New Kilauea Artwork
From: "Mangan, Margaret" <mmangan@xxxxxxxx>New Kilauea Artwork
Big Island and San Francisco mixed-media painter Helen Chellin is
working on a collection entitled "100 Views of Kilauea" that may
interest the art enthusiasts amongst us.
Lots of fiery red and cold basalt black on her canvas, but woven into the paint are stories of culture, science, and reverence.
You can view her first 50 paintings in a little paperback source book available at Amazon.com
or just enjoy her website: http://helenchellin.com/section/26454_Fire_Hawaii.html
Margaret T Mangan, PhD
California Volcano Observatory
US Geological Survey MS 910
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, California 94025 US
telephone: 650-329-5738
fax: 650-329-5203
email: mmangan@xxxxxxxx
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