VOLCANO: Postdoc - Eruption Source Parameters - FUTUREVOLC - University of Iceland

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 Postdoc - Eruption Source Parameters - FUTUREVOLC - University of Iceland
From: "Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson" <mtg@xxxxx>

FUTUREVOLC postdoc position - eruption source parameters

Nordic Volcanological Center - Institute of Earth Sciences at University of Iceland

FUTUREVOLC is a 26-partner project funded by FP7 Environment Programme of the European Commission, addressing the topic “Long-term monitoring experiment in geologically active regions of Europe prone to natural hazards: the Supersite concept”. The project started October 1st, 2012 and has duration of three and a half years. The project is led by University of Iceland.  See:  http://www.futurevolc.hi.is

A postdoc position is open within the physical volcanology team in FUTUREVOLC.  The position is at the Nordic Volcanological Center, Institute of Earth Sciences at University of Iceland. The candidate will work within the physical volcanology team at  the Institute of Earth Sciences, in collaboration with  the Icelandic Meteorological Office and other FUTUREVOLC partners, on the development of a multi-parameter automated system on near real time determination of mass eruption rates and volatile fluxes of eruptions in Iceland.  The system will be based on data from a variety of sensors, already in place, currently under development, or being installed around volcanoes in Iceland (weather radars, Infrasound arrays, web-cams, electrical field sensors, lightning detection systems, gas sensors, tephra fallout sensors, etc.).
The position is open for two and a half years.  The expected starting date is the 24th of September, 2013.

The position requires a solid background in geophysics or a related field and is open for persons holding a Ph.D. degree.  Preference is for those with training in earth science, physics or engineering and some experience of computer programming.  An additional asset would be prior experience within  one or more of the following fields:  (1) geophysical volcano monitoring (e.g. radar, remote sensing, infrared, electrical fields or other detection techniques); (2) other aspects of the observation and quantification of volcanic eruptions; (3) modelling of volcanic plumes or other volcanic flows.

Further information on the position is given by Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson (mtg@xxxxx).

Applications should be sent to: starfsumsoknir@xxxxx, with the identification code: HI13070058. Application materials should include: i) A cover letter, where candidates explain their motivation for the post, ii) a curriculum vitae, iii) academic transcripts, and iv) names of two potential referees.

Application deadline is 15 August 2013

Salary for the position of a postdoc will be according to the current collective wage and salary agreement between the relevant union and the Minister of Finance.
Appointments to the University of Iceland do take into account the Equal Rights Project of the University of Iceland.

University of Iceland was established in 1911. The university is structured into 5 academic schools, and 25 faculties. The Institute of Earth Sciences (http://www.earthice.hi.is) is a part of the Science Institute that belongs to the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Researchers at the school cooperate with cutting edge researchers at principal universities around the globe. Faculty and staff at the school is around 200 people. Strong emphasis is on good work conditions and career development.


Magnus T. Gudmundsson, PhD, Professor of Geophysics
Head, Faculty of Earth Sciences
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
Sturlugata 7, 101 Reykjavik
http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~mtg, tel: +354-525-5867


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