rifting in Afar is hot and
Authors: Ferguson, D. J, Maclennan, J, Bastow, I. D, Pyle, D.
M, Jones, S. M, et al.
Reference: Nature, 499, 70-73, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?n1cy3q
Title: Petrological and geochemical constraints on the
origin of adakites in the Garibaldi Volcanic Complex,
southwestern British Columbia, Canada
Authors: Fillmore, J. and Coulson, I. M.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 730, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?swu7fh
* 9. Igneous petrology *
Title: The pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the
2007–2008 dome-forming eruption of Kelut volcano, East
Java, Indonesia
Authors: Jeffery, A. J., Gertisser, R., Troll, V. R., Jolis,
E. M., Dahren, B., et al.
Reference: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(1),
275 - 308, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5qlyfm
Title: Andesites of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano,
Authors: Coombs, M. L., Sisson, T. W., Bleick, H. A., Henton,
S. M., Nye, C. J., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
349-372, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?pzogo4
* 10. Intra-plate volcanism *
Title: The Newer Volcanics Province of southeastern
Australia: a new classification scheme and distribution
map for eruption centres
Author: Boyce, J.
Reference: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(4),
449-462, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2ja84g
* 11. Magma migration and fragmentation *
Title: Diapiric ascent of silicic magma beneath the
Bolivian Altiplano
Authors: del Potro. R., Díez, M., Blundy, J., Camacho,
A. G. and Gottsmann, J.
Reference: Geophysical Research Letters, 40(10), 2044-2048,
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?3jkpyr
* 12. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies *
Title: Geology of the saucer-shaped sill near Mahad,
western Deccan Traps, India, and its significance to the
Flood Basalt Model
Authors: Duraiswami, R. A. and Shaikh, T. N.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 731, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?18zw3x
* 13. Planetary volcanism *
Title: An assemblage of lava flow features on Mercury
Authors: Byrne, P. K., Klimczak, C., Williams, D. A.,
Hurwitz, D. M., Solomon, S. C., et al.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 118,
1303–1322, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?udyras
* 14. Remote sensing of volcanoes *
Title: Multi-sensor data fusion for remote sensing of
post-eruptive deformation and depositional features at
Redoubt Volcano
Authors: McAlpin, D. and Meyer, F. J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
414-423, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bdol9m
Title: On the lack of InSAR observations of magmatic
deformation at Central American volcanoes
Authors: Ebmeier, S.K., Biggs, J., Mather, T.A. and Amelung, F.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 118,
2571-2585, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i7g6lf
Title: A spaceborne inventory of volcanic activity in
Antarctica and southern oceans, 2000–10
Authors: Patrick, M.R. and Smellie, J.L.
Reference: Antarctic Science, 25(4), 475-500, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?jfcyag
Title: Qualitative comparison of Mount Redoubt 2009
volcanic clouds using the PUFF and WRF-Chem dispersion
models and satellite remote sensing data
Authors: Steensen, T., Stuefer, M., Webley, P., Grell, G. and
Freitas, S.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
235-247, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?m9wd7g
Title: Remote observations of eruptive clouds and surface
thermal activity during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt
Authors: Webley, P.W., Lopez, T.M., Ekstrand, A.L., Dean,
K.G., Rinkleff, P., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
185-200, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?tobcg2
Title: High-resolution satellite and airborne thermal
infrared imaging of precursory unrest and 2009 eruption
at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Wessels, R. L., Vaughan, R. G., Patrick, M. R. and
Coombs, M. L.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
248-269, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uap8x1
* 15. Subaqueous volcanism, hydrovolcanism *
Title: Stratigraphy, sedimentology and eruptive mechanisms
in the tuff cone of El Golfo (Lanzarote, Canary Islands)
Authors: Pedrazzi, D., Marti, J. and Geyer, A.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 740, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bagfox
Title: Chilled margin fragmentation as a trigger for
transition from Strombolian to phreatomagmatic explosive
activity at Cova de Paul Crater, Santo Antao, Cape Verde
Authors: Tarff, R.W. and Day, S.J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 735, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?dp1wpr
Title: Paleogene phreatomagmatic volcanism on the western
main fault of the northern Upper Rhine Graben
(Kisselworth diatreme and Nierstein-Astheim Volcanic
System, Germany)
Authors: Lutz, H., Lorenz, V., Engel, T., Hafner, F. and
Haneke, J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 741, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?sxs58x
* 16. Volcanic gases *
Title: Evaluation of Redoubt Volcano's sulfur dioxide
emissions by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
Authors: Lopez, T., Carn, S., Werner, C., Fee, D., Kelly, P.,
et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
290-307, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8gdtbc
Title: Airborne filter pack measurements of S and Cl in the
plume of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska February–May 2009
Authors: Pfeffer, M. A., Doukas, M. P., Werner, C. A. and
Evans, W. C.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
285-289, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?fl3wgk
Title: Rapid chemical evolution of tropospheric volcanic
emissions from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, based on
observations of ozone and halogen-containing gases
Authors: Kelly, P. J., Kern, C., Roberts, T. J., Lopez, T.,
Werner, C., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
317-333, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?hcgov3
Title: Timescales of magma degassing — Insights from
U-series disequilibria, Mount Cameroon, West Africa
Authors: Turner, M.B., Reagan, M.K., Turner, S.P., Sparks,
R.S.J., Handley, H.K., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
38-46, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uqktv1
* 17. Volcano monitoring *
Title: Photogrammetric monitoring of lava dome growth
during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano
Authors: Diefenbach, A. K., Bull, K. F., Wessels, R. L. and
McGimsey, R. G.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
308-316, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5lg7xw
Title: Applying UV cameras for SO2 detection to distant or
optically thick volcanic plumes
Authors: Kern, C., Werner, C. A., Elias, T., Sutton, A. J.
