VOLCANO: AGU Special Session: OS015: Melt generation, transport, and extraction in the off-axis mid-ocean ridge environment

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AGU Special Session: OS015: Melt generation, transport, and extraction in the off-axis mid-ocean ridge environment
From:  "Frank J. Tepley III" <ftepley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to attend and submit a contribution to the AGU Fall Meeting Special Session: OS015: Melt generation, transport, and extraction in the off-axis mid-ocean ridge environment.

Co-convenors: Patricia Gregg (OSU), Dan Fornari (WHOI), Mike Perfit (U-FL), and Frank Tepley (OSU)
Confirmed invited presenters: Shuoshuo Han (LDEO), Maxim Ballmer (SOEST), David Jousselin (CRPG), and Rachel Walters (U-FL)

Session Description:
Lavas extruded off-axis at mid-ocean ridges in settings such as near-ridge seamounts, flank eruptions, and transform faults provide critical insight into the processes of mantle melt evolution and transport. This session will focus on investigations of off-axis mantle melt generation and migration. Topics include, but are not limited to: the development and evolution of off-axis magma bodies; near-axis and flank volcanism; near-axis seamount formation and evolution; the development of non-hotspot volcanic lineaments; volcanism along oceanic transform faults; insights from ophiolites; geophysical imaging of the off-axis melt region; and geodynamic and petrologic models of mantle melting at MORs.


The abstract submission deadline is August 6. Please submit via the Fall Meeting website, https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/.

Frank J. Tepley III
Associate Professor
Director Electron Microprobe Laboratory
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
104 CEOAS Admin Building
Corvallis, OR 97331-5503
Tel Office (541) 737-8199
Tel Lab (541) 737-3023
Fax (541) 737-2064
Lab: http://eprobe.oce.orst.edu/~ftepley/


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