Correction: Clervolc Post-Doc in muon imagery (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
From: Philippe Labazuy <P.Labazuy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Correction: Clervolc Post-Doc in muon imagery (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Dear all,
We wish to provide a correction to the advertisment for the Clervolc Post-Doc in muon imagery, which was published on Volcano Listserv on 24 June (please, see the announcement below).
Owing to new European administrative constraints:
- Applications are necessarily restricted to citizens of European union countries;
- The deadline for applications is brought forward to the 1 AUGUST;
- The starting date for the post is 1 September, and is unfortunately non-negotiable.
The announcement of 24 June remains valid in all other ways.
We apologise for these changes.
Best regards
Dr. Philippe Labazuy
Clervolc Post-Doc in muon imagery
(Clermont-Ferrand, France)
We are currently looking for a postdoctoral research associate to work on the development of a portable instrument platform for volcano monitoring by muon imagery.
Project title: Development of a portable instrument platform for volcano monitoring by muon tomography
Post description: The candidate will be involved in the technical aspects of the platform construction and in the processing of the data.
Supervising scientists: P. Labazuy (LMV-OPGC) and C. Carloganu (LPC)
Project objectives
The candidate will join the volcanology team of the laboratory "Magmas et Volcans" and will work in close contact with a technical development service (at the "Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand", OPGC), in order to work on the design, development and construction of a mobile instrument platform for the application of muon imagery to the monitoring of active volcanoes. The platform will be portable, energetically autonomous and will allow two-way communication (reception of instructions and transmission of data) between the platform and a laboratory or volcano observatory.
Project context and description
The work will be part of an ongoing project on volcano muon tomography entitled TOMUVOL (TOmographie avec des MUons atmosphériques des VOLcans - http://www.tomuvol.fr). This technique uses atmospheric muons to generate images of the interiors of volcanic edifices, and is being developed jointly by the volcanology and particle physics laboratories.
(i) Definition of a project workplan (gas systems, detectors, operation centre, local conditions, autonomy of energy, communication and data transmission, instrument mobility and portability); (ii) design and construction of the instrument platform prototype; (iii) contribution to the processing and interpretation of the data.
Candidate profile
Strong geophysical background and ability to manage technical aspects and contribute to the processing of the data.
Definition of the job and salary
This Postdoctoral technical engineer post will be awarded for one year, extendable to two years upon submission and favourable evaluation of a first-year report. This project has a large technical component, and there will be less freedom for independent research than in a research fellowship. The stipend will depend on the nature of the work proposed and on the candidate’s prior experience, ranging from 1996 to 2306 euros per month (net, after payment of social charges but prior to income tax).
Application procedure
Interested candidates (from European union countries only) should submit a CV (including publication list), statement of research interests and the names and contact details for at least two references to Philippe Labazuy (P.Labazuy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). For more information, please feel free to send an email to the same address.
This project is funded through Labex Clervolc (ANR/Feder) and will start on 1 September 2013.
Deadline for applications is 1 August 2013.
Contact person
Dr. Philippe Labazuy
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, OPGC (CNRS-IRD-UBP)
Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II
5, rue Kessler, 63038 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex, France
E-mail : P.Labazuy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone : (+33) 473 346 729
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