and Luebcke, P.
Reference: J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 262, 80-89, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?7nox52
Title: Linked frequency and intensity of persistent
volcanic activity at Stromboli (Italy)
Authors: Taddeucci, J, Palladino, D.M. , Sottili, G. ,
Bernini, D., Andronico, D. , et al.
Reference: Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3384-3388, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?c8hq11
Title: Doppler weather radar observations of the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Schneider, D. J. and Hoblitt, R. P.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
133-144, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?sx9k6q
Title: Combining local and remote infrasound recordings
from the 2009 Redoubt Volcano eruption
Authors: Fee, D., McNutt, S. R., Lopez, T. M., Arnoult, K.
M., Szuberla, C. A.L., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
100-114, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uqeg4d
Title: Quantification of magma ascent rate through rockfall
monitoring at the growing/collapsing lava dome of Volcán
de Colima, Mexico
Authors: Mueller, S.B., Varley, N.R., Kueppers, U., Lesage,
P., Reyes Davila, G.A., et al.
Reference: Solid Earth, 4, 201-213, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?w3uq6c
* 18. Volcano seismology *
Title: Origin of spurious single forces in the source
mechanism of volcanic seismicity
Authors: De Barros. L., Lokmer, I. and Bean, C. J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262,
1-6, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?6omvor
Title: The seismicity of the 2009 Redoubt eruption
Authors: Buurman, H., West, M. E. and Thompson, G.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
16-30, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?7n9m68
Title: Characterization of seismic events during the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Ketner, D. and Power, J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
45-62, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?bbxxb1
Title: Local seismic and infrasound observations of the
2009 explosive eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: McNutt, S.R., Thompson, G., West, M.E., Fee, D.,
Stihler, S., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
63-76, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?cq647h
Title: Strongly gliding harmonic tremor during the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano
Authors: Hotovec, A. J., Prejean, S. G., Vidale, J. E. and
Gomberg, J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
89-99, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?mx6ens
Title: Source characterization for an explosion during the
2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano from very-long-period
seismic waves
Authors: Haney, M. M., Chouet, B. A., Dawson, P. B. and
Power, J. A.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
77-88, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?qcb16e
Title: Seismic observations of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska —
1989–2010 and a conceptual model of the Redoubt magmatic
Authors: Power, J.A., Stihler, S.D., Chouet, B.A., Haney,
M.M. and Ketner, D.M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
31-44, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?z2kq4z
* 19. Volcano tectonics *
Title: The effect of changing regional tectonics on an arc
volcano: Methana, Greece
Authors: Pe-Piper, G. and Piper, D. J.W.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260,
146-163, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gqibv7
* 20. Volcano/climate interactions *
Title: European summer temperature response to annually
dated volcanic eruptions over the past nine centuries
Authors: Esper, J., Schneider, L., Krusic, P. J.,
Luterbacher, J., Buntgen, U., et al.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(7), Art. No. 736, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?oeavsa
* 21. Volcano/ice interactions *
Title: Volcano–ice interactions precursory to the 2009
eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Bleick, H. A., Coombs, M. L., Cervelli, P. F., Bull,
K. F. and Wessels, R. L.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
373-388, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?guk7ia
Title: Voluminous ice-rich and water-rich lahars generated
during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Authors: Waythomas, C. F., Pierson, T. C., Major, J. J. and
Scott, W. E.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259,
389-413, 2013
View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i24kk9
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